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The top uses that involve Phone Number Data are Identity Resolution, Data Onboarding, and Direct Marketing.

Let’s say you’re running a business selling strategy that demands you to connect with the maximum number of people you can. If your job is laid off for you, it can often be challenging to determine what to do. First, you should create your list of prospective customers and then save your call data in an electronic database.

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Here are the best techniques for telemarketing databases that you should consider a priority to observe.

Get Organized
A well-organized UK mobile phone directory includes contacts organized according to phone country, postal, area, city, and province. By narrowing your calls to only one of the criteria, it is possible to incorporate new business information into your list, then sort and retarget top leads.

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Create a strategy to manage your phone lists. Naturally, your organizational plan must be based on the purpose of your cold-calling campaign. Your business’s goals will affect the traits your most promising prospects have. Make a profile of the most appealing candidate based on the plans for your marketing campaign. Make sure you make your leads list to ensure that the candidates who best meet your ideal profile of a prospect are first on your list of leads. List.

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Determine Who Has Access to and edit your database
Your phone number list doesn’t only represent an investment in money but also a resource that your team can use to increase sales. Although your phone number list is essential because you bought it, it’s also advantageous due to the possibility that it can improve your bottom line. In this regard, you should think carefully about who has access to and control your database.

It is generally recommended to restrict the number of users who have access to your database to only those who use it to communicate with potential customers to achieve your campaign’s goals. If an individual is not active with your marketing campaign, then there’s no reason for them to gain access to your telephone number database.

It’s also advisable to restrict access to the database you have created; it’s best to allow editing privileges to people who require them. This generally means that you only give editing rights to agents that will be conducting cold calls. It will be necessary to modify the database to make changes to records and notes that could aid in subsequent calls.

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Create Your Database
Databases are knowledge centers that store information for sales personnel. They are vital to gain knowledge and share it with your sales staff. Even if it’s just to keep call notes, callback databases can help your sales team to achieve maximum value and benefit from lists of telemarketing calls.

As time passes, your phone number list will likely expand and include more contact numbers and information on your customers. When you get recommendations from your current prospects or purchase leads lists, or either, it’s essential to grow the size of your database to include as much data as you can to assist you in achieving your goals for the business in the near and far future and at every step in between.

4. Keep Your Database
Although you want your database to expand with time, you do not want it to contain obsolete or ineffective details. To keep your database from overloading with useless information, it’s essential to maintain it regularly, including removing old records and updating your prospective customers with their contact details.

One of the most effective ways to ensure your database is to ensure that it doesn’t contain numbers listed on the Do Not Call list. If you make a call to an address that is listed on a Do Not List, you could result in your business spending lots of money, perhaps even millions. With the free tools available online, think about scrubbing all your data against the Do Not Call registry at least twice yearly.

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Today, download the mobile phone/cell numbers directory of all cities and states based on the network or operator. The database of mobile numbers is an excellent resource for advertising and bulk SMS, targeting specific regions of people, electoral campaigns, or other campaigns. Before you use these numbers, verify the ” Do Not Disturb” status in conjunction with TRAI. If it is activated, it is not permitted to use these numbers to promote your business.

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It’s the quickest method of building an extensive list of phone numbers for your potential customers. Pay a fixed sum (per list, contact, country, or industry) and get every mobile number you paid for and have in your possession. You can then utilize them several times to reach out to customers to convince them to purchase their products or products. Doesn’t that sound great?

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Although it may seem like the fastest method of building a list of numbers, it’s not the case. There are a lot of risks associated with purchasing mobile marketing lists which won’t generate sales:

They’re not well-targeted. It’s impossible to be sure that every person on the bought phone lists will pay attention to the emails you’ve sent or your company worldwide.

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It will help if you trust someone completely. When you purchase a mobile phone list, you’ll need to be able to trust your seller about how active the numbers are. It’s possible that the majority of the phone numbers you’re buying are not current or relevant.


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An example of simple architectures is a great way to illustrate this point. The original binary-coded Turing machine, which was created by Alan Turing in 1937 (Turing), is perhaps the most primitive. This machine can be programmed to perform any function that is computable. However, it is universal in that it can be used to program other functions. Anyone who has attempted to create procedures for it will know that many computations are very complex. The complexity of the sequence of operations it must perform varies depending on the task and nature of the input. This is a significant difference to machines built with more traditional architectures. The number of steps it takes to find a string of symbols within a Turing machine is dependent on how many strings are stored. However, a register architecture can be used to simplify the process of looking up a symbol in a table. This is possible under certain conditions. Register architectures can execute certain algorithms, such as the hash-coding algorithm, which are not possible in the Turing machines. This is despite the fact that the Turing machines can either compute the same function or be programmed to be weakly equivalent to it. It can therefore compute the same lookup function but it cannot use the same hash-coding algorithm. UK Phone Number email database providers

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A Turing machine could be programmed to emulate the state sequence of the register by first asking it to calculate the functions realized by each operation of the register. This would allow the Turing to replicate each step taken by the register to execute its algorithm. In this case, the Turing machines would be first emulating the architecture and then execute the algorithm in the emulated architecture. This is a different matter than computing the algorithm directly by the Turingmach. UK Phone Number email listing

Cognitive science is able to distinguish between directly performing an algorithm and first imitating another functional architecture. This distinction is crucial to cognitive science because it reveals the core question of which computations can be taken literally and which are just implementation details (like the color of the materials from which a physical model for the double helix DNA is constructed). Naturally, we expect to need ways to implement primitive cognitive operations in computers. However, the details of how it is done may not have much empirical content.

