What Is Data Licensing

What is Data Licensing ?

What Is Data Licensing


Data Licensing is the safety of the data by using one or extra I.P. rights. It addresses the way of shipping, facts, security rules, preservation, and manipulation of the facts. The critical negotiated factor is the Licensee’s accredited use of the facts and the Licensor’s possession of the information.


 What is a Data License Agreement?

A statistics license settlement, or DLA, is a contract between an individual or organization and some other birthday party when a person desires to benefit admission to and use some facts. The settlement can encompass clauses about how to share statistics with others no longer involved in the licensing settlement.


Data licensing agreements are normally used by groups who use statistics for their purposes but must be shared with different parties. This arrangement might be helpful if two companies want to enter an identical database for different reasons.


An information license settlement protects the corporation’s touchy statistics and its personnel’s facts. It applies distinct varieties of software programs within certain parameters set by using control; in that manner, they no longer violate any laws and risk fines and consequences for doing so.


Common Sections in Data License Agreements

Below is a list of common sections protected in Data License Agreements. These sections are connected to the under-pattern settlement on the way to discovery.
















THE EXPLORATION COMPANY OF DELAWARE, INC., a Delaware organization (“Licensor”) and EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc., a Delaware organization.



protecting sure oil and gasoline hobbies  within  facts owned by using Licensor and rights to apply the Licensor’s non-proprietary facts to the extent approved



1. LICENSEE RIGHTS: To the quantity and most effective to the quantity Licensor is authorized to do so via the relevant contracts, Licensor at this moment grants to Licensee, concern to the terms of this License, the non-specific under this License, together with any copies thereof, by-product works, reprocessed Seismic Data, analyses and interpretations (from now on, together “DATA”), and Licensee has the same opinion that the DATA shall be maintained as private, will be for its personal inner use handiest and shall now not be disclosed, bought, traded, copied, distributed, transferred, disposed of or in any other case made to be had to every other event, besides affiliates beneath commonplace control or possession with Licensee, and any company acquiring or merging with Licensee. The above duties are difficult to the following exceptions:



a. License may provide the DATA to a representative for the guidance of an evaluation or interpretation for the License, provided such representative is only sometimes allowed to keep a copy of the DATA and concurs in writing to treat the DATA as private.



b. Licensee may additionally show the DATA, however not provide copies thereof, to any 1/3 birthday party or parties with which Licensee proposes to conduct good religion negotiations at hands beneath any vicinity that’s geologically related to the place on which the DATA become taken; supplied that such 1/3 events agree in writing to hold all such DATA in confidence. Such third events shall now not be allowed to paint the DATA independently.



c.supplied to organizations of federal and national governments having jurisdiction to the volume required via applicable law or regulation. Licensee shall use an affordable commercial way to require the private remedy of the DATA disclosed.



2. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Licensee could, under the rights granted herein, furnish that each such copy shall undergo word of the limited use of the Data at the Data or its box.



Three. OWNERSHIP OF DATA: The Licensee agrees that the DATA is a valuable property proper of the Licensor and that the Licensor shall keep to personal the DATA, in addition to any copyright, exchange mystery, or any other highbrow property proper associated with the DATA, and shall have the special right to promote, alternate, mortgage, replica, expose, distribute, switch, or in any other case make to be had the DATA to others, except as supplied.




4. national or nearby transaction tax springing up from this License, together with, however no longer limited to, income tax, use tax, or transfer tax, that is borne with the aid of the Licensor whether collected by way of the taxing authority on the time of delivery and fee hereunder or after that.



5. REPROCESSING: reprocess the Data during the usage of the software program or other generation, and the reprocessed Data could be owned by way of the Licensee, supplied that such reprocessed Data shall be a situation to the equal restrictions regarding confidentiality, use, disclosure and switch because the Data blanketed at this moment, and so marked to indicate such restrictions. Interpretations organized via Licensee using the Data will be the sole assets of the Licensee and will not be a situation to the restrictions as furnished above.


 6. VIEWING OF NON-PROPRIETARY DATA. Licensor shall also provide Licensee with the opportunity to study its non-proprietary records within the vicinity concerning the Purchase and Sale Agreement, regular with and difficulty to, the terms of all applicable agreements.


 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Licensor makes no assurance or representation, express or implied, with recognition of the Licensee hereunder or as to the proper authority of the Licensor to supply OR  THE LICENSOR. LICENSEE AT THIS MOMENT.



8. LICENSEE. THE LICENSEE OF THE DATA, INCLUDING, Any intent brought towards either of the events concerning this LICENSE, will be brought ONLY in a court in Houston, texas.


