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Emailproleads provides Mobile Database to individuals or organizations for the sole purpose of promoting your business. In Digital Marketing. The mobile number database of Emailproleads helps to reach the highest level of business conversations.

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Now and again, we can see advertisements promoting the company. These ads result in the expansion of the company. It is possible to expand your marketing further using other services for Digital Marketing like Bulk SMS, Voice Calls, WhatsApp Marketing, etc.

Emailproleads checks every mobile number in the database using various strategies and techniques to ensure that buyers receive the most appropriate and relevant customer number and successfully meet their marketing goals and objectives.

This service assists you find your loyal customers keen to purchase your product. If you’d like to see your brand acknowledged by customers, using a database of mobile numbers is among the most effective ways to accomplish this.

What is the meaning of Phone Number Data?

A telephone number is a specific number that telecommunication firms assign to their customers, thus permitting them to communicate via an upgraded method of routing destination codes. Telecom companies give whole numbers within the limits of regional or national telephone numbering plans. With more than five billion users of mobile phones around the world, phone number information is now a gold mine for government and business operations.

What is the method of collecting the phone Number Data collected?

Having the number of current and potential customers and marketing professionals opens up a wealth of opportunities for lead generation and CRM. The presence of customer numbers is an excellent way to boost marketing campaigns as it allows marketers to interact with their target audience via rich multimedia and mobile messaging. Therefore, gathering phone number information is vital to any modern-day marketing strategy. The strategies consumers can use to collect data from phone numbers include:

* Adding contact forms on websites.
* Requests to be made for phone calls from customers.
* Use mobile keyword phrases for promotions to encourage prospective customers to contact you.
* Applying app updates prompts users to change their email details each time they sign in.
* Acquiring phone numbers that are already available information from third-party service companies with the information.

What are the main characteristics of the Phone Number Data?

One of the critical advantages of phone number data is that it is created to reveal the geographic location of mobile users because phone numbers contain particular strings specific to a region or country that show the user’s precise position. This is useful in targeted campaigns, mainly where marketers target a specific area that can target their marketing efforts.

To prevent duplicates and improve accessibility, the phone number information is typically stored in the E164 international format, which defines the essential characteristics of a recorded phone number. The specifications that are followed in this format are the number code for the country (CC) and an NDC, a country code (CC), a national destination code (NDC), and the subscriber number (SN).

What do you think of the phone Number Data used for?

The possibilities that can be made possible by the phone number information are endless. The availability of a phone number database means that companies worldwide can market their products directly to prospective customers without using third-party companies.

Because phone numbers are region – and country-specific and country-specific, data from phone numbers gives marketers a comprehensive view of the scope of marketing campaigns, which helps them decide on the best areas they should focus their time and resources on. Also, governments use the data from mobile numbers to study people’s mobility, geographic subdivisions, urban planning, help with development plans, and security concerns such as KYC.

How can an individual determine the validity of Phone Number Data?

In determining the quality of the phone number information, users should be aware of the fundamental quality aspects of analysis. These are:
Completeness. All info about phone numbers within the database must be correct.
Accuracy. This measure reflects how well the data identifies the individual described within the actual world.
Consistency. This indicates how well the data provider follows the rules to facilitate data retrieval.
Accessibility. The phone number database should be accessible where the data is organized to allow easy navigation and immediate commercial use.

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Where can I purchase Phone Number Data?

The Data Providers and Vendors listed in Datarade provide Phone Number Data products and examples. Most popular products for Phone Number Data and data sets available on our platform include China B2B phone number – Chinese businesses by Octobot, IPQS Phone Number Validation and Reputation through IPQualityScore (IPQS), and B2B Contact Direct Dial/Cell Phone Number Direct Dial and mobile numbers for cold calling Real-time verified contact email and Phone Number by Lead for business.

How do I get my phone Number Data?

You can find phone number data from Emailproleads.

What are data types similar that are similar to Phone Number Data?

Telephone Number Data is comparable with Address Data; Email Address Data, MAID Hashed Email Data, Identification Linkage Data, and Household-Level Identity Data. These categories of data are typically employed to aid in Identity Resolution and Data Onboarding.

Which are your most popular uses for Phone Number Data?

The top uses that involve Phone Number Data are Identity Resolution, Data Onboarding, and Direct Marketing.

Let’s say you’re running a business selling strategy that demands you to connect with the maximum number of people you can. If your job is laid off for you, it can often be challenging to determine what to do. First, you should create your list of prospective customers and then save your call data in an electronic database.

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Though you might believe that working with lists of telephone numbers and storing them in databases is all you need to launch a cold calling campaign, it’s not the case. Since a telephone number database could contain thousands or millions of leads, along with important data points about each potential customer, It is essential to adhere to the best practices for a Database of telephone numbers. Methods to avoid becoming overwhelmed or losing important data.

To build a phone number database that delivers outcomes, you must start on the right starting point. It is possible to do this by purchasing lists of sales leads from a reliable, dependable company like ours. It’s equally important to have the right tools to allow your team to contact the most people possible.

In addition to high-quality telephone marketing lists, we provide advice on the best techniques for targeting databases and dialer software that can make lead generation more efficient and less expensive over time. Our customer service representatives are ready to assist you.

EMEA Telephone Number Database Best Practices

After you’ve established the basis for success by acquiring high-quality lead lists and implementing dialers that can boost how many calls your team receives by up to 400 percent, you’re ready to become familiar with best practices for your industry. By adhering to a list of phones and best database practices, you’ll dramatically improve the odds that your team will succeed in the short and long term.

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Here are the best techniques for telemarketing databases that you should consider a priority to observe.

Get Organized
A well-organized EMEA mobile phone directory includes contacts organized according to phone country, postal, area, city, and province. By narrowing your calls to only one of the criteria, it is possible to incorporate new business information into your list, then sort and retarget top leads.

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Create a strategy to manage your phone lists. Naturally, your organizational plan must be based on the purpose of your cold-calling campaign. Your business’s goals will affect the traits your most promising prospects have. Make a profile of the most appealing candidate based on the plans for your marketing campaign. Make sure you make your leads list to ensure that the candidates who best meet your ideal profile of a prospect are first on your list of leads. List.

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Determine Who Has Access to and edit your database
Your phone number list doesn’t only represent an investment in money but also a resource that your team can use to increase sales. Although your phone number list is essential because you bought it, it’s also advantageous due to the possibility that it can improve your bottom line. In this regard, you should think carefully about who has access to and control your database.

It is generally recommended to restrict the number of users who have access to your database to only those who use it to communicate with potential customers to achieve your campaign’s goals. If an individual is not active with your marketing campaign, then there’s no reason for them to gain access to your telephone number database.

It’s also advisable to restrict access to the database you have created; it’s best to allow editing privileges to people who require them. This generally means that you only give editing rights to agents that will be conducting cold calls. It will be necessary to modify the database to make changes to records and notes that could aid in subsequent calls.

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Create Your Database
Databases are knowledge centers that store information for sales personnel. They are vital to gain knowledge and share it with your sales staff. Even if it’s just to keep call notes, callback databases can help your sales team to achieve maximum value and benefit from lists of telemarketing calls.