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Knowledge vs Architecture

Cognitive science views it as important to explain why a model works in the way that it does and to justify the key assumptions about cognitive architecture. It is crucial that computational models are used as an explanation and not just to imitate some performance. First, we must acknowledge that there are non-computational properties.
We must first assume certain properties of the cognitive architecture. Then we must empirically justify and motivate these assumptions. Other than that, important features may remain unmotivated and improbable. UK Phone Number Database

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This issue is often raised in relation to claims that certain methods of performing intellectual tasks, such as mental imagery, do not require explicit representations of certain logical and physical properties. It also bypasses the need to use inefficient combinatorially explosive processes, like logical inference. Hypotheses are often used to explain the issue in terms of the possibility that an “analogue” process performs a particular mental function. Complex issues surrounding analogue and digital processing are not well understood. See chapter 7 Pylyshyn 1984. Here, I will only consider cases that claim some process was performed by “direct readingout”, or other noncognitive or inferential means. This would mean that the claim that some cognitive function was part of the cognitive architecture is taken from the present perspective. buy UK Phone Number database online

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Take the following cases as an example. Some people have suggested that subjects don’t need to know relational properties like transitivity in order to make certain inferences. For example, John is taller than Mary, and John is shorter then Fred. Who is the tallest ?”).? This view states that all subjects must arrange the three items in order in either a list or an image and then read the answer off. They simply need to notice which object is first or last in the list. However, even though a subject may be able to solve the problem this way, it does not necessarily mean that they do not need tacit knowledge9 (e.g. transitivity) of “taller than”. UK Phone Number email database providers

One might need to assume knowledge of formal relationships for at least two reasons. The first reason is that “taller” was chosen by “further” because it was tacitly recognized that the two relationships were of the same type. A list, however, would not have been appropriate to represent the relationship “is married to”. Although ordering three names from a list and looking at the list to find the position of a particular person may seem simple and easy, it is important to remember that mental abilities are not dependent on physical capabilities. Particularly, appeals to the existence a “mentallist” or some other structure involve assumptions about the UK Phone Number email listing


Tacit knowledge is the term used to describe real knowledge subjects have, even though they don’t know it. This is a common usage in Cognitive Science today where it is assumed that subjects do not need to have awareness or “meta access” to all cognitive structures and processes. This term does not refer to Polanyi’s (1964), use of the same phrase.
These properties are inherent to such a structure. If the subject can mentally represent items A,B,and C, then the model must assume (a) that placing C next to A leaves the relation between A-B unchanged and (b) that the relation between A-C (with B between them), will remain the same with respect the relevant represented relation (i.e. tallness) as between A or B. UK Phone Number email database

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These assumptions are only valid if the cognitive architecture has an operation that has the same formal mathematical property (i.e. fall under the same system logical axions as the relations “taller” and “further along order”. Even though such operations are part of cognitive architecture, it is not right to assume that they can be used without any tacit knowledge of logical constructs, like transitivity. Another timely example is that matrix data structures are often used to represent spatial properties of images (e.g. Kosslyn). UK Phone Number Database

& Schwartz, 1977; Funt, 1980). This is a good way to show spatial layout. We tend to think about matrices in spatial terms. This structure appears to have certain consequences without the need to perform certain deductive steps that require knowledge of geometry. By filling in the cells of a matrix with locations of imagined places, we can “read off” facts such as which places surround a particular place, which places are left of, right of, or above a certain place, and which areas are “inbetween” two places. It is not necessary to recompute spatial relationships between objects when they are moved to new places. This is important because it is implicitly included in the data structure. These properties make the matrix a more natural representation than a list of assertions describing the shapes and locations of objects relative to each other object. buy UK Phone Number database online

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However, such properties of matrices are derived from certain formal properties that are part of modern computers’ cognitive architecture. These properties, however, are not essential for computing. For example, they would not be possible in a Turing machine structure. To make a matrix data structure that has the desired properties possible, the architecture must have at least the primitive capability to address the content. This means it must be possible for users to name locations and ask for information about the location. This is what we call register architecture or some other type of location-addressable storage. UK Phone Number email database providers
It must be possible in this architecture to primitively generate names of adjacent places (i.e. it must not be dependent on other representations, to tacit knowledge about geometry, or any other intermediate inferential steps). If we want scanning of the representation to be primitive (nondeductive), this is essential. Primitive predicates must also be able to evaluate the relative direction of the places that correspond to the names. For example, right-of predicates, which are two-place, must be primitive in architecture. This implies that at least two implicit total orders can be applied to the set of names. If the relative distance between the places in the representation is significant, there may be additional primitive operations that can be applied to place name to determine, for example, their relative size (e.g. the predicate larger than). UK Phone Number email database

