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The data is subject to a seven-tier verification process, including artificial intelligence, manual quality control, and an opt-in process.

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Highlights of our Accountants Contact Lists

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Our email list is divided into three categories: regions, industries and job functions. Regional email can help businesses target consumers or businesses in specific areas. Accountants Email Lists broken down by industry help optimize your advertising efforts. If you’re marketing to a niche buyer, then our email lists filtered by job function can be incredibly helpful.

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Our B2B and B2C data list covers over 100+ countries including APAC and EMEA with most sought after industries including Automotive, Banking & Financial services, Manufacturing, Technology, Telecommunications.

In general, once we’ve received your request for data, it takes 24 hours to first compile your specific data and you’ll receive the data within 24 hours of your initial order.

Our data standards are extremely high. We pride ourselves on providing 97% accurate Accountant telephone number database, and we’ll provide you with replacement data for all information that doesn’t meet your standards our expectations.

We pride ourselves on providing customers with high quality data. Our Accountants Email Database and mailing lists are updated semi-annually conforming to all requirements set by the Direct Marketing Association and comply with CAN-SPAM.

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Emailproleads provides Mobile Database to individuals or organizations for the sole purpose of promoting your business. In Digital Marketing. The mobile number database of Emailproleads helps to reach the highest level of business conversations.

Mobile number databases are a crucial marketing tool with many numbers from all over the globe. Since the arrival of smartphones, there has been an exponential rise in the number of buyers because technology has changed the way of marketing. Mobile number databases are essential for every retailer today in marketing and selling their goods and services. The world is now filled with mobiles that have internet connectivity across the globe.

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Now and again, we can see advertisements promoting the company. These ads result in the expansion of the company. It is possible to expand your marketing further using other services for Digital Marketing like Bulk SMS, Voice Calls, WhatsApp Marketing, etc.

Emailproleads checks every mobile number in the database using various strategies and techniques to ensure that buyers receive the most appropriate and relevant customer number and successfully meet their marketing goals and objectives.

This service assists you find your loyal customers keen to purchase your product. If you’d like to see your brand acknowledged by customers, using a database of mobile numbers is among the most effective ways to accomplish this.

What is the meaning of Phone Number Data?

A telephone number is a specific number that telecommunication firms assign to their customers, thus permitting them to communicate via an upgraded method of routing destination codes. Telecom companies give whole numbers within the limits of regional or national telephone numbering plans. With more than five billion users of mobile phones around the world, phone number information is now a gold mine for government and business operations.

What is the method of collecting the phone Number Data collected?

Having the number of current and potential customers and marketing professionals opens up a wealth of opportunities for lead generation and CRM. The presence of customer numbers is an excellent way to boost marketing campaigns as it allows marketers to interact with their target audience via rich multimedia and mobile messaging. Therefore, gathering phone number information is vital to any modern-day marketing strategy. The strategies consumers can use to collect data from phone numbers include:

* Adding contact forms on websites.
* Requests to be made for phone calls from customers.
* Use mobile keyword phrases for promotions to encourage prospective customers to contact you.
* Applying app updates prompts users to change their email details each time they sign in.
* Acquiring phone numbers that are already available information from third-party service companies with the information.

What are the main characteristics of the Phone Number Data?

One of the critical advantages of phone number data is that it is created to reveal the geographic location of mobile users because phone numbers contain particular strings specific to a region or country that show the user’s precise position. This is useful in targeted campaigns, mainly where marketers target a specific area that can target their marketing efforts.

To prevent duplicates and improve accessibility, the phone number information is typically stored in the E164 international format, which defines the essential characteristics of a recorded phone number. The specifications that are followed in this format are the number code for the country (CC) and an NDC, a country code (CC), a national destination code (NDC), and the subscriber number (SN).

What do you think of the phone Number Data used for?

The possibilities that can be made possible by the phone number information are endless. The availability of a phone number database means that companies worldwide can market their products directly to prospective customers without using third-party companies.

Because phone numbers are region – and country-specific and country-specific, data from phone numbers gives marketers a comprehensive view of the scope of marketing campaigns, which helps them decide on the best areas they should focus their time and resources on. Also, governments use the data from mobile numbers to study people’s mobility, geographic subdivisions, urban planning, help with development plans, and security concerns such as KYC.

How can an individual determine the validity of Phone Number Data?

In determining the quality of the phone number information, users should be aware of the fundamental quality aspects of analysis. These are:
Completeness. All info about phone numbers within the database must be correct.
Accuracy. This measure reflects how well the data identifies the individual described within the actual world.
Consistency. This indicates how well the data provider follows the rules to facilitate data retrieval.
Accessibility. The phone number database should be accessible where the data is organized to allow easy navigation and immediate commercial use.

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Where can I purchase Phone Number Data?

The Data Providers and Vendors listed in Datarade provide Phone Number Data products and examples. Most popular products for Phone Number Data and data sets available on our platform include China B2B phone number – Chinese businesses by Octobot, IPQS Phone Number Validation and Reputation through IPQualityScore (IPQS), and B2B Contact Direct Dial/Cell Phone Number Direct Dial and mobile numbers for cold calling Real-time verified contact email and Phone Number by Lead for business.

How do I get my phone Number Data?

You can find phone number data from Emailproleads.

What are data types similar that are similar to Phone Number Data?

Telephone Number Data is comparable with Address Data; Email Address Data, MAID Hashed Email Data, Identification Linkage Data, and Household-Level Identity Data. These categories of data are typically employed to aid in Identity Resolution and Data Onboarding.

Which are your most popular uses for Phone Number Data?

The top uses that involve Phone Number Data are Identity Resolution, Data Onboarding, and Direct Marketing.

Let’s say you’re running a business selling strategy that demands you to connect with the maximum number of people you can. If your job is laid off for you, it can often be challenging to determine what to do. First, you should create your list of prospective customers and then save your call data in an electronic database.

Accountant Telephone Number Lists

Though you might believe that working with lists of telephone numbers and storing them in databases is all you need to launch a cold calling campaign, it’s not the case. Since a telephone number database could contain thousands or millions of leads, along with important data points about each potential customer, It is essential to adhere to the best practices for a Database of telephone numbers. Methods to avoid becoming overwhelmed or losing important data.

To build a phone number database that delivers outcomes, you must start on the right starting point. It is possible to do this by purchasing lists of sales leads from a reliable, dependable company like ours. It’s equally important to have the right tools to allow your team to contact the most people possible.

In addition to high-quality telephone marketing lists, we provide advice on the best techniques for targeting databases and dialer software that can make lead generation more efficient and less expensive over time. Our customer service representatives are ready to assist you.

Accountant Telephone Number Database Best Practices

After you’ve established the basis for success by acquiring high-quality lead lists and implementing dialers that can boost how many calls your team receives by up to 400 percent, you’re ready to become familiar with best practices for your industry. By adhering to a list of phones and best database practices, you’ll dramatically improve the odds that your team will succeed in the short and long term.

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Here are the best techniques for telemarketing databases that you should consider a priority to observe.

Get Organized
A well-organized Accountant mobile phone directory includes contacts organized according to phone country, postal, area, city, and province. By narrowing your calls to only one of the criteria, it is possible to incorporate new business information into your list, then sort and retarget top leads.

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Create a strategy to manage your phone lists. Naturally, your organizational plan must be based on the purpose of your cold-calling campaign. Your business’s goals will affect the traits your most promising prospects have. Make a profile of the most appealing candidate based on the plans for your marketing campaign. Make sure you make your leads list to ensure that the candidates who best meet your ideal profile of a prospect are first on your list of leads. List.

Determine Who Has Access to and edit your database
Your phone number list doesn’t only represent an investment in money but also a resource that your team can use to increase sales. Although your phone number list is essential because you bought it, it’s also advantageous due to the possibility that it can improve your bottom line. In this regard, you should think carefully about who has access to and control your database.

It is generally recommended to restrict the number of users who have access to your database to only those who use it to communicate with potential customers to achieve your campaign’s goals. If an individual is not active with your marketing campaign, then there’s no reason for them to gain access to your telephone number database.

It’s also advisable to restrict access to the database you have created; it’s best to allow editing privileges to people who require them. This generally means that you only give editing rights to agents that will be conducting cold calls. It will be necessary to modify the database to make changes to records and notes that could aid in subsequent calls.