As time passes, your phone number list will likely expand and include more contact numbers and information on your customers. When you get recommendations from your current prospects or purchase leads lists, or either, it’s essential to grow the size of your database to include as much data as you can to assist you in achieving your goals for the business in the near and far future and at every step in between.

4. Keep Your Database
Although you want your database to expand with time, you do not want it to contain obsolete or ineffective details. To keep your database from overloading with useless information, it’s essential to maintain it regularly, including removing old records and updating your prospective customers with their contact details.

One of the most effective ways to ensure your database is to ensure that it doesn’t contain numbers listed on the Do Not Call list. If you make a call to an address that is listed on a Do Not List, you could result in your business spending lots of money, perhaps even millions. With the free tools available online, think about scrubbing all your data against the Do Not Call registry at least twice yearly.

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Today, download the mobile phone/cell numbers directory of all cities and states based on the network or operator. The database of mobile numbers is an excellent resource for advertising and bulk SMS, targeting specific regions of people, electoral campaigns, or other campaigns. Before you use these numbers, verify the ” Do Not Disturb” status in conjunction with TRAI. If it is activated, it is not permitted to use these numbers to promote your business.

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It’s the quickest method of building an extensive list of phone numbers for your potential customers. Pay a fixed sum (per list, contact, country, or industry) and get every mobile number you paid for and have in your possession. You can then utilize them several times to reach out to customers to convince them to purchase their products or products. Doesn’t that sound great?

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Although it may seem like the fastest method of building a list of numbers, it’s not the case. There are a lot of risks associated with purchasing mobile marketing lists which won’t generate sales:

They’re not well-targeted. It’s impossible to be sure that every person on the bought phone lists will pay attention to the emails you’ve sent or your company worldwide.

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It will help if you trust someone completely. When you purchase a mobile phone list, you’ll need to be able to trust your seller about how active the numbers are. It’s possible that the majority of the phone numbers you’re buying are not current or relevant.


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The fourth method of calling the lambda function is to ask the application you are using to call it via web service request. A web request will specify the the lambda function, as well as input event information. Your application may invoke a lambda function either synchronously or asynchronously. If your application uses the lambda function in asynchronous manner then the response from the Web service’s HTTP response contains the lambda function’s response to the function lambda. In the other case, if it invokes the lambda function without synchronization the response of the web service indicates whether or not the lambda function was successful. EMEA Phone Number database free

The benefits of lambda functions

Lambda functions are used to deploy services. It offers several advantages:EMEA Phone Number database free

Integrated with a variety of AWS services. It’s very easy to write lambdas which consume the events produced by AWS services, like DynamoDB and Kinesis and then handle HTTP requests through AWS API Gateway. AWS API Gateway. EMEA Phone Number database

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Removes many tasks associated with system administration. You’re no longer accountable for low-level system administration. There aren’t any operating systems or runtimes that you need to patch. Therefore, you can work on your app.

Elasticity – AWS Lambda runs multiple instances of your application as required to manage the workload. It isn’t a problem of forecasting capacity needed or the chance of under- or over-provisioning containers or VMs. EMEA Phone Number database free

Pricing based on usage–Unlike an ordinary IaaS cloud that charges per minute or hour for a container or VM even when it’s not in use, AWS Lambda only charges you for the resources which are used to process each request.

The deployment of a RESTful application using AWS Lambda along with AWS Gateway

The disadvantages of using lambda functions EMEA Phone Number database

As you can observe the AWS Lambda is a very convenient method of deploying services however there are some important disadvantages and limitations

Long-tail latency – Because AWS Lambda automatically runs your application, certain request have high latency as a result of the amount of time it takes AWS to set up instances of the app in order for it to be launched. This can be particularly problematic when using Java-based services since they generally take at most several seconds to get started. For instance, the lambda program described in the next section requires several minutes to get started. Therefore, AWS Lambda may not be appropriate for latency-sensitive applications.

AWS Lambda is a limited, event-based programming system that isn’t designed to be used for the development of services that are long-running, like an application that receives messages from a third-party messaging broker. EMEA Phone Number database free

Because of these drawbacks as well as limitation, AWS Lambda isn’t a suitable choice for all types of services. When choosing the right deployment model I would suggest first determining whether serverless deployment meets your business’s needs before considering other options. EMEA Phone Number database

Implementing a RESTful service with AWS Lambda along with AWS Gateway

Let’s examine the steps to deploy Restaurant Service using AWS Lambda. It’s a service that provides an REST API to create or managing restaurants. It doesn’t offer long-lasting connections with Apache Kafka, for example and is therefore a perfect match to AWS lambda. Figure 12.13 illustrates the deployment model for the service. The service is comprised of many lambda functions that are that are one per REST-based endpoint. AWS API Gateway AWS API Gateway is responsible for the routing of HTTP requests to lambda functions.

Each lambda function is an request handler class. The ftgo-create-restaurant lambda function invokes the CreateRestaurantRequestHandler class, and the ftgo-find-restaurant lambda function invokes FindRestaurantRequestHandler. Because these request handler classes implement closely related aspects of the same service, they’re packaged together in the same ZIP file, restaurant-service-aws-lambda .zip. Let’s examine the design for the application, which includes the handler classes. EMEA Phone Number quality lists

The style for the AWS Lambda variant of Restaurant Service

The structure for the service as shown in Figure 12.14 It is very identical to an old-fashioned service. The primary distinction lies in the fact that Spring MVC controllers have been replaced with AWS Lambda request handler classes. Everything else remains unaltered.

The service is comprised of a presentation tier comprised of request handlers which are called via AWS Lambda to handle the HTTP requests, as well as an typical business tier. The business tier consists of RestaurantService, the Restaurant JPA entity, and RestaurantRepository, which encapsulates the database.

Let’s take a look at the FindRestaurantRequestHandler class.


The FindRestaurantRequestHandler class implements the GET /restaurant/ endpoint. This class and the other request handlers are the leaf of the hierarchy of classes as shown in Figure 12.15. The base of this hierarchy is RequestHandler that is an element of the AWS SDK. Its abstract subclasses deal with the errors and also inject dependencies.
Its AbstractHttpHandler Class is the abstraction base class used by HTTP request handlers. It is able to handle any unhandled exceptions that occur in the process of handling requests and returns the 500 – internal error message from the server. The AbstractAutowiringHttpRequestHandler class implements dependency injection for request handlers. I’ll describe these abstract superclasses shortly, but first let’s look at the code for FindRestaurantRequestHandler. EMEA Phone Number quality lists

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Listing 12.9 shows the code for the FindRestaurantRequestHandler class. The FindRestaurantRequestHandler class has a handleHttpRequest() method, which takes an APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent representing an HTTP request as a parame-ter. It invokes RestaurantService to find the restaurant and returns an APIGateway-ProxyResponseEvent describing the HTTP response. EMEA Phone Number business database free download

The handler class for GET /restaurant/

public class FindRestaurantRequestHandler EMEA Phone Number database

extends AbstractAutowiringHttpRequestHandler {

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private RestaurantService restaurantService


protected Class? > getApplicationContextClass() { return CreateRestaurantRequestHandler.c

It is the Spring Java Configuration class that you be used for the context of the application

protected APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent

handleHttpRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent request, Cont EMEA Phone Number database free

} catch (NumberFormatException e) { Returns a 400 – bad request
return makeBadRequestResponse(context); response if the restaurantId
is missing or invalid|The may be missing or not valid.|If is not present or is invalid,}

Optional possibleRestaurant = restaurantService.findById(restaur antId);

Returns to either the
return possible restaurant restaurant or 404 error Not found response

.orElseGet(() -> makeRestaurantNotFoundResponse(context, restaurantId));

} EMEA Phone Number database

private APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent makeBadRequestResponse(Context con

As you will see, it’s similar to a service, however, it’s not the word “service”()


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od, which takes an HttpServletRequest and returns HttpServletResponse, it has a handleHttpRequest(), which takes an APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent and returns APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent.