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All common computer architectures have a variety of formal properties. They all use numerical expressions to name registers (i.e. place names) and include primitive arithmetic operations. These properties are not necessary for cognitive science’s theoretical purposes. These features can be used to build cognitive models. This tacit assumption must be supported and independently justified. These proposals have received very few arguments. Brouwer (1964), Nicod (1970), who for very different reasons proposed that succession should be considered a cognitive primitive, as well as G. Spencer Brown (1969), who proposed that drawing an (binary distinction) (a kind of universal figure ground conceptual separation) is primitive operation of mind. A lot of Cognitive Science’s recent research has focused on specific features of cognitive architecture. This is evident from Newell’s seminal paper Production Systems (Newell 1973b). UK Phone Number Database

When choosing an architecture, one must make a commitment about which functions can be customized to specific situations and which are fixed over a range of influences. Or primitive subfunctions that are shared by all processes within a class. If our goal is to explain, it is a good thing to place restrictions on certain primitive computational functions. The greater the explanation power of the resulting models, the more restrictive a notation and architecture is.

This is precisely the problem with limiting the freedom to fit a model to observations. Each function that can be attributed directly to the functional architecture is a function.
The flexible alterable program is now a constant and not a parameter that can be used as an empirical parameter. It gives a reason why the model is given a particular form. Some computational models are ad-hoc because they lack such a rationale. In order to develop explanatory cognitive models, one goal would be to fix as many properties possible and integrate them into the fixed cognitive structure. This goal is opposed by the need to account the extraordinary flexibility of human cognition. The way the architecture is used, i.e., the behavior patterns, can be attributed to this. The programs and knowledge that enable the rigid architecture to be used in creating highly flexible behavior. The stimulus-independence of cognition provides one of the strongest reasons for attributing much of its manifest behavior to tacit knowledge of various kinds rather than to the sorts of fixed functional properties that have frequently been proposed. UK Phone Number email database

Methodologies to Assess Strong Equivalence

How can one tell the difference between regularities due to cognitive architecture properties and those that are due to cognitive process and its representations. Many of the techniques used to assess strong equivalence, such as “mental chronometry”, were not available twenty-five years ago. Many of the things we now consider to be relevant would not have been possible if someone had attempted to analyse strong equivalence back then. While we can expect these techniques to continue evolving, it might be useful to list some provisional methods that are implicitly used by information processing psychologists. UK Phone Number Database

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Evidence from the Intermediate State

For example, strong equivalence demands that a model is expressed at a level that all basic representation states are visible. Each state is crucial in the representational story. These transitions between representational state must not be made by representational states, but must be directly realized by the cognitive architecture. Any evidence that such intermediate representational states exist is evidence of the nonprimitiveness or existence of the subprocess. These evidence can be obtained using a variety methods. UK Phone Number Email

Recording subjects’ thoughts and solving problems is one of the oldest methods of identifying intermediate states in problem solving (Duncker 1935). This technique was developed by Newell & Simon (1972), who call it “protocol analysis”. It is highly precise and accurate. The method is not suitable for certain types of problem solving (including those involving visual imagery, cf Baylor 1972; Farley 1974; Moran 1973), but it can provide evidence for intermediate states that could otherwise be inaccessible for constraining the model. This method can provide extremely useful data when combined with intermediate observations such as protocols of movements from video recordings (Young 1973; Farley 1974; Moran 1973), and records of eye movements(Just & Carpenter 1976). Simon & Kaplan discuss the use of this method in more detail in their chapter. UK Phone Number Database

Sometimes, intermediate representational states may also be inferred indirectly. Psycholinguistics is a good example of this in the study real-time sentence processing. Indirect evidence exists for certain components of syntactic analyses in sentence comprehension (Frazier & Fodor 1978; MarslenWilson & Tyler 1980; Forster 1979). Any evidence that a process has intermediate states to other processes (i.e. that they are transparent to another part) can be used to prove that it is not primitive and that there is a cognitive decomposition. buy UK Phone Number database online

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The remainder of this section will discuss two additional empirically-based criteria that can be used to determine whether certain behavioral UK Phone Number email database providers irregularities should be attributed properties of mechanisms. I will also consider the cognitive architecture or the representations and processes that operate on it. As mentioned above, both are sufficient conditions, but not required. They can tell you if a function needs a more complex cognitive analysis but they are not sufficient conditions. The first of these criteria derives from computational considerations and defines a notion of strong equivalence of processes referred to as complexity-equivalence. This criterion is often associated with the use reaction time measures or other on-line measures that assess “attention-demand” tasks (e.g. The performance of secondary tasks. This second criterion allows us to determine whether an empirical phenomenon should be attributed either to architecture or goals and beliefs. This assumes that there are certain cases that can be identified that must be explained at the knowledge level. It is based on the assumption that we can identify certain clear cases of phenomena that should be accounted for at the knowledge level, i.e. in terms only of the

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representations and not in terms the properties of the cognitive structure. One example is phenomena that are dependent in a rational manner on subjects’ goals and beliefs as well as their utilities. Psychophysics, for example, assumes that when a measure (such a threshold), changes systematically as the payoffs (i.e. The relative cost of errors in commision or of ommision must be explained at the knowledge level — in terms decision theory — and not in terms sensors or other mechanisms that make up the architecture. It is generally not possible to attribute certain phenomena to architecture properties if they are sensitive to beliefs and goals (or what I call cognitively penetrable). UK Phone Number Email