Accountant phone number database

Create Your Database
Databases are knowledge centers that store information for sales personnel. They are vital to gain knowledge and share it with your sales staff. Even if it’s just to keep call notes, callback databases can help your sales team to achieve maximum value and benefit from lists of telemarketing calls.

As time passes, your phone number list will likely expand and include more contact numbers and information on your customers. When you get recommendations from your current prospects or purchase leads lists, or either, it’s essential to grow the size of your database to include as much data as you can to assist you in achieving your goals for the business in the near and far future and at every step in between.

4. Keep Your Database
Although you want your database to expand with time, you do not want it to contain obsolete or ineffective details. To keep your database from overloading with useless information, it’s essential to maintain it regularly, including removing old records and updating your prospective customers with their contact details.

One of the most effective ways to ensure your database is to ensure that it doesn’t contain numbers listed on the Do Not Call list. If you make a call to an address that is listed on a Do Not List, you could result in your business spending lots of money, perhaps even millions. With the free tools available online, think about scrubbing all your data against the Do Not Call registry at least twice yearly.

If you’ve learned the basics of a telephone list and best practices for database management, you can contact now to receive the top-quality leads lists you need within your database. Accountant phone number database free download

Today, download the mobile phone/cell numbers directory of all cities and states based on the network or operator. The database of mobile numbers is an excellent resource for advertising and bulk SMS, targeting specific regions of people, electoral campaigns, or other campaigns. Before you use these numbers, verify the ” Do Not Disturb” status in conjunction with TRAI. If it is activated, it is not permitted to use these numbers to promote your business.

Buy Accountants Phone Number Database

It’s the quickest method of building an extensive list of phone numbers for your potential customers. Pay a fixed sum (per list, contact, country, or industry) and get every mobile number you paid for and have in your possession. You can then utilize them several times to reach out to customers to convince them to purchase their products or products. Doesn’t that sound great?

Although it may seem like the fastest method of building a list of numbers, it’s not the case. There are a lot of risks associated with purchasing mobile marketing lists which won’t generate sales:

They’re not well-targeted. It’s impossible to be sure that every person on the bought phone lists will pay attention to the emails you’ve sent or your company worldwide.

Accountant contact number lists

It will help if you trust someone completely. When you purchase a mobile phone list, you’ll need to be able to trust your seller about how active the numbers are. It’s possible that the majority of the phone numbers you’re buying are not current or relevant.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are increasingly being used within finance, especially in areas like asset management as well as algorithmic trading and credit underwriting, or blockchain-based finance, facilitated through the abundant supply of data and affordable computing capabilities. Accountant phone Number Database.  Machine-learning (ML) models make use of massive data to improve accuracy and predictability automatically through the use of data and experience and without being programmed by humans.

The application technology such as AI within finance anticipated to increase competitive advantages for financial companies through improving their efficiency by reducing costs and productivity improvement as well as improving the quality of products and services offered to customers. Additionally, these advantages in competition can be beneficial to consumers of financial services by offering higher-quality and more personalized products, gaining insights from data to guide the investment strategy and potentially increasing financial inclusion through the evaluation of creditworthiness of customers with less credit histories (e.g. small- and medium-sized enterprises with thin files).

In the same way, AI applications in finance could create or increase the risk of financial and non-financial transactions and raise possible financial consumer and investor security concerns (e.g. as the risk of unfair, biased, or discriminatory consumer outcomes or data management or use concerns). The inability to justify AI models can result in risks to systemic and procyclical risk in the market, and could result in possible conflicts with the existing financial supervision as well as internal governance systems, challenging the neutrality of technology approach to the formulation of policies. While many of the dangers that are associated with AI in finance aren’t exclusive to this new technology but the implementation of such techniques can increase the risk of these vulnerabilities because of the level of complexity of the strategies used, their dynamic flexibility and the degree of autonomy they possess.

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The report could assist decision makers assess the impact of these new technologies , and also to determine the potential benefits and threats to their usage. It recommends policy solutions can be used to encourage AI advancements in finance, but also ensure that its application is in line with encouraging financial stability as well as market integrity and competition as well as protecting consumers of financial services. The risks that are emerging from the use of AI methods should be identified and mitigated in order to help and encourage the adoption of responsible AI. The existing requirements for supervision and regulation might need to be clarified and, if necessary, to address certain perceived weaknesses of current arrangements AI applications. Accountant Phone Number list

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for finance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer-based systems that offer varying levels autonomy that, in the context of the sake of a set of human-defined targets provide predictions, suggestions or take decisions. AI methods are increasingly utilizing large amounts of other data sources, and data analytics that are referred to as “big data”. These data feeds are machine-learning (ML) models that make use of the data to make decisions to improve the predictability of performance through data and experience, without being programmed by humans.

The COVID-19 crisis has intensified and intensified the trend of digitalisation that was evident prior to the outbreak that included using AI. The world’s investment in AI is expected to increase by a factor of two over 2020-23, increasing from USD50 billion in 2020 to over USD110 billion by 2024. Accountant Contact List. The growing AI application in finance for example, in areas such as asset management and algorithmic trading, as well as blockchain-based credit underwriting, or other banking, are made possible due to the depth of data as well as the increase in and cheaper computing power.

The use of AI in finance is anticipated to provide competitive advantages for financial companies by leveraging two major options: (a) by improving the efficiency of companies by reducing costs and productivity improvement, thereby leading to higher profits (e.g. improved decision-making processes, automated execution, advantages from improved the management of risk and regulatory compliance back-office, as well as other process optimization) as well as (b) by improving the quality of the financial products and services provided to consumers (e.g. new offerings of products, and the ability to tailor the products or services). This competitive advantage could help consumers of the financial sector, either by improved quality of products, a variety of choices along with personalisation or decreasing their cost.

What makes the use of AI in finance so important for the decision makers in finance?

AI financial applications could increase or create financial and non-financial risk that could lead to potential investor and financial consumer protection concerns. The application of AI can increase the risks that affect the safety of a financial institution and soundnessdue to the lack of explanation or interpretation of AI models, which have the potential for procyclicality and risks to the system in the market. The difficulties in understanding the process that generates results may result in possible conflicts with the current financial supervision system and internal governance structures, and it could even undermine the policy-making process that is technology neutral.

AI could pose particular dangers in terms of protection for consumers like the possibility of unfair, biased or discriminatory results from consumers as well as issues with data management and usage. Accountant Contact Number Lists. While the majority of the dangers associated by AI in finance aren’t specific to AI however, the use of AI can increase the vulnerability because of the level of complexity of the methods employed and the ability to adapt dynamically for AI-based models as well as their degree of autonomy in the most sophisticated AI applications.

What is the impact of AI altering some aspects of financial markets?

AI-based techniques are used in asset management as well as the market’s buy-side activities to allocate assets and stock selection using ML models’ capacity to detect signals and identify the underlying relationships that exist in large data. They also serve to optimize processes along with risk-management. The application of AI techniques is usually restricted to large institutions or asset managers with the resources and capacity to invest in these technologies.

Accountant Phone Number Database

When utilized in trades, AI adds a layer of complexity to traditional trading using algorithms, since the algorithms learn from inputs to data and then evolve into computer-programmed algorithmic systems capable of identifying and execute trades without human intervention. In highly digitalised markets such as the FX and equities market, AI algorithms can enhance the management of liquidity and execute large orders, with minimal impact on markets, through optimizing length, size, and order size in a dynamic manner that is based upon market trends. Trading firms can also use AI to manage risk and for order flow management to speed up execution and create efficiency.

Similar to non-AI models as well as algorithms, the use of the identical ML models in a wide range of finance professionals could cause herding behaviour and one-way markets. This can raise risk in terms of stability and liquidity the system, especially in periods of high stress. While AI algorithm trading may enhance liquidity in normal circumstances but it also can cause convergence and as a the result of this, to periods of insolvency during times of stress , and to flash crash. The volatility of markets could rise due to massive purchases or sales that are made at once, leading to new vulnerabilities. The convergence of trading strategies can create the possibility of self-reinforcing feedback loops which could cause abrupt price movements.