  Assignability: This License shall now only be assignable using the Licensee with the prior written consent of the Licensor, which shall now not be unreasonably withheld.





a. All notices accredited or required to take delivery of below the phrases of this License powerful upon receipt if despatched by way of publish pay as you go, and addressed to the respective events hereto at their respective cope with.


Or at the such different address as shall be specified by this Notice provision. Notices can also be given via facsimile, e-mail or digital or through a commercial courier/messenger provider and shall be effective upon receipt. Either celebration may additionally trade its deal with for be aware functions at any time upon giving written observe specifying such new deal with and the effective date of such address trade to the opposite party.



TERM. This License shall maintain for 20 years.



IN WITNESS of which, the events have accomplished 




By: ____/s/ XYZ _______


XYZ, President & CEO 





By: ____/s/ XYZ________


 XYZ, President



What are information licences?

It’s terrific to publish – both records and articles – however, releasing information without making the terms of use clean can be perplexing and counterproductive, as it could deter potential customers from using and citing the facts. One of the most effective methods to talk permissions to potential information users is records licences.


A records licence is a legal association between the author of the records and the given up-person, or the area the data could be deposited, specifying what users can do with the statistics. Here are some examples of statistics licences at three great repositories.



Many establishments and public companies have mounted repositories wherein scientists can upload and share their records. Projects funded using the European Union are expected to make generated facts or their metadata to be had to the public and connect a facts licence – for example, through statistics repositories.


The CC licences

The most commonly and extensively used facts licences are the Creative Commons (CC) copyright licences which sincerely describe how records can and can not be reused. The CC licences are irrevocable. This manner that when you receive material below a CC licence, you may continually have the proper to use it under those licence phrases, even if the Licensor adjusts their thoughts and forestalls dispensing under the CC licence phrases. Of path, you can pick out, but once a dataset has been issued a CC licence, it can’t be revoked afterwards.


A scientific dataset that other researchers might build upon or post collectively with a systematic article is normally published below the CC-BY licence.



Do you want to preserve the copyrights or share the entirety? Let’s take a better examine the CC licences.



 Attribution CC BY 

This licence lets o unique introduction. It is the maximum accommodating of licences presented and recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licenced materials.



 Attribution CC BY-SA equal

This licence lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even for commercial functions, as long as they credit you and licence their new creations beneath the phrases. This licence is regularly compared to “copyleft” free and open supply software licences. All new works based on yours will convey the identical licence, so any derivatives may even allow commercial use. It is the licence used by Wikipedia and is recommended for materials that might gain from incorporating content from Wikipedia and licenced initiatives.



 Attribution NoDerivs CC BY-ND

With this licence, we could reuse the paintings commercially for any reason. Scores must be furnished. 



 Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC

With this licence, we could others remix, tweak, and build upon your paintings non-commercially. Even though their new works must be well known to you and be non-business, they mustn’t licence their derivative works on identical phrases.



 Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA

This licence lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your paintings non-commercially as long as they credit score you and licence their new creations under identical phrases.



 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND

This licence is the maximum restrictive of these six important licences, only allowing others to download your works and proportion them with others as long as they credit you. Still, they couldn’t trade them in any way or use them commercially.



Licence Version

 These licences are the maximum up-to-date licences supplied by using CC and are recommended over all earlier versions. You should continually indicate the model number of the licence you’re issuing. You can see how the licences have been improved over time on the Licence Version page.


There are different licences sorts e.G for software and code. See opportunity licences underneath publications.



Data licensing: Taking into consideration records possession and use


In today’s era-rich surroundings, corporations increasingly apprehend the fee of records as an enterprise asset that has to be blanketed and can be exploited thru licensing to third events. Companies and their recommendations, therefore, can stumble upon various agreements that implicate the safety and remedy of information and associated highbrow property (I.P.) rights. When one party is looking to take advantage of an information feed or has evolved a database it wishes to license, statistics issues may be the precise transaction awareness. However, information issues are ancillary attention in other licenses and industrial transactions, particularly era services arrangements.


Approaches to facts licensing

Because records can be covered by one or extra I.P. rights, a 3rd party’s use of statistics requires a license from the statistics owner or a sublicense from a celebration licensed by the owner to provide sublicenses to the facts. While comparable in a few respects to different sorts of I.P. licenses, facts licenses gift several specific licensing troubles regarding, for example:


Data possession and use

The remedy of unique, derived and usage facts

Different reasons are because a celebration, for example, a provider dealer, may additionally:


Receive or accumulate and collect facts from every other celebration; for example, a consumer.