Relative Complexity Evidence and Complexity-Equivalence

Remember that the previous example showed that at least one property in the hash coding algorithm needed to be preserved by any strongly comparable process. This would be the function that is realized on a traditional Turing machine. This property is the relationship between (or the form that characterizes that relation between) how many steps it takes to search for a symbol in a database and how many symbols are stored in that table. Implemented on a virtual machine that has a primitive facility for retrieving symbols by name (also known as random access or register architecture), the hash coding algorithm can look up symbols in a number of steps that are (to a first approximatement) independent of how many entries there are in the table. This algorithm would require more steps if it were to be emulated on Turing machines. The number of strings on the tape would increase by the square of its steps. Therefore, the polynomial of orders relating the steps and the items would be a polynomial. UK Phone Number Database

It is common to consider the relationship between the number of primitive steps and certain properties of the symbolic input as an essential property of what one intuitively sees as different realizations the same algorithm. If two processes are able to compute the same algorithm in a fixed time and the input is variable, then one process would not be considered the same. The other, however, was combinatorially explosive, so the time it took to calculate the function increased without any bound. The input length was varied. It is not necessary to determine the equivalence between algorithms because it is dependent on the machine that the algorithm is being run on. It is important to understand the nature of the relationship between the time taken or the number of steps taken, and the properties of the input such as its length. There are some apparent differences between programs, but these differences do not affect the calculation of their complexity equivalence (Pylyshyn 1984). UK Phone Number Email

The most common method of assessing relative complexity in cognitive science is to measure relative reaction times. By observing the form and parametric properties of the task, such as the time required to complete a task, you can determine the relative complexity of the function. The input size Even though the utility of this measure rests on methodological assumptions, it has proven to be one the most valuable sources relative complexity evidence in cognitive science. Bower and Clapper discuss some of the uses of this measure in their chapter, along with many other chapters. In the next section of this chapter I will discuss the status of measures like reaction time. I then address the question of whether or not it is possible to determine the right computational models using only behavioral data. UK Phone Number Database

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The set of programs that are complexity-equivalent clearly represents a refinement of the set of programs that compute the same input-output function, and hence complexity-equivalence represents a restriction of the weak equivalence relation. Although complexity-equivalence captures an important aspect of the intuitive notion of “same algorithm”, it is not by itself sufficient to define strong equivalence. In other words, it is a condition that can be necessary but not sufficient to ensure strong equivalence. buy UK Phone Number database online

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Cognitive Penetrability UK Phone Number address lists

A second group of methods to study strong equivalence presumes that cognitive phenomena, which I have called cognitive phenomena, are a “natural scientific realm” that can be fully explained in terms of their representations and structure. If this is true, then cognitive architecture must not change in ways that require the same cognitive explanation. This means that it must form a cognitive “fixed place” where differences in cognitive phenomena can be explained using the sequences of expressions and basic operations among this fixed set and the basic resources provided. Although the architecture may change depending on physical and biochemical conditions, it must remain coherent and consistent with any changes in the organism’s beliefs and goals. It would be difficult to explain cognitive rule-governed changes in cognitive architecture if they were to occur.
Could not be used as a basis to explain how rules and representations change behavior. Therefore, the input-output behavior of cognitive architecture’s primitive operations must not be dependent on beliefs and goals. It must also depend on conditions that change organism’s beliefs and goals.

This is a simple criterion that can be used in practice. To determine whether empirical evidence supports certain hypotheses about the cognitive system’s architectural properties, it is necessary to ask whether the evidence is compatible or not. This can be done by examining whether subjects’ beliefs or goals can be used to alter the empirical phenomena. If they can, then this suggests that the phenomena do not tell us about the architecture, but rather they tell us about some representation-governed process; something which, in other words, would remain true even if the architecture were different from that hypothesized. UK Phone Number lists

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This is the case for certain imagery phenomena such as the linear relationship between reaction time, distance, and mental images that are mentally “scanned”. (Pylyshyn 1981). This is because linear increases can be eliminated by changing the instructions. For example, subjects could be asked to imagine a situation where they don’t believe there will be an increase in reaction time as it relates to distance.
A strong reason to believe that a phenomenon is cognitively penetrable means that it arises from the nature and operation of cognitive processes over these representations. The question of which stage of the process was affected by the instructions is a common problem in practice. However, this is not an issue that is unique to the penetrability criteria. Being able to determine whether some phenomenon is due to properties of the architecture or of the representation-governed process is critical to asssessing strong equivalence, since it gives us a way of determining whether we have broken down the processing steps into the right primitive elements.