This kind of convergence can also increase the likelihood of cyber-attacks because it is easier for cybercriminals to influence agents who are acting in the same manner. The risks mentioned above are found in every type of algorithmic trading. However making use of AI enhances the risks associated with it due to the ability of AI to adapt and learn to changing circumstances in a completely autonomous manner. For instance, AI models can identify signals and understand the effects of herding, and then adjust their behaviour and their learning in front of the market from the first signals. The complexity of the model and the difficulty in understanding and replicating the mechanism that drives AI algorithms and models make it difficult to manage the risks.

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AI technology could increase the risk of illegal practices in trading that aim to manipulate markets and make it harder for supervisors to detect the underlying practices when collusion between AI models is present. This is possible by the dynamic and adaptive capability of self-learning as well as deep-learning AI models, which recognize interdependencies between themselves and change their behavior to match the actions and actions of market participants and other AI models, resulting in the same outcome without human intervention and without even having any idea.

AI models in lending may help reduce the costs associated with credit-related underwriting as well as facilitate the loan extension to “thin file” clients and, in turn, encourage financial inclusion. The application of AI can result in improved data processing to aid in the evaluation of creditworthiness for prospective borrowers, and improve the process of making decisions for underwriting and help improve lending portfolio management. Accountant contact numberes and email lists. This can also permit the giving of credit ratings to clients who have low credit histories, which can help in finance of real-economy (SMEs) and possibly facilitating the financial inclusion of those who are not banked.

Despite their immense potential, AI-based algorithms and the use of inaccurate information (e.g. regarding race or gender) in lending could pose the risk of having a different impact on results of credit and the potential for bias, discriminatory or unjust lending. Additionally, in the process of creating the perpetuation of biases AI-powered models can make the discrimination in credit allocation difficult to identify and make the outputs of the model can be difficult to understand and convey to rejected prospective customers. This is especially true for credit provided by BigTech which rely on access to huge amounts of data on customers, causing concerns about anti-competitive practices and market dominance on the technology side of service delivery (e.g. cloud).

The application in the use of AI techniques in finance based on blockchain could increase efficiency gains that could be realized in DLT-based systems, and enhance abilities of smart contracts. AI can enhance the efficiency of smart contracts by permitting the code that is used to create them to be dynamically adjusted in response the market’s conditions. The application in the use of AI within DLT systems can also bring about or even increases problems that arise in traditional financial products, like the inability to interpret AI decision-making systems and the difficulty in supervising systems and networks that are based on obscure AI models.

Presently, AI is mostly being employed to manage risk in smart contracts and for detection of weaknesses within the software. It is worth noting however that smart contracts existed for a long time before the introduction in AI applications and depend on simple software. In the present, the majority of smart contracts utilized in a tangible way are not tied to AI techniques , and a lot of the benefits that are attributed to the application in AI within DLT systems is still in the realm of speculation in the present. Accountant Phone Numbers and Email Leads.

In the near future AI could enable decentralised applications for decentralised finance (‘DeFi’), by providing automated credit scoring based on the user’s’ data on the internet as well as investment advisory services, trading using financial data as well as insurance underwriting. In the future artificial intelligence-based smart contracts that self-learn1 and adapt dynamically with no human intervention may lead to the development completely autonomous chains. The usage of AI could encourage further disintermediation, by replacing off-chain third-party suppliers of information with AI inference directly on the chain.

It is worth noting that AI-based systems don’t necessarily solve issues with the garbage in garbage-out dilemma as well as the issue of low quality or unsatisfactory data inputs blockchain-based systems. This is what gives the potential for significant risks to investors market integrity, market integrity, and the security of the platform dependent on what size DeFi markets. DeFi market. In addition, AI could amplify the many risks that are present within DeFi marketplaces, as well as adding more complexity to already challenging to supervise autonomous DeFi networks that lack any single access points to regulatory oversight or governance frameworks that provide accountability and the compliance of the oversight frameworks.

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The use in the use of AI in finance can increase the risks that exist in the financial market due to the ability of AI to learn and adapt to changes in the market in a totally autonomous manner and create new challenges and risk. Risks currently in place are due to the ineffective use of data and the use of low quality data that can cause biases and discriminatory resultsthat ultimately affect the financial consumer. Risks of concentration and associated problems with competition could arise from the requirements for investment of AI methods, which may cause dependence on a handful of large players.

Risks to market integrity and compliance may arise from the lack of a model governance system which takes into consideration the unique nature of AI as well as the absence of clearly defined accountability frameworks. The risks are also a result of the oversight and supervision mechanisms that might require adjustments to accommodate this emerging technology. The new risks that are emerging due to the application of AI are related to the unintended implications of AI-based systems and models to ensure market stability and integrity.

Significant risks arise from the difficulties in knowing how models that use AI produce outcomes (explainability). The increased usage for AI in finance may create a risk of increased connectivity in the market and a variety of operational risks posed by AI-based techniques may pose a an imminent threat to the security that the banking system has during times of financial stress.

Accountant Mobile Number Database

Accountant Mobile Number Database

The use of large data in AI-powered applications may be a major risk to the financial sector that is caused by the challenges and risks relating to the quality of information used; the privacy and security of information cybersecurity as well as fairness concerns. Depending on the manner in which they are utilized, AI methods have the ability to reduce discrimination due to human interactions or increase biases, discrimination and unfair treatment in the field of financial services.

Discrimination and biases in AI could result from the use of low quality, inadequate or flawed information in models based on ML, or accidentally through inferences and proxy methods (for instance, inferring gender based on the purchase activity of a consumer). Accountant E-mail Database Leads. Alongside the concerns of protecting consumers’ financial interests and competition concerns, there could be problems arising from the use of large datasets and models based on ML which are related to the concentration of market participants in certain markets, or the increased risk of collusions in tacit.

The most well-known challenge for ML models is in understanding how and why the model produces outcomes, which is generally described with the term “explainability” which is associated with several significant dangers. The extensive utilization of models that are opaque may have unintended consequences in the event that users of models or supervisors fail to understand the way in which the actions formulated by ML models might negatively impact the market and Accountant Mobile Number Database. A deliberate deficiency in transparency from companies in order to safeguard their own advantage contributes to the inability of explanation and raises concerns about the oversight of AI algorithms and models that use ML, but also to the capability of users to alter their strategies during times of bad performance or in periods of pressure. Accountant contact database

Incompatibility of explanations is not only incompatible with the existing law and regulation, as well as with the internal control, management of risk, and controls for financial institutions. It hinders clients to comprehend how their strategies impact the market or triggers market-related shocks and could increase the risk of systemic risk due to procyclicality. In addition, the inability of users to alter their strategies during situations of stress could cause increased market volatility and periods of inliquidity during times of extreme stress, which can trigger flash-crash type events. Problems with explainability are caused due to a wide gap in technical literacy , and the gap between the complexity characteristic of AI algorithms and requirements of human-scale reasoning and understanding that are compatible with human cognitive abilities. There are regulatory issues in relation to transparency and auditing for these models are present in a wide range of financial service usage cases.

Financial market professionals who use AI-powered models must continue to work towards improving the ability of their models to explain in order to comprehend their actions under normal market conditions, and in times of stress and also manage risks. The opinions differ on the level of explanation that can be attained by AI-driven models according to the kind of AI employed. A balance has to be struck between the understanding the model’s capabilities and its predictability. The implementation of disclosure requirements around applications of AI processes and models can help ease the burden related to explainability and provide more security and comfort for consumers using AI-powered services and contact lists of accountant.Accountant Mobile Number Database.

The risk of potential risks must be constantly monitored and evaluated so that AI systems operate in a reliable and durable manner. The resilience of AI systems can be enhanced through careful training and retraining of ML models using datasets that are large enough to be able to detect the non-linear relationship and tail-related events in the data (including artificial models). Monitoring, testing, and confirming AI models during their lifespans as well as based on their intended goals is vital in order to detect and correct “model drifts”2 (concept changes or data shifts) that affect the accuracy of the model’s predictions.