Let’s take a look at its superclass that implements dependency injection.


A AWS Lambda function is not an application on the web nor is it an application using a main() technique. It would be a shame not have the ability to utilize the capabilities offered by Spring Boot that we’ve been familiar with. The AbstractAutowiringHttpRequestHandler class, shown in the following listing, implements dependency injection for request han-dlers. It creates an ApplicationContext using and autowires dependencies prior to handling the first request. Subclasses such as FindRestaurant-RequestHandler must implement the getApplicationContextClass() method. EMEA Phone Number quality lists

Listing 12.10 Abstract RequestHandler with dependency injection capabilities.

public abstract class AbstractAutowiringHttpRequestHandler extends AbstractHttpHandler {

private static ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx;

private ReentrantReadWriteLock ctxLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private boolean autowired = false;

protected synchronized ApplicationContext getAppCtx() { ctxLock.writeLock().lock();

Then, it creates an application’s Spring Boot application context just once
{try Try a

If (ctx is greater than null) {If (ctx == null)

ctx =;


return ctx

} finally { ctxLock.writeLock().unloc

This class is a replacement for this class by overriding the beforeHandling() procedure that is defined by AbstractHttpHandler. This class’s beforeHandling() method injects dependencies via autowiring prior to processing the first request. EMEA Phone Number database

THE ABSTRACTTHTTPHANDLER Class EMEA Phone Number business database free download

The request handlers of Restaurant Service ultimately extend AbstractHttpHandler as shown in Listing 12.11. This class implements RequestHandler. . Its primary duty is to detect

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exceptions that are thrown while handling the request will give a 500 error.

Abstract RequestHandler that detects exceptions and sends an HTTP 500 response EMEA Phone Number database free

Abstract class that is publically available. AbstractHttpHandler implements RequestHandler {

private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass( purchase EMEA Phone Number lists

public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest( APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) {
log.debug(“Got request: {}”, input);

{try Try a

beforeHandling(input, context);

return handleHttpRequest(input, context);

} catch (Exception e) {

log.error(“Error handling request id: {}”, context.getAwsRequestId(), e); return buildErrorResponse(new AwsLambdaError(

“Internal Server Error”, “500”,


“Error handling request: ” + context.getAwsRequestId() + ” “

+ input.toString

12.6.2 Packaging the service as a ZIP file purchase EMEA Phone Number lists

Before the service can be implemented the service must be packaged in a ZIP format. It is easy to create the ZIP file 

This process creates a zip using the classes and resources at the top, as well as the JAR dependencies within the directories lib.

Now that we’ve constructed our ZIP files, lets take a look at how we can deploy Lambda’s function.

Lambda functions are deployed using the Serverless framework EMEA Phone Number database

Utilizing the tools offered by AWS to set up lambda functions and set up the API gateway can be quite difficult. Fortunately there is using the Serverless Open Source project helps to make using lambda functions much easier. If you are using Serverless it is necessary to write an easy server-less.yml file that specifies your lambda function and the RESTful endspoints they connect to. Serverless then implements the lambda functions , and then creates and creates an API gate-way which redirects requests to them.
The following list is an excerpt from serverless.yml which deploys Restaurant Service as a lambda.
Then, you can use to deploy serverless which scans the serverless.yml file, then deploys the lambda functions and then configures to use the AWS API Gateway. After a few minutes the service will become accessible through the API gateway’s URL for endpoint. AWS Lambda will provision as many instances of each Restaurant Service lambda function that are required to meet the demand. If you alter your code are able to easily modify the lambda’s code by re-building the zip file and then running serverless deployment. There are no servers to be involved! purchase EMEA Phone Number lists

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The growth of infrastructure has been amazing. A few years ago we used to manually deploy applications to physical machines. Nowadays the highly automated cloud infrastructures offer a variety of deployment options. One possibility is to use services to run virtual machines. Perhaps you can bundle services in containers and deploy them with complex Docker orchestration frameworks, such as Kubernetes. Sometimes, we forget about infrastructure completely and instead implement services using light lambda functions, which are ephemeral. EMEA Phone Number database

Choose the most light-weight deployment method that meets the requirements of your service. Examine the options according to the following order: containers, serverless virtual machines, serverless and packages that are language-specific.

Serverless deployments aren’t always the best choice for every application, because of the lengthy latencies and the need to utilize an event-based or request-based programming model. If it’s a great choice, though, a serverless deployment can be a advantageous option as it removes the need to manage running sys-tems, operating systems and runtimes. It also offers automated elastic provisioning as well as price-based on requests. EMEA Phone Number business database free download

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Docker containers, the simplest, OS-level technology for virtualization and are more flexible than serverless deployments and offer greater predictability in latency. It is recommended to use an Docker orchestration framework, such as Kuberne-tes that manages containers across several machines. The downside with containers is you need to control the operating systems and run-times. This is most likely to be it is the Docker orchestration framework as well as the VMs which run on. EMEA Phone Number database free

The third choice for deployment is to run your service as in the form of a virtual machine. One thing to note is that the virtual machine is a heavy-duty deployment method, which means that the process of deploying is slow and 

will likely consume much more power than the first choice. On the other hand modern cloud services like Amazon EC2 are highly automated and offer a wide array of capabilities. This means that it might be simpler to set up an uncomplicated, small application with virtual machines rather than install the Docker orchestration platform. purchase EMEA Phone Number lists

Implementing your services as specific language packages is usually not recommended unless you have only a few services. For instance, as discussed in the chapter 13 when you first begin your journey towards microservices, you’ll probably be deploying the services with the same method that you employ for your monolithic app, that’s the most likely alternative. You should only think about setting up a high-end deployment framework like Kubernetes after you’ve built certain services.