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Claim for “Behavioral Indeterminacy”
This section will conclude with a discussion on the possibility that strong equivalence is not possible in psychology. By definition, weak equivalence refers to equivalence in input-output behavior. One might conclude that, if cognitive science only had observed behavior, it would be impossible to choose the best computational model. This view has been supported (cf. Anderson, 1978; Townsend, 1974). This is an indeterminacy that goes beyond scientific indeterminacy. A finite set of data cannot uniquely determine the truth theory. UK Phone Number Database

It is important to note that no one wants to exclude psychobiological evidence from evaluating theories about cognition. (See, for instance, the discussion by Sejnowsky & Churchland). However, whether they are included or not does not affect the indeterminism arguments. Cognitive models are not models of how brain processes in neural tissue. They are theories that describe cognitive mechanisms that process cognitive representations. Although neurophysiological evidence can sometimes help to resolve psychological issues, it is not as direct and as fallible as measuring reaction times. We cannot observe a cognitive mechanism using the methods biology, or introspection. How can we expect to be better than choosing one of the weakly comparable models (other than perhaps by appealing to external criteria such as elegance and parsimony — as some have suggested in Anderson, 1978). UK Phone Number email id list

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For this type of indeterminacy claim, I have proposed the following: Although behavior is all that we have in a sense, theory construction does not consider all behavior to be the same. We can achieve stronger equivalence by distinguishing between different types of behavioral measures and interpreting them in independantly motivated ways. UK Phone Number address lists

It is not unusual for experimental psychology to give different interpretations of observed behavior. An investigator might collect primary observations about a domain, such as the behavior of an individual in solving a problem. These observations are similar to the output of a constructive theory for that domain. The investigator often collects secondary observations, which might even be called, if the terminology is not too distorted.
Meta-behavioral observations), which might allow us to infer certain properties of the problem solving process. For example, subjects might provide “thinking out loud” protocols. This is also true when observations are made that are used as indicators of processing complexity or the task’s attention demands. It is unlikely that a theory, or a model, would generate such behavior as part its output in such cases. The idea is that the model should generate primary (output behavior) in a way that reflects real-time processing properties that are indexed by observations in secondary classes.

The following example shows how cognitive science’s evolving methodology has resulted in a shift in how an important aspect is interpreted. This example is about reaction time, which is the most commonly used dependent measure in cognitive psychology. Sometimes, this measure was interpreted as a response. A cognitive model can account for the response record as well as the sequence of buttons pressed. It has been widely used to measure the duration of mental operations since Donders’ pioneering work in the 1860s. I have argued (Pylyshyn, 1984) that neither one of these interpretations is correct in the general. Reaction time cannot be seen as the output of a cognitive process or as a measure for the duration of an event or operation. UK Phone Number lists

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If reaction time was simply considered another response, it would suffice if the computational model calculated a prediction value for this reaction. If the computation is to represent a literal model for the cognitive process, then that would be inadequate. Cognitive scientists today would not consider a system that generates pairs of output strings (interpreted as the response and a number denoting the time taken) as an adequate model for the underlying process. This is regardless of how closely these outputs match the data. They want to interpret the model as computing output in the same way that the subject (i.e. using the same algorithm. UK Phone Number Database

Reaction times cannot be considered as measuring the duration or speed of mental operations. This is because when one refers to a specific “mental operation”, for example, comparing stimulus S with an item in memory; one is not referring only to one occurence, but to all occurences, which would make up the same event type. In other words, the CAR function of LISP does not refer to any specific occasion. We distinguish between the operation being a computation event and the physical events that make it happen on specific occasions. Therefore, each occurence of a particular operator does not need to have a unique duration. They also do not need to have a unique size, location, or computer in which they are associated. This is why one doesn’t generally talk about the duration of a CAR operation. However, each event-token that makes up a CAR operations has a unique duration for each occasion. Many psychologists are unable to distinguish token events from other types of events. This is why this point is often lost. Wasserman & Kong, 1979). UK Phone Number email id list

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Cognitive science has made it a custom to see reaction time in the same light as measures like galvanic skin response, plethysmograph records or measures of distractibility (e.g. Brown, 1962) is viewed as an indicator or observable correlate of some aggregate property. Reaction time is often viewed as an indicator of “computational complexity”, which I call an index that corresponds to properties such as the number and type of operations performed. If a process were to simply compute time as a parameter value, it would not be able to account for the reaction time. This is because the parameter would not represent the computational complexity of that process. UK Phone Number address lists

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I have already discussed cases where it was possible to determine which algorithm was being used by looking at the relative number primitive steps they took with different inputs. If there’s any reason to believe that the time it takes (or a monotonically increasing function) of the number of primitive steps in the algorithm, then the relative time taken may be sufficient to help you choose between the algorithms. In this instance, however, we must have an independent reason to believe that the reaction time is a valid indicator of the number primitive steps in the cognitive architecture. These independent reasons are often available. For example, regularities that are inferred from the assumption reaction time is a reliable indicator processing complexity are confirmed by other methods. If such consistent patterns are found under converging methods, then there is a prima facie basis to believe that such methods are valid, all things being equal. Posner, 1978). UK Phone Number mailing lists