These model drifts are evident as tail effects, like the COVID-19 crisis cause discontinuities in the data sets and are essentially impossible to eliminate, since they are not reflected within the information used to build the model. The role of human judgment is essential at every stage in AI implementation, from the input of data sets to evaluating the model’s outputs. It helps to avoid the danger of misinterpreting the meaningless correlations that are observed from activity patterns as causal relations. Automated control mechanisms, or “kill switches” may be utilized as a final option to swiftly end AI-based systems the event they cease to work in accordance with their intended function however this is ineffective as it puts the system at risk and creates resilience when the existing business system has to stop functioning when financial institutions are in a state of stress.

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Clear governance frameworks that establish clearly defined lines of authority for AI-based systems all the way through their life cycle from their development phase to their deployment, can improve the existing model governance frameworks. Internal model governance committees , or models review boards in financial services companies are charged with establishing guidelines for model governance and the processes to build models, as well as documentation and verification for any stage of the model. Accountant e- mail database. These boards are likely to be more prevalent due to the increasing use of AI by financial companies and possibly a ‘upgrading’ to their roles as well as competences and the procedures that are involved to adapt to the complexity of AI models (e.g. the frequency of validation of models).

The need for clear accountability mechanisms is becoming more important because AI models are used in high-value use-cases for decision-making (e.g. accessibility to credit). There are also risks when outsourcing AI techniques to third-party companies with respect to accountability and the dynamics of competition (e.g. concentration risk, risk of dependency). The outsourcing to AI model or the infrastructure could cause issues related to the increased risk of convergence relating to market positions. This can trigger herding behaviour and the convergence of trading strategies, and the possibility that a large portion of the market could be affected simultaneously and result in periods of in-liquidity during periods of tension.

The approach of neutrality in technology used by a variety of jurisdictions to regulate financial markets products could become a challenge due to the growing complexity of some of the most innovative applications that make use of AI for finance and Accountant phone number lists.

Inconsistencies in the existing regulatory and legal frameworks may result due to the application of modern

AI techniques (e.g. due to the inability to explain or the ability to adapt deep models of learning). Additionally, there could be a an increased risk of fragmentation in the regulatory landscape in relation the field of AI at the international, national, and sectoral levels.

Enhancing the skills set to manage and develop new threats associated with AI will be required as AI applications become more commonplace in the finance industry. The adoption of AI in the financial sector could result in substantial job losses throughout the sector, leading to challenges in employment.

AI in finance needs to be considered a technology which enhances human abilities rather than replacing them. Combining ‘human’ machines’ in which AI assists in human judgement instead of replacing the human judgment (decision-aid rather than decision maker) allows for the advantages of AI to realize, while keeping the accountability and control regarding the final decision-making process. The appropriate emphasis could need to be given to human supremacy in making decisions, especially in the case of high-value applications (e.g. lending decisions).

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Considerations on policy

The regulators and policy makers have the responsibility of ensuring that the application in the use of AI within finance will be compatible with the regulatory goals of promoting stability of the financial system, safeguarding consumers from financial risk, and encouraging the integrity of markets and competition. It is important for policy makers to look at the possibility of supporting AI technology in finance while safeguarding financial consumers and investors, and encouraging an orderly, fair and transparent markets. New risks arising from the implementation of AI techniques must be identified and mitigated in order to encourage and support the application of ethical AI. Current requirements regarding supervision and regulatory requirements might need to be clarified and sometimes modified, according to the circumstances, to resolve the perceived problems with the existing agreements in conjunction with AI applications.

The impact of supervision and regulatory standards regarding AI methods could be viewed in the context of a proportional and contextual approach, based on the significance of the technique and its possible impact on the consumer’s experience and market’s functioning. This is likely to allow for the application of AI without inadvertently hindering the development. However, the application of proportionality should not jeopardize the most fundamental prudential or stability safeguards, nor safeguarding investors as well as financial consumers. These are the primary policies of the government.

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Policymakers should think about increasing their attention to better data governance in companies in the financial industry, with the goal to improve consumer protections in AI financial applications. Specific guidelines as well as best practice guidelines for managing data using AI-based methods might be considered, focusing on the quality of data, the accuracy of the data that is used, based on the application by an AI model, as well as safeguards that guarantee the reliability of the algorithm when it comes to avoiding biases that could be a problem.

A proper sense-checking of the model’s results against the baseline dataset as well as other tests based on the fact that protected classes can be determined from other attributes of this data is two instances of the best techniques to minimize the risks of discrimination. The need for greater transparency regarding how personal information and opt-out alternatives regarding the use of personal data may be looked at by the authorities.

Policy makers should think about the need to disclose requirements regarding using AI methods in the supply of financial services, and how they could affect the final outcome of the customers. Consumers of financial services should be aware about the potential use of AI techniques to deliver of a service, and also the possibility of involvement with an AI system rather than human beings for them for them to take intelligent decisions about the products they are considering. A clear explanation of AI’s capabilities and limitations should be provided. AI capability and its limitations must be disclosed in the information. The introduction of requirements on suitability for AI-driven financial services must be considered by the authorities to aid firms in determining whether potential clients are aware of how the application of AI impacts the quality of the service. Accountant phone numbers database.

Regulators must consider ways to address the perception of incompatibility absence of explanations in AI with current law and regulation. It may be necessary to modify or update the current frameworks used for models of Governance and Risk Management for firms in the financial sector.

to deal with the issues that arise from the adoption of AI-based models. The supervisory focus may be changed from documentation of the development process as well as the way in the model is created in its prediction, to the model’s behavior and outcomes. In addition, supervisors could investigate more technological methods to manage the risk, like stress testing for adversarial models, or outcomes-based indicators (Gensler and Bailey 2020[2[2]).

The policy makers should think about the need for clear models of governance and the assignment of accountability to increase trust in AI-driven technology. Clear governance frameworks that define clearly defined lines of accountability in the design and supervision of AI-driven systems through their lifespan, from conception through deployment, could be drafted by financial services companies in order to enhance existing procedures for operations that are related to AI.

Model governance frameworks within the internal model could be modified to better manage the risks that arise due to AI’s use AI and to include the intended outcomes for consumers , as well as an evaluation of the extent to which these outcomes can be achieved using AI technology. A thorough documentation and audit trail of these processes can help in the monitoring of this actions by supervisors by examining list of accountant database.

Increased assurance from financial institutions about the strength and durability of AI models is essential as policymakers seek to protect against the accumulation of systemic risks. It will aid in helping AI financial applications gain credibility. The effectiveness of models has to be evaluated in the most extremely challenging market conditions, in order to avoid vulnerability and systemic risks that can arise in situations of stress.

The introduction of automated controls (such such as the kill switch) that issue alarms or shut down models during situations of stress can help in reducing risk, however they could expose the company to the risk of new operational threats. Backup plans, models and procedures should be implemented to ensure continuity of operations in the event that models fail or behave with unexpected consequences. Additionally, regulators may look at adding buffers or minimum buffers in the event that banks were to decide on capital weights or risk using AI algorithmic models .

Frameworks for the proper training, retraining, and rigorous evaluation of AI models can be developed or strengthened to ensure that ML decision-making based on models is working according to its intended purpose and is in conformity with the applicable regulations and rules. The training datasets should be sufficient to record non-linear relationships as well as tail events within this data set, even when it is they are synthetic to increase the reliability of these models in the face of an unpredicted crises. Continuous testing of models based on ML is vital to detect and correct the drift of models.

Regulators ought to consider encouraging the regular monitoring and verification of AI models as they are crucial to their security, and are one of the best methods to improve the model’s resilience as well as prevent and deal with models that drift. The best practices in standardised procedures for monitoring and validation can aid in enhancing the resilience of models, and help determine whether the model needs modification, redevelopment, or replacement with accountant database leads. Validation of the model, as well as the necessary approvals and signatures should be separate from the design of the model, and document them as efficiently as feasible for purposes of supervisory. The timeframe for testing and validation needs to be established according to the appropriate criteria, based on the level of complexity of the model as well as the significance of the decisions taken by the model.

A proper focus could be placed on the primacy of human beings in making decisions when it comes to more valuable application cases, such as the decision to lend, which can have a significant impact on consumers.

Authorities should think about the introduction of procedures that allow clients to challenge the outcomes from AI algorithms and demand redress. This would aid in building trust with these AI systems. The GDPR is one example of such a policy that provide the rights of individuals to’request human intervention’ as well as to communicate their views in the event that they want to challenge the decisions made using an algorithm (EU 2016[3[3]).