One of the advantages of using a service mesh — a layer of networking that mediates all network traffic into and out of services is that it allows you to create a service for production to test it and only later connect the production network traffic through it. Separating deployment from release increases the efficiency of releasing the latest versions of your services. EMEA Phone Number database

Refactoring in microservices: an overview

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Take on the role of Mary. You’re the one responsible for your FTGO application, which is a huge and old monolithic software. The company is very dissatisfied by the inability of engineering to provide features on time and with reliability. FTGO is experiencing a classic case in monolithic hell. Microservices appear, at a minimum at first glance to be the solution. Do you think it is appropriate to divert development resources from feature development in order to move to a microservice-based architecture? buy EMEA Phone Number targeted list

In this article, I begin by explaining why you should think about refactoring your code to microser-vices. I also explain why it’s crucial to make certain that the problems you’re experiencing with your software development are caused by monolithic hell instead of the case of poor software development processes. I’ll then outline the best practices to incrementally change your monolith into an architecture of microservices. In the next section, I will discuss the importance of releasing improvements earlier and frequently in order to keep the business’s support. I explain the reasons to avoid investing in a highly developed deployment framework until you’ve developed some services. Then, I will outline the various ways you can utilize to incorporate services into your infrastructure, such as creating new features as service and removing features from the single-lith. EMEA Phone Number database

What is the reason to refactor monoliths?

Microservices have the following, as explained in the chapter 1 a myriad of advantages. It offers better maintenance testing, deployability, and testability which means it speeds up development. Microservices are flexible and increases the quality of fault isolation. It’s also easier to upgrade the technology stack. Refactoring a monolith to microservices can be a huge task. It is likely to divert resources from the development of new technologies. This means it’s likely that businesses will only accept the use of microservices only if it can solve the business’s biggest issue.

If you’re in monolithic-hell there’s a good chance that you’ve already had at the very least one business issue. Here are a few examples of problems in business caused by monolithic hell buy EMEA Phone Number targeted list

The application is slow to deliver, and it’s difficult to comprehend and maintain and to test, which means that the productivity of developers is not high. This means that the business is not able to compete effectively, and could risk being beaten by rivals.

Insufficient testing capability means the software released is frequently unstable. This can cause customers to be dissatisfied and leads to the loss of customers and lower revenue.
Insufficient scalability – Scaling a monolithic program isn’t easy because it mixes modules that have very different requirements for resources into a single executable unit. In the absence of scalability, it implies that it’s either not possible or expensive to expand an application above a specific amount. In the end, the application isn’t able to meet the needs of the present or anticipated requirements of the company.

It’s crucial to make sure that the issues are present due to the fact that you’ve outgrown your technology. One of the most frequent causes for slow delivery times and faulty releases is a weak software development procedure. If, for instance, your current testing method is manual using automated testing on its own will significantly boost the speed of development. In the same way, you may be able to solve scaling issues without altering the architecture you use. It is recommended to first look at simple solutions. If it is the case, only if you have any issues with software delivery, you should move to the microservice model. Let’s take a look at how you can accomplish this.

Strangling the monolith

The process of transforming a monolithic application into microservices is a form of application modernization ( Modernization of applications involves changing an older application to one with an updated architecture and technology stack. The developers have been modernizing their applications for many years. This means that there’s a wealth of knowledge accumulated from experiences that we can apply in transforming an application to the microservices architecture. The most important thing we have gained over time is to avoid the big bang revision. buy EMEA Phone Number targeted list

A big-bang rewrite occurs the process of creating a new application, in this instance microservices-based software. While beginning with a blank slate and leaving the old code base in place sounds attractive however, it’s extremely risky. It most likely to end in failure. You’ll spend several months, if not years, duplicateding the functionality that is already in place until you incorporate the features your business requires in the present! In addition, you’ll have to build the application from scratch regardless, which diverts your efforts towards the redesign process and creates an unending goal. It’s also possible that you’ll spend time and effort reimplementing features which don’t need to be implemented. As Martin Fowler reportedly said, “the only thing a Big Bang rewrite guarantees is a Big Bang!” ( EMEA Phone Number database

Instead of doing a huge flash rewrite, it is better to follow the steps as the figure 13.1 shows, incrementally change the structure of your application that is monolithic. It is then possible to build a brand new application, also known as a strangler app. It is comprised of microservices that are run in tandem with the monolithic app. As time passes the functions implemented by the monolithic app decreases until it completely disappears or it is replaced by a microservice. This approach is like maintaining your car while driving through the streets at 70 speed. It’s not easy, but it’s much less risky than trying the big bang change. buy EMEA Phone Number targeted list

Martin Fowler refers to this application modernization strategy as the Strangler appli-cation pattern ( The name comes from the strangler vine (or strangler fig–see Strangler_fig) that is found in rain forests. A strangler plant can be found around a tree to get sunlight that is above the canopy of the forest. Most often, the tree dies due to either being destroyed by the vine, or it dies due to an old age leaving behind a tree-shaped vine. EMEA Phone Number database

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Pattern: Strangler application

Modernize an application by gradually creating a different (strangler) application on top of the existing application. See EMEA Phone Number business database free download

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Refactoring can take months or even years. For example, according to Steve Yegge ( it took a couple of years to refactor its monolith. If you have an extremely large system, it could take a long time to be able to complete the process. For instance, you could arrive at the point that you need to complete things that are more important than separating the monolith. For instance, developing the features that generate revenue. If the monolith doesn’t pose a barrier to development in the future then you can just leave it alone. EMEA Phone Number consumer database


A major benefit of incrementally refactoring into microservices is that you can get immediate returns on your investment. This is different from the big bang rewrite which isn’t a benefit until it’s completed. If you are incrementally refactoring your monolith, you are able to create every new service with the latest technology stack as well as a contemporary, high-speed DevOps-style of development and delivery procedure. This means that your team’s speed of delivery increases with time. buy EMEA Phone Number database for marketing

Furthermore, you could transfer the areas that are of high value in your application first to microservices. Imagine, for instance, that you’re working on an FTGO application. A company might, for instance consider it is the algorithm for scheduling deliveries provides an essential competitive advantage. It’s likely that the delivery management will be a subject of constantand continual improvement. In transforming delivery management into an independent service the delivery management team will be able to operate independently of team of FTGO development team and greatly improve their development speed. They’ll have the ability to frequently implement different versions of their algorithm and test the effectiveness of their algorithm. EMEA Phone Number database

Another advantage of being able deliver value earlier is the ability to retain the support of the business to the process of migration. Support for the ongoing migration effort is vital since the effort to refactor means that less time is spent designing new features. Certain organizations are struggling to eliminate technical debt due to previous attempts that weren’t enough and did not bring much value. This is why businesses are unwilling to continue investing in cleaning efforts. Refactoring in a gradual manner to microservices ensures that the team developing it is able to show value quickly and frequently.


The main theme throughout this section is to be careful not to make major changes to your monolith while transitioning to a microservices architecture. There is a good chance that you’ll have to make some modifications to facilitate the transition to service. Section 13.3.2 discusses the way that the monolith needs to be modified in order that it is able to participate in sagas which maintain consistency of data across the monolith as well as services. The issue with making large-scale modifications on the monolith’s architecture is it can be time-consuming as well as costly and risky. In the end, that’s likely why you’re considering moving to microservices first. buy EMEA Phone Number database for marketing

There are strategies that you can apply to reduce the magnitude of the changes you’ll need to make. In particular in section 13.2.3 I explain the process of replicating data extracted from an extraction service and back into the monolith’s data base. In section 13.3.2 I explain how you can precisely organize your extraction process so as to lessen any impact to the monolith. Utilizing these methods you can cut down on your work needed to change the monolith. EMEA Phone Number database


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In this book, I’ve talked about several new shiny technologies, such as deploy-ment platforms like Kubernetes as well as AWS Lambda and service discovery mecha-nisms. You may be tempted to get started on your journey to microservices by choosing the right technology and establishing the infrastructure. You may even be under pressure from your business colleagues as well as from your PaaS vendor to spend money for this type of infrastructure.