Generate statistics or statistics from the alternative birthday party’s facts on that other celebration’s, or its own, behalf 

 seller is processing and generating facts from facts acquired from the customer about the seller’s provision of services to the purchaser. The events will likely have competing interests. The seller, in this case, may additionally need to:


Analyze and use the purchaser’s facts to offer services to the consumer

If feasible, process and aggregate the purchaser information for industrial exploitation via growing new services and products, using the processed information to decorate its inner operations, products or services, or licensing the information to third events

The client commonly will want to:


Maintain the confidentiality of its information

Prohibit the use of the data other than for its advantage

Obtain admission to, and if viable, possession of, any new records sets as a consequence of the vendor’s processing of the client’s facts.

A statistics license also must deal with the delivery, preservation and management of the information, as well as facts protection regulations, practices and protocols, particularly wherein the records contain private or sensitive monetary, technical or business statistics.


Data possession and use

In any statistics licensing transaction, a key negotiated point is accounting for the Licensor’s ownership and the Licensee’s approved use of the information.


Data Possession

The party licensing out the records, whether it’s miles a dealer or client, must ensure the settlement correctly addresses its possession of or different rights inside the information using:


Obtaining acknowledgements of its rights inside the information from the Licensee

Including inside the settlement an appropriately tailor-made definition of the certified statistics set

Where the Licensor owns the statistics, it must seek a selected acknowledgement from the Licensee that the statistics furnished underneath the agreement are the Licensor’s sole and exceptional assets. In addition, to acquire the maximum scope of protection for its information, the Licensor must look for acknowledgements that:


The Licensor has expended big sources gathering, assembling and compiling the records, and the information is the treasured belonging of the Licensor.

The Licensor reserves the proper to achieve additional costs for using extra records or for different manners of utilization is a unique compilation covered using U.S. Copyright legal guidelines and accommodates and includes the trade secrets and techniques of the Licensor.

An accurately narrow definition of licensed records can be appropriate in a few circumstances. For example, in a statistics feed settlement, the Licensee is not authorized to generate any derived information. It will assist in making sure:


The licensed statistics are constrained in scope.

The Licensor reserves the proper to acquire additional prices for the usage of extra information or different manners of utilization.

However, in a services agreement, the patron might also need to apply a broader definition to seize all statistics the vendor collects or receives directly or indirectly from the purchaser to carry out the services and any associated records as a consequence of offerings completed using or on behalf of the seller for the client. Company’s data ownership in this situation. For instance, the agreement may:


Specify that each one of “Customer Data” (or “Company Content”) is owned by the patron and define consumer records as: “all facts this is owned, certified, leased or evolved by means of or on behalf of corporation, whether provided to vendor with the aid of corporation or furnished via a 3rd birthday party to seller in reference to seller’s provision of services to business enterprise, along with this sort of statistics that is loaded into, or placed in, any facts documents, tables, objects or other storage medium advanced or maintained through or on behalf of supplier, such as related records that effects from hygiene, cleansing, and database build offerings completed via or on behalf of vendor.”

Provide that every by-product record is considered consumer information. It might also cowl, for example, all output, copies, reproductions, enhancements, changes, diversifications and translations.

Designate or allocate ownership of utilization records reflecting any get entry to or use of the services through or on behalf of the consumer or its legal users.

Data use

The data licensor and Licensee must carefully consider prison and enterprise issues concerning information use. The information licensor should consider what rights it can provide consistent with its commercial enterprise model. The Licensor will usually search for restricted use of the information using the Licensee. For instance, wherein statistics are used by a dealer-licensee on behalf of a patron-licensor in services courting, the Licensor generally:


Prohibits the seller from using the purchaser’s records, besides as essential to offer the services or carry out its different contractual responsibilities

Specifies which, if any, uses of the consumer’s records are accepted

Requires that the vendor maintain the confidentiality and security of the patron’s information

Requires the vendor to promise that it’ll now not use or try to use purchaser records in some other manner or for another cause

The records licensee should remember what rights it desires and expects. It needs to ensure that the License is adequately extensive to cope with all predicted uses of the statistics. For example, a provider that receives a license to its consumer’s statistics may want to investigate and use consumer information for the company’s industrial benefit. It additionally may argue that the offerings depend on the issuer’s ancillary use of its patron’s information, as an instance, to aggregate the records to offer statistics trending and evaluation to its consumer and further located individuals.


Where the customer-licensor finds the ancillary use of statistics to be appropriate, it ought to specify inside the settlement:


The scope of consumer facts the vendor might also use

The authorized uses of that records

The Licensee promise no longer to make some other use of the facts