Policymakers should be aware of the growing technological difficulty of AI and whether resources will have to be devoted to keeping the pace of technological advances. Because of the revolutionary impact of AI on specific markets and the different types of risk that arise from its use, AI is a rising issue for policy makers over the last few years. It is essential to invest in research and development of skills for both participants in the finance sector and enforcement authorities.

The function of policy makers is vital in encouraging technological innovation in the field and ensuring that financial customers and investors are adequately protected , and that markets around these products and services are free, orderly, and transparent. It is important for policy makers to think about enhancing their current arsenal of protections against the risks arising from, or increased by using AI. A clear and transparent discussion of the use of AI and the security measures put that are in place to safeguard it and the users could aid in establishing trust and confidence and help encourage the adoption of such new techniques. With the ease of trans-border financial services, the need for a multidisciplinary dialog between policy makers as well as the industry can be encouraged and maintained at the local and international levels.

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AI systems are computer-based systems that have varying degrees of autonomy that are able to in the context of a set of human-defined goals provide predictions, suggestions or make decisions based on massive quantities of information sources, as well as data analysis. These are referred to as “big data”3 (OECD 2019[44). These data feeds ML models are able to take information from their data and improve themselves without being programed by humans.

The COVID-19 crisis has increased and intensified the trend towards digitalisation which was previously observed prior to the outbreak that was a result of the widespread application of AI. A growing AI adoption in the finance sector, particularly in areas like the management of assets, algorithmsic trading blockchain-based credit underwriting, as well as blockchain-based financial services, is facilitated due to the abundance information and increased and cheaper, computing power.

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AI4 is integrated into products and services across a range of industries (e.g. automotive, healthcare consumer goods, healthcare Internet of Things (IoT)) as well as being increasingly utilized by financial service providers across the financial sector, including the corporate and retail banking (tailored products chat boxes for customer service credit scoring and underwriting credit loss forecasting AML fraud detection and monitoring as well as customer service) and asset management (robo-advice managing portfolio strategies as well as risk management) and trading (algorithmic trading) and insurance (robo-advice and claims management). AI is also used for RegTech in addition to SupTech applications in the government sector (e.g. natural processing of language (NLP) as well as the process of ensuring compliance).

The use of AI and ML employing big data is predicted to expand in significance (see 1.2.1). 1.2.1) The potential risk posed by its use in the financial sector are growing more alarming and could warrant more scrutiny by policy makers.

Many national officials and international forums have started a discussion of what regulators and supervisors should do to ensure that the dangers arising from the use of AI in the financial sector are minimized and what would be the most appropriate approach to the application of AI in the financial sector from the perspective of the policy maker. Also, how can policy makers encourage innovation in the financial sector while also ensuring that financial customers as well as investors are properly secured, and that markets around the products and services they offer remain open, fair and open?

The potential transformational impact of AI on specific markets in addition to the new kinds of risks caused by its use AI has become a major issue in the last several years. In May of 2019 it was announced that the OECD approved its Principles on AI (OECD, 2019[55) The first international standard that was endorsed by governments to ensure the responsibly stewardship of reliable AI that is based on the guidance of an expert group of multi-stakeholders and all Accountants.

The Committee on Financial Markets has included an analysis on AI, ML and big data in the Programme of Work and Budget of the Committee for the period 2021-22 [C(2008)93/REV2C(2008)93/REV2.

This report analyzes how AI/ML and big-data impact certain areas of the financial sector that have embraced these technology early and how these new techniques are altering their business models; outlines advantages and risks associated with the use of these technology in finance. It also provides an update on the regulatory activities and strategies of regulators with regard to AI as well as ML in financial services in certain markets, and details on debates that are currently being held by IOs as well as other decision makers. It also identifies issues that are still a concern and need further analysis through The Committee as well as their Experts Group; and provides some preliminary considerations for policy in these issues including accountant email database leads. The report does not address the application for AI as well as big data for the financial industry that has been debated in experts from the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee (OECD 2020[6[6]).

The purpose of this analysis and discussion of the subject is two-fold in the first place, providing an analysis that can inform the ongoing debate among both IOs and policy makers and secondly, to investigate questions that arise in the interplay of AI finance, policy, and finance which are largely unexplored. This is the latter, which involves analysis of the ways in which AI as well as ML, and big data affect certain aspects of market activities (such in asset management, algorithmic trading, credit underwriting and financial products that are based on blockchain) as well as the associated business models; and also how these technologies impact the existing risks (such as volatility, liquidity and convergence, and liquidity).

This report was compiled through the committee’s Experts Group on Finance and Digitalisation and was discussed in The Committee on Financial Markets during the meeting in April. The members are requested to accept the declassification process of this report via a written procedure or make any final feedback on or before 23 July 2021 to accept the publication of the report.

Artificial Intelligence systems (AI), ML, and using big data

A AI machine, as defined in the report of the OECD’s AI Experts Group (AIGO) is a computer-driven system that, with an established set of human-determined goals, formulate predictions, suggestions or even decisions in relation to virtual or real environments (OECD 2019[44). It makes use of human and/or machine inputs to assess physical and/or virtual environments, transform such observations into model (in an automated way, e.g. by using ML or manual) and utilize models to determine alternatives for information or actions. Artificial Intelligence systems can function with different degree of autonomy (OECD 2019[4[4]).

The AI stages of lifecycle management include (i) designing and planning data collection and processing as well as model construction and interpretation, (ii) confirmation and verification (iii) deployment as well as (iv) operations and surveillance (OECD 2019[4[4]). A AI research taxonomy is a way to distinguish AI software (e.g. NLP) methods to instruct AI algorithms (e.g. neural networks); optimisation (e.g. one-shot-learning) and research that addresses the social implications (e.g. transparency).

ML can be described as an AI subset that defines the capacity for software programs to take lessons from data sets in order to improve itself without having to be explicitly programmed by humans (e.g. image recognition predictive of defaults by borrowers fraud, AML recognition) (Samuel 1959, 1959[77). The various kinds of ML are the following: learned by supervised methods (‘classical ML’, which consists of sophisticated regressions as well as categorizations of data used to improve prediction) in addition to unsupervised (processing input data to comprehend how data is distributed and create, for instance automatized customer segmentations) as well as deeper and reinforced learning (based in neural networks, and could be applied to non-structured data, such as voice or images) (US Treasury 2018[8[8]). 

The neural networks of deep learning are attempting to model the way that neurons interact inside the brain, using a variety of (‘deep’) layers of virtual interconnectedness (OECD 2019, 2019[4[4]). The models make use of multi-layer neural networks5 to understand and identify complex patterns in data in a manner that is influenced by the way the brain functions. Deep learning models are able to recognize and classify data input without the need to write specific rules (no requirement to define particular detectors) and also can detect new patterns that humans would have thought of or developed (Krizhevsky, Sutskever and Hinton 2017[10[10, 11]). They are thought to be more tolerant of noise and work at multiple layers of generality derived from sub-features.

ML models make use of huge quantities of other sources of data and data analytics, which are referred to as “big data’. The term”big data” was coined in beginning of the 2000s, when Big Data was used to refer to “the growth in the volume (and sometimes, the quality) of accessible and relevant data, mostly due to new and unimaginable advances in storage and data recording technology” (OECD 2019, [4]). The big data ecosystem includes data sources and software, analytics software as well as statistics, programming as well as data analysts who synthesize the data in order to eliminate the noise and generate meaningful outputs and surveying with an accountant database lists.

The attributes of big data are the ‘4Vs’ of Volume (scale of information) and speed (high-speed process and analysis data streams) as well as diversity (heterogeneous data) as well as veracity (certainty of the data, reliability of sources as well as accuracy) and other characteristics like exhaustion, extensionality, and complexity (OECD 2019[44) (IBM 2020[1111). Veracity is a crucial aspect because it can be challenging for the user to judge whether the data used is reliable and complete. reliable, and could need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

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Big data could comprise climate information satellite photos, images or videos, as well as transition record, GPS signals, as well as personal datalike names, images or email address, bank information as well as posts on social network websites, medical information or even a computer’s IP address (OECD 2019, 2019[44). The data can challenge the conventional methods due to its magnitude complexity, size, or frequency of availability. It requires sophisticated digital techniques, including ML models to analyze these data. A growing usage of AI in IoT applications is also creating large amounts of data which feed directly into AI applications.