Although it may be tempting to set up this infrastructure from the beginning I suggest making only the smallest investment upfront in the development of it. One thing that you should do without is a pipeline for deployment which automatizes testing. If, for instance, you have only a few of services, you do not require a complex deployment or observation infrastructure. At first, you may be able to use an encrypted configuration file to discover services. I would suggest deferring any decision concerning technical infrastructures that require substantial investment until you’ve had actual experience with the microservices architecture. Once you’ve got several services running that you’ll be able to choose the appropriate technology. buy EMEA Phone Number database for marketing

Let’s take a look at the options you have in preparing to move to a microservices architecture.

Strategies to refactor the monolith to microservices

There are three methods for severing the monolith before gradually replacing it with microservices

Use new features in services. EMEA Phone Number database

Separate the presentation layer from the backend.

Break the monolith up by separating functions into services.

The first option prevents the monolith from expanding. It’s usually a method to show the benefits of microservices and help gain the support needed for the migration process. The two other strategies are a way to break down the monolith. When you’re refactoring your monolith you may choose to employ the second method but most likely you’ll choose the third method as it’s the way functions are transferred from the monolith application to the strangler program. EMEA Phone Number database free download

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Let’s examine each of these strategies beginning with the introduction of new features as services.

Introduce new features in services EMEA Phone Number consumer database

The Law of Holes states that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging” (https:// This is an excellent rule to follow if your monolithic application is no longer manageable. That is when you’re dealing with an extensive, com-plex monolithic system, don’t add the latest features simply by adding code to your monolith. This will make your monolith larger and more difficult to manage. It is better to introduce new features in the form of services.

This is a fantastic method to start transferring your monolithic application onto the microservice architecture. This reduces the rate of growth for the monolith. It speeds up the development of new features because you’re working on the brand-new code base. This also shows the benefits of implementing microservices as a framework. buy EMEA Phone Number database for marketing


Figure 13.2 illustrates the architecture of the application following the introduction of an entirely new feature that is now an application service. In addition to the service’s new features and the monolith The architecture also includes two other elements that help integrate the service with the application: EMEA Phone Number database

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API gateway: routes requests for the new features to the new service, and redirects requests from the old towards the single-lith.

Integration glue code – Integrates the service to the monolith. It allows the service to access the data belonging to the monolith and to use the functionality built into the monolith. EMEA Phone Number database for sale

The glue code for integration isn’t a standalone component. It is actually composed of adapters that are part of the monolith and in the service that utilize some or all interprocess communications methods. For instance, an integration glue used for the Delayed Delivery Service which is described in section 13.4.1 that uses both Domain events and REST. The service is able to retrieve details about customer contracts from the monolith using REST API. The monolith broadcasts Order domain events, so the Delayed Delivery Service can track the status of Orders and can respond to orders that aren’t fulfilled on time. Section 13.3.1 discusses the integration glue’s programming more in detail. EMEA Phone Number database


It is recommended that you implement any new feature in the strangler program rather than within the monolith. It is possible to implement new features as a service that is either new or as a part within an already existing feature. So, you won’t have to worry about needing to work with the base code of the monolith. But, unfortunately there are some limitations to the new features that is able to be implemented in a way that is available as a service. EMEA Phone Number database for sale

The reason is that the basis of a microservices architecture is an assortment of loosely coupled services that are arranged around the business capabilities. A feature may be too tiny to function as an actual service. It could, for instance simply require adding some elements and techniques to an existing class. It could also be that the new feature will be too tightly tied to the code within the monolith. If you tried to implement this type of feature as a service, you’d normally observe that performance suffer due to the excessive interprocess communication. It could also be a challenge keeping data consistency. If a new feature isn’t able to be implemented as an application, the best option is typically to introduce the feature into the monolith. Then, you could take that feature with the other features in the service of their choice. EMEA Phone Number database

Implementing new features in services speeds up the development of these features. It’s a great method to demonstrate quickly the benefits of the microservice architecture. It also decreases the monolith’s rate of growth. In the end, you must to dismantle the monolith with the two strategies above. You must transfer the functions to the strangler application extracting the functionality of the monolith into services. It is also possible to speed up development by dividing the monolith horizontally. Let’s take a look at ways to accomplish that.

Separate presentation tier for the backend

One way to shrink the monolithic application is to separate between the layer of presentation and the layers for business logic as well as data access. An average enterprise application consists of these layers:

Presentation logic – This is a set of modules that manage HTTP requests and generate HTML pages that incorporate an online user interface. When an application is equipped with an interface that is sophisti-cated the presentation tier can be significant in terms of the code.

Business logic consists of modules that implement business rules. They could be difficult in the enterprise software. EMEA Phone Number database for sale

Data access logic — This consists of modules that connect to the infrastructure of services, such as messages brokers and databases.

There is typically a clean distinction between presentation logic and data access and business logic. The business tier is an API that is coarse-grained and consists of several facades that contain all business-related logic. This API forms an organic seam that it is possible to split it into 2 separate applications, as seen in Figure 13.3. EMEA Phone Number database

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One application is comprised of the presentation layer and the other application contains the business and access logic. After the division the presentation logic application is able to make calls from applications for the business.

Splitting the monolith this manner has two major advantages. It lets you develop deployment, deploy and scale both applications independent of each other. It enables developers of the presentation layer to quickly tweak the user interface and test A/B such as, for example without having to install the backend. Another advantage of this strategy is that it provides an API remotely accessible that can be used by microservices you create later. EMEA Phone Number database free download

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This is, however, only an interim solution. It’s highly likely that at the very least one or both of the applications will remain unmanageable monoliths. The best option is to choose the third method for replacing the monolith using services. EMEA Phone Number consumer database

Convert business capabilities into services

Implementing new features as services or the frontend Web application away from its backend only take you up to a point. It’s still going to require lots of development in the monolithic base code. If you’re looking to enhance the architecture of your application and speed up development it is necessary to dismantle the monolith by slowly transferring business functions into services from the monolith. For instance Section 13.5 describes the process of removing Delivery Management from the FTGO monolith to create the new Delivery Service. If you employ this method in the long run, the number of capabilities for business implemented by the service expands while the monolith slowly shrinks. EMEA Phone Number database

The functionality you wish to extract from a service is a vertical slice in the monolith. The slice is comprised of the following elements:

Inbound adapters which implement API endpoints EMEA Phone Number database for sale

Domain logic

Outbound adapters like logic for accessing databases

The monolith’s schema for databases

As the figure 13.4 illustrates, the code is taken from the monolith, and then moved into a separate service. An API gateway sends all requests that require the business capability that was extracted to the service and redirects all other requests to the monolith. The service and the monolith work together using their integration glue codes. In section 13.3.1 The glue of integration consists of adapters that are part of the monolith and the service that utilize some or all interprocess communications (IPC) methods.