However, it is important to remember that inferences about algorithm nature from reaction time data or other physical measurements are dependent on validity of an ancillary hypotheses. These hypotheses may in principle be false. In many cases, measurements of the properties of the underlying physical events might not tell us much about the algorithm. They might, instead, tell us either about the way in which the process is physically (i.e., neurophysiologically) instantiated on some particular occasion or in one particular individual, or they might tell us about subjects’ tacit knowledge, or about the nature of the task itself. In particular, I have argued that mental imagery research has produced a lot of phenomena (e.g. These are the exact same results that Kosslyn (1980) called “mental scanning”. These cases show that the observed reaction times are not due to architecture’s properties but rather subjects’ tacit knowledge about what would happen in imagined situations and their ability duplicate these aspects (e.g. They can be extended imaginarily. This argument is based on the “cognitive penetration” criterion, which was discussed earlier: If the behavior pattern can be changed in a rational manner by altering subjects’ beliefs about the task then prima facie evidence suggests that inference is involved. If we can explain the pattern of reactions times in terms of the subjects’ beliefs and their psychophysical abilities to generate the appropriate time intervals, then we don’t have any reason to hypothesize special purpose architecture properties. This does not apply to cases in which subjects’ behavior cannot be explained in terms of their beliefs. For example, when they operate at the limits of their ability. Shepard & Cooper 1982; Shepard & Feng 1972).
Other cases are not so clear cut. Ullman (1984), for example, suggested that certain types of visual processes, which he calls “visual routines”, are serialized not because of the cognitive architecture but because the task requires it. The fact that the process is sequential cannot be attributed entirely to architectural requirements, but it does demonstrate that the architecture can perform serial operations. UK Phone Number Database

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The discovery (not the stipulation), that a relatively consistent set of principles can explain phenonema within a given area of research is what makes it a natural scientific domain. We cannot predict what natural domains will be. We cannot also predict the class of principles that will be used to define the domain. The evolution of scientific domain boundaries is a slow process and requires provisional conjectures. UK Phone Number email id list

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Cognitive Science is the study of cognitive phenomena. This includes the prototypical phenomena of problem-solving and reasoning, learning, memory, learning, and reasoning. The working hypothesis is that these phenomena share intelligence in some general sense. UK Phone Number address lists

An even bolder hypothesis is that cognitive phenomena can be described as natural information processing. This means that they are computational. It is currently the only concept of autonomous mechanistic and information processing that we have. This is what it means.
The “classical view” suggests that phenomena in this area can be explained on at least three levels. This hypothesis, which we could call the computational realist viewpoint, states that we can’t predict in advance which empirical phenomena will be “cognitive” (meaning that they are susceptible to a computer-based explanation). It would be both unexpected and troubling if many of the cases we thought to be clear examples of cognition were omitted. It would not surprise if some of our favourite “cognitive phenomena” were left out. It could be that consciousness cannot be explained mathematically. Similar to the above, it is possible that certain types of statistical learning, aspects on ontogenetic development, moods and emotions and other interesting phenomena are not able to be explained computationally. UK Phone Number mailing lists

It could be that some phenomena may not result from symbol processing contrary to previous assumptions. Connectionists claim that symbols systems do not exist (e.g. Rumelhart, McClelland, et. al. 1986) may prove to be correct for these phenomena. However, there are good reasons to believe that reasoning and other knowledge-dependent or rational processes need symbol processing. These processes are also very common in cognitive science phenomena. It will take time to find out which phenomena are better explained using models that don’t conform to traditional notions of computing. UK Phone Number mailing lists

To demonstrate the broadness of the above illustration (so you can see that for instance it could be applicable to other systems than a typical computer) I will present the problem in its most abstract version. If we consider that we have a specific “instantiation function” that is derived from the classes of equivalence for physical states in a specific system (perhaps only those parts of the system referred to as its “memory registers”) to symbolic expressions. To be more concrete, let’s suppose that the expressions are composed of the fundamental symbols o and x placed in strings of arbitrary length. In this scenario the state of memory registers will be corresponding to expressions such as O, x, ox as well as xo, xx, Oox, oxo as well as xoo, xox etc. and on. Every one of them refers to one of the possible states of each machine’s memory registers3 UK Phone Number Database

Let’s suppose that when a particular pattern (which I’ll refer to it as using the symbol “#”) is found in a part of the machine that is known as its “instruction register” the memory registers in the machine change their states in accordance with an arbitrary regularity. For example, if the part of the machine that we refer to as Register 1 has a state of mapping on the string “xox”, and it is registered in the condition of mapping on the string xxo the register 3 alters its state from what it was to one which

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This type of regularity could be used to represent the addition of numbers, provided that you choose a semantic function SF and ensuring that the regularity is in line with certain criteria. In this scenario, the semantic function is simple to define — it’s the function that is able to map strings of o’s as well as x’s onto numbers using the well-known binomial number system. When we define this SF formally, we also provide we present a means of defining the criteria the regularity must satisfy for it to be interpreted consistently as adding numbers. UK Phone Number address lists

Before we can define the SF However, it is imperative to provide an official explanation of what constitutes the set of words comprised of x’s and O’s. Because we don’t have any limit on the number of states registers can be (and therefore for the size of strings of x’s and O’s) and the description of strings has to be given in a recursive manner according to the following: UK Phone Number quality email

O is an o string
The string x is
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If the string T exists then Tx follows (i.e. string T is followed with “x”) UK Phone Number Database

To enable this purpose to become a valuable one, there must be regularities in the state of transitions within the computer system that are in line with mathematical operations defined by the meanings of the symbols within the domain of the intended. That is it is necessary to have state transitions that maintain the intended meaning of the SF. One of these regularities is the appearance of the symbol “#” in the instruction register, has been suggested. To allow “#” to refer to the addition (or alternatively, to be interpreted consistently as an addition) state transitions should keep the semantic meaning of the symbol strings in the mathematically defined process of addition (defined by, for example by peano’s laws of physics). Also, something like this must be the case:

When the system is the state described by the following description:

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“Instruction Register “Instruction Register” “contains” (or in the event that it maps on)”#” as a”#” symbol “#” UK Phone Number quality email

That is, in other words, the (mathematically determined) total of semantic meanings for the two register states has to match the meaning that is the result of the register state. Be aware that the interpretation is within the abstract realm of numbers, where the operations such as adding are mathematically defined. However, the symbols being considered (the realm of the SF functions) function as states that are defined by IF as equivalent classes of physical state of the computer. UK Phone Number Database

The concepts and distinctions above appear in clear terms for traditional computers. However, they also apply for cognition, even if our own experience suggests the processes taking place in our minds could be different. But the empirical data as well as
the need to explain adequateness requires the three distinct levels (physical theoretic, symbolic and semantic) in the context of human cognition just as we required them in the computer context. While the arguments are outside that of the subject matter in this article (see Pylyshyn, 1984) It appears that to understand intelligent human behavior , we need to draw attention to the three levels of organizational structure. buy UK Phone Number email database

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It is essential to have the level of knowledge to understand why certain beliefs and goals can lead to specific behaviors, and also why these behaviors can be altered with rationality when new ideas are introduced by telling people about things. For example, to understand why I am in this particular moment, pounding this particular key on my keyboard, I must discuss my beliefs regarding Cognitive Science as well as my views on what happens to this piece of writing as well as my overall goal of delivering truthful information to people who will take a look at the book in which this essay is destined to be published. Without this information, we will not be able to capture the nuances of such regularities such as the fact that, if I were to believe that the publication was cancelled, I’d have a very different behavior. UK Phone Number database for sale

regardless of the specific “stimuli” that could be the reason for me to believe whatever “stimuli” might have led me to form this (presumeably untrue) assumption. This sort of semantically-characterizable malleability of behavior is referred to as “cognitive penetrability”, and has been used as diagnostic of behavior requiring knowledge-level explanation (for more on this, see the later section on methodologies for strong equivalence, as well as Pylyshyn, 1984). UK Phone Number quality email

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We require the symbol level to understand factors as why certain tasks are more difficult or cause more errors than others. The field of information processing psychology has a lot of observing that the shape of the representation is different the behavior of subjects during experiments. For instance when it comes to problem solving, it is important to know between whether the subjects are able to encode that all the objects within the box are red, or the similar fact that all these objects is blue. UK Phone Number Database

We must have the level of biology to explain how drugs affect behavior, brain damage or jet lag on behavior. There is also the possibility that we require the biological level to explain other issues also, like possible aspects of cognitive maturation or psychopathology, and possibly the changes we see today are known as “learning” but the exact actual facts are on each of three levels is an extent an open research inquiry. UK Phone Number quality email

There has been a constant disagreement with the idea that we have symbols inside our brains. The notion that the brain is able to think by writing symbols and then reading them is a bit absurd to many. This suggests to some that we’ve been influenced in a way by the way that electronic computers function. The primary reason for the feeling of unease may be due to the reality that we don’t feel that we manipulate symbols. But , subjective perception has proven to be notoriously untrue as a source of evidence about what is happening within the mind. Studies in the human processing of information uncovers a myriad of processes that are taking place (e.g. parsing inference, parsing) that we have no or any awareness at all. UK Phone Number Database

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Arguments in favor of using symbol structures in human reasoningto create the purpose of establishing a “Language of thought” — are described elsewhere (Fodor 1975; Pylyshyn, 1984; Fodor and Pylyshyn 1988). The specifics of these arguments will be beyond this article. For our purposes the following outline will suffice. buy UK Phone Number email database

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If the knowledge level description is accurate, then we must explain how a physical system like a human can behave in ways that conform to knowledge-level principles while still being subject to physical laws. A semantic relation is a relation between the content of knowledge and the state of a system. This relation is very different from those that are found on natural laws. For one, the object of this relation does not have to exist. There is currently only one possible explanation for how knowledge-level principles are causally realized. It is the one that draws on the ideas of Boole and Hilbert, Turing and Frege, as well as other logicians. It states that knowledge is encoded in a system symbol codes that are themselves physically realized and that the physical properties of these codes cause the behavior. UK Phone Number database for sale

Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988), have added to the general statement an argument that the code system must be structured like a language (as it is in various logical calculi which have been developed). This argument is based in part on the observation that intelligent systems have both representational and inferential capacities. Inferential and representational capacities are not isolated – they can be combined. The ability to draw inferences or represent certain objects is not an independent thing. An intelligent system, for example, that can represent certain situations (e.g. If John loves Mary or that a small blue ball is inside a large red box, then the intelligent system must be capable of representing other situations that involve the same conceptual components (e.g. Mary loves John, or that large blue ball is inside a small red box). Any intelligent system capable of drawing certain inferences (e.g. It can infer that it is sunny and warm. UK Phone Number quality email

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It is sunny if it is hot and humid. Inferring P from Q and R), may also lead to other inferences. For example, you can infer that it is sunny and warm that it is sunny. Infer P from Q and P. UK Phone Number Database

This type of systematicity is a result of the use of structured symbolic expressions as knowledge representations and to provide the basis for inference. It is, in other words, a side effect of classical architecture4. It is, however, a property that must have been defined and enforced by theorist (i.e. It is an empirical parameter that can be used in non-symbolic architectures such as the Connectionist architectures. purchase UK Phone Number email lists

There is no alternative to Newell’s (1980) “physical symbol system” assumption. This assumption allows for reasoning in a mechanical manner. However, there are many speculations about how one might be able eventually to live without symbols. Even if you don’t accept all the arguments for the necessity of symbol structures, it is rational to keep using the classical assumption until a better alternative emerges. This strategy is used in all mature sciences.