The availability of data lets ML models to be more effective because they are able to learn from examples used to train the models in an iterative process known as teaching the model (US Treasury, 2018, [88).

A rapidly-growing field in business and research

Increased use of AI applications can be seen in the increased spending of AI from the commercial sector, along with a growing research effort regarding this technology. The world’s spending on AI is predicted to double in the four years ahead, increasing to $50.1 billion during 2020 and more than $110 billion by 2024 (OECD 2019, 2019[44). According to IDC estimates, investment in AI technology will grow in the coming years with an anticipated CAGR of c.20 percent from 2019 to 24 as businesses implement AI in their digital transformation initiatives as well as to stay competitive in the modern economy. Private equity investments in AI companies has increased by more than a third in 2017 on year-to-year basis , and attracted 12 percent of the world’s private equity investment in H1 2018 (OECD 2019[55). In the same way the rate of growth in AI-related research is much higher than the growth in research in general or computer science papers, which further demonstrates of growing interest in this cutting-edge technological advancement (Figure 2.1).

AI in supervision and regulatory technology (‘Regtech” and “Suptech”)

Financial market regulators are increasingly looking at potential benefits from the application of AI insights in tools that are referred to as “Suptech,” i.e. applications that use FinTech to assist authorities for supervisory, regulatory and oversight functions (FSB 2020[12[12]). Additionally, regulated institutions are creating and implementing FinTech applications to meet compliance and regulatory requirements as well as the reporting. Accountant all email lists and phone numbers. Financial institutions are using AI software for internal control as well as risk management as the integration of AI technology and behavioural technologies will allow large financial institutions to stop misconduct and shift the focus away from post-mortem resolution to proactive prevention (Scott 2020[13[13, 2020]).

The increase of RegTech as well as SupTech applications is mostly due to supply side drivers (increased access to information, including machine-readable ones and the development of AI methods) and demand-side drivers (potential to improve efficacy and efficiency of regulation processes as well as potential to gain greater insight into compliance and risk developments) (FSB 2020[1212).

Despite the potential and benefits of implementing AI to supervise and regulate purposes, authorities must be vigilant due to the risks that come with the application of these technologies (resourcing cybersecurity risk, risk to reputation data quality concerns, and limited transparability and interpretation) (FSB 2020[1212). These are the risk factors present in the implementation of AI by participants in the financial markets and are covered more in depth within the report.

The use of AI in finance is fueled by the growing and large amount of data available in financial services, and the expected competitive edge that AI/ML will offer to firms in the financial sector. The explosion of data available as well as analytical data (big data) along with lower-cost computing capabilities (e.g. cloud computing) can be analysed using algorithms to discern patterns and underlying relationships within data in a way that is beyond the capabilities of human beings. The adoption of AI/ML as well as big data by companies in the financial sector is predicted to drive the competitive advantages of firms by enhancing the companies efficiency, reducing their costsand increasing the quality of financial service products that customers demand (US Treasury 2020).

This article examines the possible impact that application for AI or big data could impact certain financial market transactions such as asset management, trading, investing and banking; and blockchain application in the field of finance.

The allocation of portfolios in asset management6 and the wider investing community (buy-side)

The application of AI and ML in asset management could be able to boost the effectiveness and precision in operational workflows. It can increase the performance of risk management, increase efficiency and enhance customer experience (Blackrock 2019[14[14]) (Deloitte 2019, 2019[1515). Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a subset of AI is a tool that can be utilized by financial advisors in order to “humanize the analysis of data and to make it simpler for and report to clients (Gould 2016[1616).

Since ML models are able to monitor the risk of thousands of factors a regular basis and assess the performance of portfolios in a myriad of economic and market scenarios and scenarios, this technology will enhance the risk management process for asset managers as well as other institutional investors with large amounts of capital. Regarding operational benefits, the application of AI will reduce the back-office expenses that investment management firms incur, and replace the manual process of reconciliation by automated reconciliations which could cut the cost of reconciliation and improve speed alongwith all database of accountant.

Incorporating ML models with large data may give asset managers recommendations that impact the decisions made regarding the allocation of stocks to portfolios or portfolios according to the type of AI method used. Data from big data have replaced conventional data sets that are now considered an item that is readily available to investors of all kinds, and is used by managers of asset portfolios to obtain insight regarding their investment strategy. For investors data is always a key element and data has been the core of numerous investment strategies, ranging starting with fundamental research to quantitative and systematic trading strategies in all. While structured data was at the core of such ‘traditional’ strategies, vast amounts of raw or unstructured/semi-structured data are now promising to provide a new informational edge to investors deploying AI in the implementation of their strategies. AI helps asset managers absorb massive quantities of data from multiple sources and draw insights from their data to help them formulate their strategies within very brief intervals.

The use of AI/ML as well as big data could be restricted to asset managers with larger portfolios or institutional investors with the resources and capacity to make investments in AI technologies, potentially creating obstacles to the use of these techniques for smaller actors. A significant investment in technology and expertise is needed to explore and transform vast quantities of unstructured, new datasets of large data, and create models using ML. In the event that use of AI and proprietary models gives the advantage in performance over rivals which could, in consequence, restrict participation by smaller companies that can’t adopt AI/ML in-house or utilize big data sources. Accountant Email list

The limited participation of smaller players will continue until the field is at a stage where these tools are made available as services through third-party vendors. However the third party data may not be held to the same level across all industries. those who use third-party tools will need to establish trust in the reliability and accuracy of the data used (‘veracity of large data) in order to achieve an amount of confidence for them to use them.7

The use of similar AI model by a vast number of asset managers may cause herding behaviours and market one-way, which could create risks for liquidity and reliability of the financial system, particularly during times of pressure. Market volatility may increase due to massive purchases or sales that are made at the same time, leading to new vulnerability sources (see section 2.2).

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One could argue that the application of AI/ML as well as big data in investing could alter the trend toward passive investing. If the application of these new technologies is proven to generate alpha consistently, which suggests a cause-and-effect relationship between the application of AI and the performance that it provides (Blackrock 2019, [14]) (Deloitte 2019[1515]) The active investors could profit from this opportunity to reenergize active investing and offer the opportunity to increase their alpha for their clients.

 The performance of hedge funds powered by AI and ETFs

Hedge funds are on the forefront of FinTech users and employ massive data AI and machine learning algorithms in the execution of trades and back office processes (Kaal 2019[19[19). A new class of AI pure-play’ hedge funds have been emerging in recent years that are built entirely upon AI as well as ML (e.g. Aidiyia Holdings, Cerebellum Capital, Taaffeite Capital Management and Numerai) (BNY Mellon, 2019[20]).

As of now, there is no research or independent analysis of the effectiveness of AI-powered funds by an independent source, or looking at the different funds that claim to be powered by AI. Fund managers employ different levels of AI in their business and strategies and are not willing to divulge their strategies in order to preserve their competitive edge. While some funds might be advertising their products as AI driven’ however the degree of AI utilized by funds and the level of sophistication of the deployment of AI differ significantly, creating a challenge to assess performance of the various companies that claim to have AI products with all email and phone numbers of accountant.

Indices from the private sector of hedge funds powered by AI show the superiority of AI-powered funds over traditional hedge fund indices offered through the same sources (Figure 2.2). Indices offered by third-party sources are susceptible to a variety of biases, including self-selection bias and survivorship of the constituents of the index or back filling. They should be handled with care.

Note that the Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index is Eurekahedge’s most popular index that is equally weighted of 2195 fund constituents. The index was created to be a comprehensive measurement of the performance of the hedge fund managers that are in charge regardless of their regional mandate. The index is based on a base weighting at 100 as of December 1999, and does not include duplicate funds and is calculated in local currency. It is the Eurekahedge AI Hedge Fund Index is an index with equal weighting comprised of 18 funds. The index was designed to be a broad gauge of the performance the hedge fund managers that employ AI and ML theories to manage their trading. The index is based on a base weighting at 100 as of December 2010 It does not include duplicate funds and is based in USD. This index Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index is an hedge fund index that is weighted by assets that includes closed and open funds.