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Extracting services can be a challenge. It is necessary to figure out how to split the monolith’s domain model in two distinct domain models the first of which is the domain model of the ser-vice. It is necessary to break down dependencies like object references. It is possible to separate classes to transfer functions to the service. Also, you will need to change the structure of the database. EMEA Phone Number address lists

The process of extracting a service can be long and time-consuming, particularly because the monolith’s source code base is probably messy. This is why you must take your time when deciding the services you want to remove. It’s crucial to focus on refactoring the parts of the application that offer significant value. Before removing a service from the application think about what benefits you can get from doing this. EMEA Phone Number database

It’s for instance, worthwhile to get a service extracted which implements functions that are vital for the business and continuously changing. It’s not worth the efforts in extracting services if there’s little benefit to doing it. In this section, I’ll discuss some ways of the selection of what to extract and when to do it. First, let’s take a examine in greater detail some of the problems that you’ll encounter while extracting services and ways to deal with these.

There are a few issues when you are extracting the service:

Dividing the domain model

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Let’s take a look at each beginning with the splitting of the model of domain. EMEA Phone Number address lists

To extract the service, you’ll must extract its domain model from its domain model of the monolith. It is necessary to perform major surgery to divide these domain models. One of the challenges you’ll face is removing references to objects which would otherwise extend across boundaries of the service. It is possible that classes within the monolith may be able to reference classes that have been transferred to the service or reverse. As an example, suppose that like the figure 13.5 shows, you have extracted the Order Service and the Order class will reference the restaurant class in the monolith. Since a service instance is usually an ongoing process, it does not seem logical to have objects that have references that span boundaries between services. You must eliminate such types of object references.
A good approach to solving this issue can be to consider the problem in terms of DDD aggregates, as described in chapter 5. Aggregates refer to each other with primary keys, not ref-erences to objects. It is therefore possible to consider your Order Classes and the Restaurant class as aggregates as Figure 13.6 illustrates substitute restaurant’s reference in Order class with a restaurantId fields that holds the primary key value.

One problem when replacing object references by the primary key is even though it is a minor modification in the classes, this could be a major impact on the users who use this class who require the reference of an object. In the next section, I’ll explain how you can limit the impact of the change through replicating information between the monolith and service. Delivery Service, for example can define an Restaurant class that is an exact copy of the monolith’s Restaurant class. EMEA Phone Number address lists
It’s often far more complex than moving entire classes into a single service. A bigger challenge in the splitting of the domain model is to extract functions that are embedded within an existing class that also has duties. This issue is most often encountered in god-classes, as discussed in chapter 2 that contain a large amount of responsibilities. For instance order class can be among the god classes of the FTGO application. It is able to implement a range of capabilities for business, including delivery management, order management, and many more. In the section 13.5 I will discuss the process of extracting the delivery management functionality into the service requires extracting the delivery class out of the order class. The Delivery entity is responsible for the delivery management function that was earlier bundled with other functions within an Order class. EMEA Phone Number database

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A domain model split involves more than simply changing the code. A lot of classes in the model are also persistent. The fields of their models are mapped to a schema for databases. Therefore, when you remove services out of the monolith you’re shifting data. The tables must be moved from the monolith’s database into the database of the service. EMEA Phone Number address lists

When you divide an entity, you must split the table in the database and then move the table into the service. For instance, when you are extracting delivery management from an existing service, you divide the Order entity, and then create the Delivery entity. At the level of the database it is possible to split in the ORDERS table and create the DELIVERY table. Then, you move the DELIVERY table into the service. EMEA Phone Number database providers

The text Refactoring Databases by Scott W. Ambler and Pramod J. Sadalage (Addison-Wesley 2011,) provides a list of refactorings that can be applied to the schema of a database. For instance, it outlines how to implement the Split Table refactoring, which divides a table in several tables. A lot of the techniques described discussed in the book can be used in the extraction of services out of the monolith. One of them is to replicate data to enable users to update their clients incrementally of the database with the latest schema. This idea can be adapted to limit the modifications you have to make to the monolith while extracting services. EMEA Phone Number database free download

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As we’ve mentioned before the extraction of a service requires you to modify your monolith’s model of domain. In other words, you can replace references to objects using primary keys or split classes. These kinds of changes could be a source of confusion for the source code, and force the making of large-scale modifications to the base code. For example, if , for instance, you split the Order entity in order to create a Delivery entity, you’ll need to modify every line in the code that refers to the fields you’ve transferred. Making these modifications can be extremely laborious and could be a major obstacle to breaking the monolith. EMEA Phone Number consumer database

A good way to hold off and avoid making such costly modifications is to adopt an approach similar to that discussed in the article Refactoring Databases. The biggest obstacle in overhauling a database is the need to change all clients in that database to work with an updated schema. The approach suggested by the author is to maintain the schema that was originally used for an interim period, and then utilize triggers to synchronize both schemas. Then, you can move clients of the older schema over to the latest as time passes. EMEA Phone Number database providers

It is possible to apply the same approach to extract functions from the single. For instance, when we extract delivery entities, we keep the Order entity in a mostly unaltered state during the transition. As the figure 13.7 illustrates, we turn the delivery-related fields only read-only and ensure that they are up-to-date by replicating the information from the Delivery Service back to the monolith. This means that we need only to locate those places within the monolith’s code which modify these fields and then change them to call Delivery Service. Delivery Service. EMEA Phone Number database

Conserving the order of an Order structure by replicating the data to Delivery Service significantly reduces the amount of work that we have to complete immediately. In time, we will be able to transfer code that relies on the fields related to delivery or the ORDERS table columns into Delivery Service. Furthermore, it is possible that we don’t need to change that within the monolith. If the code is extracted into a ser-vice then the service will be able to access Delivery Service.

What are the services to extract, and HOW

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As I said that breaking down the monolith takes time. It takes away time from the implementation of features. This means that you need to carefully consider the order you collect services. You must concentrate on obtaining services that provide the greatest benefits. Additionally, you’ll need to continuously prove to your company that there is value in the move to a microservice architecture. EMEA Phone Number database providers

When you embark on any trip it’s important to know where you’re headed. One way to begin your journey to microservices is by undertaking the time-boxed effort of defining your architecture. You must spend a brief period of time, like two weeks EMEA Phone Number databasereating your ideal architecture, and then defining a set of services. This will give you a goal that you can aim at. It’s crucial, however, to keep in mind that this structure doesn’t have to be carved in stone. When you begin to break down the monolith and learn, you’ll need to alter the design in order to incorporate the lessons you’ve discovered.

Once you’ve established the location of your intended destination The next step is to break down the monolith. There are several various strategies that you can employ to identify the order that you will extract the services. v

A method is to slow down the development of the monolith and then extract service at the moment of need. Instead of developing new features or fixing bugs within your monolith system, take the services and service(s) and modify them. One advantage of this strategy is that it requires you to separate the monolith. The drawback is that the extracting of the services are driven by immediate demands rather than long-term requirements. In other words, it is required for the extraction of services even in the case of a tiny modification to a solid part in the overall system. This means that you’re putting in many tasks for very little gain. EMEA Phone Number database providers

Another option is to adopt more organized, in which you classify the modules of an application based on the benefits you expect to gain by extracting the service. There are many reasons why removing a service is advantageous: buy EMEA Phone Number database online

Rapid development–If the roadmap for your application states that a certain element of your app will go through lots of changes over the next year, then turning the application to a service speeds up the development. EMEA Phone Number database

Solves a scaling, performance or reliability issue. For instance, if you find that a specific part of your application has problems with performance or scalability or isn’t reliable, it’s worth converting into the service.

Allows the extraction of other services. Sometimes, extracting one service can be used to facilitate the extraction of another service due to the dependencies between modules.

It is possible to use these criteria to add refactoring tasks your backlog of applications, and rank them by expected benefits. The advantage of this method is that it’s more strategic and more in line with the requirements of your business. In the course of sprint planning you can decide if it’s better to introduce functions or take advantage of services. buy EMEA Phone Number database online

How the monolith and service work together

A service is not always standalone. It is usually required to work in tandem with the monolith. Sometimes, a service must access the data of the monolith, or invoke its operations. For instance, Delayed Delivery Service, which is described in detail in section 13.4.1 It needs access to monolith’s order records and the contact information of customers. The monolith could also have access to data that is owned by the service, or invoke its functions. For instance, later in section 13.5 in the discussion of how to integrate delivery management into a process I explain how the monolith will call Delivery Service. EMEA Phone Number database

A major concern is keeping data coherence between the monolith and the service. Particularly when you remove an application out of the monolith you’ll invariably divide what were initially ACID transactions. It is important to ensure that the data’s consistency is maintained. As we will see later in this section, there are times when you employ sagas to ensure data consistency. EMEA Phone Number database free download

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The relationship between an individual service and the monolith is, as mentioned earlier and is made easier by the integration glue code. Figure 13.8 depicts the design of integration glue. It is comprised of adapters within the monolith and service that communicate with each other using a different type or IPC mechanism. Based on the requirements the monolith and service could interact via REST or use messaging. They may even be able to communicate via different IPC methods. email marketing database EMEA Phone Number
For instance, Delayed Delivery Service uses both domain events and REST. It obtains customer contact information from the monolith via REST. It monitors the status of Orders by signing up to domain events that are released through the monolith.

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In this article I begin by describing the structure of the glue that enables integration. I will discuss the issues it resolves as well as the various solutions for its implementation. Then, I discuss methods for managing transactions, including how to use sagas. I also discuss the ways that the requirement to ensure consistency in data alters the order you get services. buy EMEA Phone Number database online

Let’s look first at the look of the glue for integration.

The design of the glue for integration

When you implement features as a service, or removing services out of the monolith you need to build the integration glue that allows services to cooperate in tandem with the monolith. It is composed of code in both the monolith and service that utilizes some type of IPC mechanism. The design of the integration glue is dependent on the kind of IPC mechanism being utilized. If, for instance, the service calls the monolith via REST and the integration glue is comprised of an REST client within the service as well as web controllers inside the monolith. If, on the other hand, the monolith is subscribed to domain events that are published by the service the integration glue is comprised of an adapter for event publishing in the service , as well as event handlers inside the monolith. buy EMEA Phone Number database online

Designing the Integration API GLUE

The first step to design your integration glue will be to determine the APIs it will provide in order to support the Domain Logic. There are different types of interfaces to pick from, based on whether you’re requesting data or updating it. Let’s say you’re working with Delayed Delivery Service, which requires retrieving customer contact information via the monolith. The business logic of the service doesn’t need to be aware of the IPC mecha-nism that the integration glue employs to access the data. Thus, the mecha-nism needs to be wrapped up in an interface. Because Delayed Delivery Service is querying data, it makes sense to define a CustomerContactInfoRepository: EMEA Phone Number database

interface CustomerContactInfoRepository {

CustomerContactInfo findCustomerContactInfo(long customerId) EMEA Phone Number id list

The business logic of the service is able to call this API without understanding what the integration glue does to retrieve the information.
Let’s look at a different type of service. Imagine you’re extracting the delivery management out of the FTGO monolith. The monolith has to call Delivery Service to schedule, change the date of delivery, and even cancel them. The details of the IPC mechanism don’t affect the business logic, and must be captured via an interface. In this case the monolith has to invoke the service operation, and the use of a repository isn’t making sense. The best approach is to create the service interface for example:

{interface DeliveryService interface DeliveryService

Business logic in the monolith uses this API, without knowing how it’s implemented by glue for integration.

After we’ve looked at the interface’s design, let’s take a look at the styles of interaction as well as IPC mechanisms.


A crucial design choice that you need to make when creating your integration glue involves deciding on the interactions types along with IPC mechanisms that allow the monolith and the service to work together. As discussed in chapter 3 There are many interactions types and IPC mechanisms that you can select from. The one you choose is dependent on the information one of the parties such as the monolith or service needs to access and update another. EMEA Phone Number id list

If one party wants to obtain data from the other There are many choices. One possibility is the one shown in Figure 13.9 illustrates, using an adapter that implements the repository interface, to call an API for the service provider. The API is typically based on an interaction model that is request/response that includes the REST API or GRPC. For instance, Delayed Delivery Service might get the contact information of the customer through an REST API that is which is created through the FTGO monolith.

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In this example, the Delayed Delivery Service’s domain logic retrieves the customer contact info by invoking the CustomerContactInfoRepository interface. The implementation of this interface triggers Monolith’s REST API. EMEA Phone Number database

The main benefit of querying data through an API for query is the simplicity. However, the main disadvantage is that it can be slow. Consumers may have to submit a lot of requests. The provider may provide a lot of information. Another disadvantage is that it decreases the availability of data because it’s an asynchronous IPC. Therefore, it may not be feasible to utilize the query API. EMEA Phone Number id list
Another option is for the user to create a replica of the data as shown in Figure 13.10. The replica is basically an CQRS view. The data consumer ensures that the replica is up-to-date by subscribing to events of the domain released from the service provider.