ETFs that are powered by AI and where investments are made and performed by models aren’t at a significant dimension as of. The AuM total of this group of ETFs has been calculated to be c. 100 million USD at the close of the year (CFA, n.d.[21]). The efficiency gained by the implementation by AI for automated ETFs reduces management costs (estimated to be an average annual fee of 0.77 percent as of the end of the year). Regarding forecasting accuracy it is becoming clear that ML models beat traditional forecasts for macroeconomic indicators like GDP and inflation (Kalamara and others.  These improvements are evident most during times of economic stress , when probabilities suggest, forecasts are most crucial. There is also evidence to support the advantages of AI-driven methods in identifying relevant yet previously undiscovered correlations in the financial crisis pattern and ML models generally surpassing logistic regression in forecasting and out-of-sample prediction (Bluwstein and colleagues.

Algorithmic Trading

AI can be utilized in trading to offer strategies for trading and also to generate automatized trading platforms that can make predictions, determine the path to take and then make trades. AI-based trading systems that operate on the market are able to identify and complete trades completely independently, without any intervention from humans, making use of AI techniques like deep learning, evolutionary computation as well as probabilistic logic. AI-based techniques (such such as the algo wheel) help to plan the future trade in a structured manner, by allowing an “if/then” method of thinking to be used as an aspect of the procedure. With the increasing interconnectedness of different asset classes and geographical areas and geographies, the use of AI can provide predictive capabilities which is quickly surpassing the capabilities of conventional algorithmic trading and finance.

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AI-enabled trading systems are also able to assist traders in their risk management as well as in the administration of how they move their order. For instance, AI-based systems can monitor the risk exposure and modify or close the position based on the preferences of the client completely automated and without the requirement for programming reprogramming. They learn by themselves and can adapt to market conditions without (or with minimum) the intervention of a human. They could help traders control their transactions with their brokers, in the case of trades that have been decided on, and manage fees and allocate liquidity to various pockets (e.g. regional market preferences, currency decisions or other aspects of process of order management) (Bloomberg 2019, 2019[25[25.]).

In highly digitalized markets like the ones for FX and equities, AI solutions promise to offer competitive pricing, manage liquidity, and improve execution. In addition, AI algorithms deployed in trading can improve the management of liquidity and execute large orders with minimal impact on markets, through optimizing length, size, and order size in a dynamic manner depending upon market trends.

The application of AI and big data for sentiment analysis to detect trends, themes or trading patterns is expanding the practice, which is not new. Traders have mined news reports and management announcements/commentaries for decades now, seeking to understand the stock price impact of non-financial information with database leads of accountants.  Nowadays the mining of texts and the analysis of tweets and social media posts or satellite information through the application in the use of NPL algorithms is a prime example of how new technologies that guide trading decisions since they can automate data collection and analysis as well as identify persistent patterns or patterns at a scale that human being cannot comprehend.

What makes AI-managed trading distinct from systemic trading is reinforcement learning process and adjustments to adapt the AI model to the changing market conditions. Traditional systematic strategies take time to modify parameters due to the extensive human involvement required. Traditional back-testing strategies built on historical data could not yield good results in real-time because trends previously observed are unable to be sustained. The application in ML-based models could shift focus of analysis towards the forecasting and the analysis of trends in real-time such as using “walk forward” tests rather than back testing.10 These tests forecast and adjust to changes in real time , which can reduce the risk of over-fitting (or the fitting of curves, refer to section 3.5.1.) when testing backtests that are based on the historical information and trends.

Algo wheels are a broad concept that covers fully automated solutions that are mostly a trader-directed flows. A computer-based algo wheel can be described as an automatic route-finding process using AI methods to assign an algorithm for brokers to trades from a pre-configured list of algorithms (Barclays Investment Bank 2020[2727). In the simplest terms, AI-based algo wheel models determine the most efficient strategy and broker

through which to route the order, depending on market conditions and trading objectives/requirements.

The majority of investment firms use algo wheels for two main reasons; first, to gain improvements in performance through better execution quality, and secondly to increase efficiency of workflow by the automation of small order flows or converting broker algorithms into uniform names conventions. Market participants believe that using algo wheels can reduce market biases of traders regarding the choice of the broker and the algorithm that is used in the market.

The estimate is that around 20% of trades are currently going through algorithm wheels. The system is becoming more widely accepted as a method of classifying and evaluating the top performers in broker algos (Mollemans 2020[28[28.]). However, those that use it, are using it to make up 38% of the flow. The potential for widespread adoption of algo wheels may result in growth in the general quantity of electronic trading which could be beneficial to the marketplace of online brokerage (Weber 2019, 2019[2929).

The application in the use of AI for trading passed through various levels of development as well as corresponding degree of complexity. It adds a layer of traditional algorithmic trading in each stage of the process. The first generation of algorithms comprised buy or sell orders based on basic parameters, then later, algorithms allowed to dynamically price. Second-generation algorithms utilized strategies to break massive orders and minimize market impacts, which helped to get more competitive prices (so-called “execution Algos”). Strategies based upon deep neural networks have been developed to offer the most efficient ordering and execution styles that minimizes market impact (JPMorgan 2019[30[30]). Deep neural networks are modeled after the human brain using the use of algorithms developed to detect patterns, and they are not dependent on human input to operate and to learn (IBM 2020[31[31]). The application of these methods could benefit market makers by improving their control of their inventory and lower the costs of their balance sheets. As the advancement of AI is advanced, AI algorithms evolve into computer-programmed, automated algorithms that learn from input of data and are less dependent on human interaction.

In reality, the more advanced versions of AI currently are utilized to recognize signals that come from ‘low-informational significance’ events that occur in the flow-based trading11 that consist of events that are less apparent which are more difficult to recognize and deduce value from. Instead of aiding in the speed of execution, AI can actually be utilized to discern signals from the noise of data and transforms that information into decisions about trading. The less advanced algorithms are typically used in ‘high informational occasions such as information about economic events which are evident for everyone to comprehend and for which execution speed is essential.

At the moment of their development, models based on ML are not designed to trading in front and benefit from speed of movement, like strategies for HFT. Instead, they’re limited to offline use to help with the calibrating of algorithm parameters as well as to improve algorithms’ decision making process, not for execution (BIS Markets Committee 2020[3232). In the near future, however as AI technology improves and becomes utilized in more scenarios and applications, it will enhance what is possible with traditional algorithms for trading, which will have implications for the financial market. It is anticipated that this will happen as AI techniques begin to be used in the execution stage of trades, providing greater capability for automated trading and supporting all the steps starting with the detection of signals, to formulating strategies and then the execution of them. Algorithms based on ML will enable the automatic and dynamic modification of their own algorithms when trading. In this case the rules that are already in place to algorithmic trading (e.g. security measures built into the risk management systems prior to trading and automated control mechanisms that turn off the algorithm when it exceeds the limits that are built into the risk management model) must extend to AI-driven trading.

Unintended consequences and potential risk

The usage of similar or identical models by a wide range of traders can result in unintended effects on competitionand may result in the increase of market stress. The introduction of models that are widely used will naturally limit the arbitrage opportunities that are available, reducing margins. The end result would be a benefit for consumers as it reduces bid-ask spreads. But it could lead to convergence, herding and one-way markets, which could have potential implications to the stability of market as well as for liquidity, especially in times of extreme stress. Like any algorithm the widespread application that is similar to AI algorithms can lead to the possibility that feedback loops self-building, which could, in turn, result in sharp price swings (BIS Markets Committee 2020[32[32.]).

This kind of convergence can also increase the threat of cyber-attacks since it becomes more easy for cybercriminals to influence agents that behave in the same manner than autonomous agents that have distinct behavior (ACPR 2018, [33]). Concerning cyber-security when AI is employed in a criminal manner it is able to carry out offensive attacks autonomously (without intervention from humans) on vulnerable systems within trading, but also across financial markets and other participants (Ching TM 2020[34[34]).

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The usage in the creation of models proprietary to one that are unable to be replicated is essential to ensure that traders have a competitive advantages, and could lead to the intentional deficiency of transparency, thereby contributing to the difficulty of explaining the workings of models created by ML. The inability of users of ML methods to divulge their models’ workings in the fear that they will lose their edge creates questions regarding the oversight of algorithms and ML model.