The use of a replica offers many advantages. It reduces the burden of constantly searching an information provider. Instead, as we discussed in chapter 7 when we discuss CQRS in Chapter 7 you can create the replica to facilitate efficient queries. The drawback to having a replica it is the difficulty of managing it. One issue that could be a problem, as discussed in the next section, is the necessity to alter the monolith in order to make it possible for domain events to be published. EMEA Phone Number b2c database

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We’ve covered the ways to query Let’s look at how to handle updates. The main issue with updates is maintaining the consistency of data across both the monolith and service. The person who is making the request (the the person making the request) has either updated or has to make changes to its database. Therefore, it is vital that both updates occur. The best solution is for monolith and the service to be able to communicate through transactional mes-saging that is implemented through a framework like Eventuate Tram. In the simplest scenarios, the user can send a message of notification or create an event that triggers an update. In more complicated situations, the requester must employ a saga in order to ensure the consistency of data. Section 13.3.2 describes the implications for using sagas. email marketing database EMEA Phone Number


Imagine you’re creating a new feature in a new service. There’s no constraint on the monolith’s base code, which means you can utilize modern techniques for development like DDD and create a completely modern domain model. Furthermore, as that the FTGO monolith’s domain model isn’t well defined and a bit out of date the concepts you model differently. This means that the domain model of your service will include different fields, class names as well as field value. For instance, Delayed Delivery Service has an entity called Delivery that has responsibilities that are narrowly focused, however, the FTGO monolith includes an Order entity that has many responsibility. Since these two models are distinct and you need to implement the what DDD refers to as the anti-corruption layer (ACL) to enable the service to be able to communicate directly with the monolith. EMEA Phone Number id list

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Pattern: Anti-corruption layer

The purpose the purpose of ACL is to keep an old monolith’s domain model from contaminating the domain model of a service. It’s a layer that converts between different domain models. For example, as figure 13.11 shows, Delayed Delivery Service has a CustomerContactInfoRepository interface, which defines a findCustomerContact-Info() method that returns CustomerContactInfo. The class that implements the CustomerContactInfoRepository interface must translate between the ubiquitous language of Delayed Delivery Service and that of the FTGO monolith.
The implementation of findCustomerContactInfo() invokes the FTGO monolith to retrieve the customer information and translates the response to CustomerContact-Info. In this case the translation is easy, however in other situations, it can be very complex and require the mapping of values like status codes. EMEA Phone Number id list

A subscriber to events, who consumes domain events, is a member of an ACL. Domain-related events form part of the domain model used by the publisher. Event handlers must convert domain events to the domain model of the subscriber. For instance, as illustration 13.12 illustrates that the FTGO monolith is able to publish Domain events for order. Delivery Service has an event handler that is subscribed to these events.

The event handler needs to transform domain event information from monolith’s domain language to the language used by Delivery Service. It may need to translate the names of classes and attributes, and possibly attributes values.
There are many services that employ ACLs to prevent corruption. A monolith can also make use of an ACL when executing the service or when signing up to domain events that are published by a service. For instance the FTGO monolith can schedule an event by sending a notification to the Delivery Service. The monolith sends the message using a method called DeliveryService’s DeliveryService interface. The implementation class converts its parameters into a message which the Delivery Service understands. buy EMEA Phone Number database


Domain events are a crucial collaboration tool. It is easy for a new service to share and even consume the events. It could make use of any of the methods mentioned in chapter 3, for instance, using the Eventuate Tram framework. It could also create events by using event sourcing, as described in chapter 6. It’s not easy, however changing the monolith in order to publish as well as consume event information. Let’s examine the reasons why.

There are several various ways that a single-source can be able to publish domain-specific events. One method is to employ the same event publishing method used by the services. You can find every place within the code that modify an entity’s properties and then add the Event Publishing API. The issue with this method is that changing the monolith can be difficult. It could be time-consuming and possibly error-prone to find every place and then insert requests to announce events. In addition some of the monolith’s business logic could comprise stored procedures that don’t have the ability to publish events from domains. buy EMEA Phone Number database

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Another option is to make domain events available on a database level. It is possible to, for instance employ either the polling or the transaction logic which is described in chapter 3. One of the advantages of transactions tailing, is the fact that you don’t need to alter the monolith. The biggest drawback to publishing events on a data level, is the fact that it’s difficult to pinpoint the reasons behind the update and then publish the correct top-level event for business. This is why the service typically will release events that reflect updates to tables, not businesses. EMEA Phone Number database

It’s generally easier for the monoliths to sign up to domain-specific events published as services. Most of the time, you can create event handlers with an event-handling framework, such as Eventuate Tram. Sometimes, it’s difficult to get the monolith to subscribe to events. For instance the monolith could exist in a programming language that does not have a client for messaging brokers. In this case you’ll must write a tiny “helper” application that subscribes to events and then updates the monolith’s database on its own. buy EMEA Phone Number database

After we’ve discussed how to create the integration glue that allows both a monolith and a ser-vice to cooperate, let’s consider a second challenge that could arise when you migrate to microservices: keeping the consistency of data across a service and the monolith.

13.3.2 Maintaining consistency of data across a single service and a monolith

If you create services, you could be faced with difficulties in maintaining consistency of data between the monolith and the service. The service may need to update data within the monolith. Likewise, one operating in the monolith may need to update the data within the service. As an example, suppose you have extracted Kitchen Service from the monolith. You’d need to modify the monolith’s order management operations like the create order() or cancelOrder() using sagas to ensure that the Ticket is identical to the Order. EMEA Phone Number b2c database

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The issue with the sagas, however lies in the fact that the single entity may not be a willing participant. As discussed in chapter 4 Sagas have to employ compensating transactions in order to reverse the effects of the changes. Create Order Saga, for example, uses an compensating transaction that marks any Order as rejected when it is refused through Kitchen Service. The issue when dealing with compensating transactions on Monoliths is that it could have to make a lot of long-lasting modifications to the monolith in order to accommodate the compensating transactions. The monolith may also have to take countermeasures in order to manage the issue of not being able to distinguish between the sagas. The expense of these code modifications could be a major hurdle to the extraction of an service. email marketing database EMEA Phone Number
Key saga terminology

I discuss stories in chapter 4. Here are some terms that are important to know:

Saga–A series of local interactions coordinated by the use of asynchronous messaging.

Compensating Transaction: A transaction that cancels the modifications caused by a local. buy EMEA Phone Number database

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Countermeasure is a design technique that helps manage the lack of isolation between stories.

Semantic lock is a countermeasure that puts an indication in an existing record which is maintained by an drama.

Compensatable transactions: A transaction that requires an compensating trans-action since one of the subsequent transactions it in the saga could be ineffective.

Pivot transaction — A transaction that serves as the story’s “go/no-go” point. If it is successful, the story will continue until the end. EMEA Phone Number database

Retriable transaction: A transaction that is re-enacted after the pivotal process and is guaranteed to be successful.

The good news is that many stories are easy to implement. In chapter 4 when the monolith’s transactions comprise either pivot or retriable transactions, it should be easy to implement sagas. You might be able to make the process simpler by organizing the sequence of service extractions in order that the monolith’s transaction never have to be compensated. In other words, it could be difficult to modify the monolith’s configuration to allow compensating transactions. To better understand the reason why implementing compensating transactions into the monolith may be challenging we’ll look at a few examples, starting with one that is particularly difficult. email marketing database EMEA Phone Number

The challenge of changing the MONOLITH to support a more efficient and ethical approach to transactions. EMEA Phone Number database

Let’s look at the issue of compensating transactions which you’ll have to resolve when separating Kitchen Service from the monolith. Refactoring is the process of breaking up the Order entity, and then creating a ticket entity within Kitchen Service. It affects a variety of commands that are implemented by the monolith. This includes creatingOrder().
This monolith executes the CreateOrder() function as one ACID transformation that includes these EMEA Phone Number b2c database

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