The algorithmic trading may also enable collusion outcomes to be sustained as well as more likely to get seen in the digital market . This is in addition to the chance that AI-driven systems could make it more difficult for illegal practices to influence markets, including’spoofing and’spoofing’. They can make it harder for supervisors to spot these practices when collusion between machines is occurring . The inability to explain models based on ML that are used to support trading may make the adjusting of the strategies difficult during periods of low performance in trading.

The algorithms used to trade are now linear model-based processes (input A has caused trade strategy B implemented) which can be tracked and analysed, and there is a clear understanding of the factors that drove the results. When there is a lack of performance the most important thing is for traders to break down the results into the fundamental driving factors behind the trading decision in order to modify and/or correct based on the situation. But, even in the case of high performance, traders cannot comprehend why the trade was successful madeand, consequently, can’t determine whether the result can be attributed to the superiority of the model or ability to recognize the patterns in the data, or simply luck.

Concerning potential unintended consequences to the market one could argue that the use of AI technology to trade and HFT can increase volatility in markets due to large transactions or sales that are executed at the same time, leading to new vulnerability sources (Financial Stability Board 2017[36[36]). Particularly, some of the algorithms for HFT appear to have been responsible for high market volatility as well as decreased liquidity, and more severe flash crashes which have been occurring with increasing frequency over the last few years (OECD 2019[37[37]).  Accountants Contact Lists. Since HFT are the main source of liquidity supply under regular market conditions and thereby improving the efficiency of markets, any interruption in the functioning of their models during situations of crisis can result in liquidity being withdrawn from the market, and could have an negative consequences for the resilience of markets.

Spoofing is a shady market manipulation technique that involves placing offers to purchase or sell commodities or securities in the hope of reversing the offers or bids prior to the transaction’s execution. It’s designed for creating a false impression of the demand of investors in the market, thus altering the behaviour and behavior of market participants, as well as allowing the person who spoofed gain from these changes through a reaction to market changes.

Spoofing has been a common practice in the trading world prior to the advent of algorithmic trading, however it has become more prevalent with the advent of high-frequency trading. Spoofing strategies for manipulating markets was identified as one the major triggers behind the Flash Crash of 2010. Flash Crash (US Department of Justice 2015[3838]).

In the event of a hypothetical scenario the deep learning ML models that learn from the behavior of other models and adjust to changing circumstances may begin to collaborate together with different ML models to benefit of these practices. In these scenarios an entity that trades that uses ML models could be involved in spoofing, and instead of benefitting it, might pass the benefit on to a different model within the firm , or even to an other trading company using similar models, making it difficult for supervisors to detect and demonstrate the intention. This is possible because ML models can co-ordinate the behaviour of two people without communicating explicitly, and self-learning as well as reinforcement learning models can learn and adapt their behavior dynamically according to changes in the behaviour of others.

Similar to the issues mentioned when investing, huge use of off-the-shelf AI model by the participants of markets could result in the potential to impact liquidity and stability of markets, due to the possibility of herding or market movements that are one-way. This could also increase the risk of volatility, procyclicality and sudden changes in markets, both in terms of size as well as in regards to direction. Herding behavior could result in markets becoming illiquid due to the absence of shock absorbers or market makers who are capable of taking on the other aspect of transactions.

The application in the use of AI in trading could improve the interconnectivity of financial institutions and markets in unexpected ways and could increase the relationships and dependencies between previously not related elements (Financial Stability Board 2017[36[36.]). The increasing application of algorithms that produce uncorrelated returns or profits could create correlations in independent variables when their use can be sufficiently large. They can also enhance network effects, like sudden changes in the size or direction in which the market movements.

To reduce the risk from the use in the use of AI to trade, security measures might need to be in place to protect against AI-driven algorithmic trading. Security measures built into the these risk management systems for pre-trading are intended to stop and prevent misuse of these systems. Incredibly, AI has also been utilized to create better pre-trade risk control systems, which include, among other things the requirement to test every version of an algorithm, and would apply for AI-based systems. Automated control mechanisms that immediately turn off the algorithm are the most effective line of defense for market professionals in cases where the algorithm has gone far beyond risk systems and involve pulling off the switch’ to replace the technological system with human handling and accountant phone number database. These mechanisms can be considered to be suboptimal from a policy standpoint since they turn off the functioning of systems when they are needed during situations of stress and create operational weaknesses.

Security measures may also have to be implemented on the part of exchanges in which trading takes place. This could include automated cancellation of orders if they are cancelled by the AI system is shut off due to a reason, and techniques that offer protection against sophisticated manipulation techniques made possible by technology. Circuit breakers, as they are now triggered by large drops in the trade might be able to detect and trigger by large quantities of smaller transactions performed by AI-driven platforms, which would have the same effect.

Intermediation of credit and evaluation of creditworthiness

Artificial Intelligence-based Models and Big Data are utilized by banks and fintech lenders to determine the creditworthiness of potential borrowers and to make underwriting decisions and perform underwriting decisions. Both functions are that are at the heart of finance. When it comes to credit score models using ML can predict the likelihood of defaulting by borrowers, with greater accuracy for forecasting as when compared with standard mathematical models (e.g. logic regressions) particularly in cases where limited information exists (Bank of Italy 2019[39]) (Albanesi and Vamossy 2019[40(Albanesi and Vamossy, 2019[40]). Additionally, financial intermediaries employ AI-based systems to detect fraud and for analyzing the interconnectedness of lenders, which helps them better manage their loan portfolioand seek all accountant contact leads.

Big data and AI are utilized to detect fraud by financial institutions as well as FinTech lenders, for clients on boarding as well as KYC checks, as well as anti-money laundering and screening for terrorist financing through a platform shared by the institution at on-boarding and during the ongoing due diligence (AML/CFT) and for the detection of suspicious activity in ongoing surveillance.

Particularly, AI can help institutions detect suspicious transactions and recognize suspicious and possibly fraudulent activities by using software for image recognition as well as risk models and other AI-based strategies (e.g. fraudulent use of personal data, falsely presenting services or products or other frauds). AI can reduce the risk of false positives. In other words , the denial of transactions that are legitimate (e.g. fraudulently declined credit card payments) leading to higher client satisfaction.

An Proof of Concept project to test the viability and efficacy of using AI in AML/CFT using an open platform was completed in Japan. The AI technology to monitor and screen transactions using previously recorded suspicious transactions of different banks as ML data as an objective function, has successfully helped compliance personnel triage the results of screening transactions against lists of sanctions and finding the suspicious transaction (New International Organization for Industrial and Energy Technology 2021[41[41]).

In the same way different applications of AI can be utilized to bypass the security measures for fraud detected by banks. For instance, AI-based fraudulent images can be difficult to distinguish from real images, posing serious issues for authentication and verification functions in banking services (US Treasury 2018[8[8.]).

The accessibility of big data as well as advanced analytics models based on AI using big data have changed the ways credit risk is evaluated. Credit scoring models driven by AI incorporate the application of traditional credit information, if available, with data that is that are not necessarily linked with credit worthiness (e.g. social media footprints, digital data, and transactional information accessible through Open Banking initiatives).

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The application of AI models for credit scoring can cut down on costs of underwriting and also allow for the evaluation of creditworthiness for clients who have a limited credits (‘thin file’). This can result in the credit extension to businesses that can’t be proven viable using past performance information and tangible collateral asset which could increase the access to credit and helping the development of the economy by easing the burden of SME financing. Recent research suggests that it could decrease the need for collateral, by reducing the information inequalities that are prevalent in the credit market (BIS 2020 [42]). The approval rates of credit for a portion of the population who have traditionally been overlooked like the near-prime or the underbanked segments of the population, may be improved by alternative scoring techniques, possibly encouraging financial inclusion. Despite this model, AI-driven credit scoring models have not been tested for extended credit cycles or in the event of a recession and there is a lack of evidence-based proof of the benefits of ML-driven methods to promote financial inclusion. For instance, certain studies suggest that using ML models to assess credit risk can result in lower access to credit for majorities of ethnic groups (Fuster and colleagues. 2017[43]) However, other studies show that lending decision rules built on ML predictions decrease racial biases in the marketplace for consumer loans

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