Computational Methodologies in Cognitive Science

The High Road and Low Road

Computers can be involved in the construction of models of cognitive processes at multiple levels, as I’ve already mentioned. The model can only cover a narrow range of phenomena if the correspondence matches are more precise. Experimental psychologists have always preferred models that can be tested against laboratory data. However, investigators in Artificial Intelligence have been more interested in explaining the capabilities or abilities of the model and putting off the empirical validation of the actual mechanisms and algorithms. These are sometimes referred to as “low road”. buy UK Phone Number email database

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Since architecture is still a term that has yet to be defined, we are using it loosely here. This notion will be covered in greater detail in a later section. It is central to cognitive science and the “high way” to understanding cognitive processes. These are different approaches to reaching the same end: modeling human cognitive processes. UK Phone Number database for sale

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David Marr is one of the most prominent champions of high-road, or the strategy that starts at the top end of the road. He suggested that cognitive processes can be studied at three levels. These were the levels of computation, algorithm, and mechanism. A Theory at the first level is called a Type I Theory. Marr provided some examples from his work and that of his colleagues, although the concept of a Type I Theory was not well defined. purchase UK Phone Number email lists

A Type I Theory is a domain with a closed formal description of the task or the input-output function that is being performed. One example is the recovery of 3-D structures from various visual cues. There are, therefore, at least partial theories about what it takes to recover structure from motion, stereopsis, shading, or contour information. These theories provide a detailed description of the conditions that the “inverse mapping” is possible from the data (e.g. The formal description of the mapping is provided by such theories, which allow for motion of contours or points on a 2-D surface to 3-D structures. These theories rely on the recognition of certain “natural constraints” in the world, which are used by the visual system to recover the 3-D structure. UK Phone Number Database

It might be possible to predict the circumstances under which a particular skill will succeed or fail in certain cases where there is a type-I theory. If we could mathematically describe the relationships between certain light features and the perceptions they created (i.e. A type I theory of some aspects of visual perception might allow us to link the light features to the scene layout via projective geometry and determine the conditions in which perception is mediated by those features.

This is actually what was used to model processes such as the perception of form and motion (Ullman 1979), surface orientation and texture (Stevens 1980) or stereopsis. (Marr & Poggio 1979). Ullman demonstrated mathematically, in the first example, that it was possible to recover three-dimensional shape by removing certain visual features from the retina (e.g. Random dots in the case o “kinetic depth” purchase UK Phone Number email lists


There are those who study cognition that don’t care about modeling human cognitive processes. They simply want to make computer systems that can perform our intelligent task. There is evidence to suggest that these people implicitly develop theories of human cognition. This is because facts about human cognition are being included in task definitions (see discussion of implicit empirical constraints, Artificial Intelligence research, Pylyshyn 1978). Wallach & O’Connell (1953) found that effect can only be achieved if certain conditions exist. If there are sufficient distinct views and features (e.g., 3 views and 4 features for orthographic projection or 2 views and 5 for perspective projection), then the mathematical function that links moving proximal feature to the scene from which they are projected is unique. A unique function cannot be achieved without (b), as the same proximal features can come from arbitrarily many distal configurations.

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Ullman’s “rigidity assumption” constrains the interpretation. Unique interpretations are possible in almost all cases that people give the correct interpretation. The process is constrained by the “rigidity assumption”, which means that it attempts to interpret the features as they are originating from rigid bodies in motion. If that is impossible, then the process fails to provide any interpretation. It does not consider other possible interpretations. This is not yet an adequate Type I theory, as it does not consider other possible interpretations. It does not account for biological motion (e.g. Johansson 1975) but it does provide a unique computational account of the effect on kinetic depth. buy UK Phone Number email database

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This mathematical result does not reflect a thorough study of human perception. It is based only on the fact that the brain has the ability to perceive unique three-dimensional structures from motion of feature points (i.e. the existence of the “kinetic deep effect”). This mathematical result reveals the conditions that allow such an achievement to be possible. It tells us about the inherent requirements of the task, requirements that the visual system must meet. Ullman described the function in a constructive way, i.e. It was described in a constructive way, i.e. it could be computed using the UK Phone Number database for sale information available to a computer equipped with appropriate transducers. This property is an important aspect of the computationalist program. The question of how the human visual system actually computes that function is one that will require further empirical considerations. However, it is possible to see that just knowing the properties of the function the visual system computes can help one understand why perception is generally reliable. Contra Gibson, we know that activating sensors to perceive involves a fallible process (an Inference-like process that is however insensitive to general knowledge about the world). It is generally valid because the conditions that this quasi-inferencial inferencial inverse mapping can be used are those that are often met in our world. This means that the “rigidity assumption”, which is generally true to a first approximation in our world, is also generally true (though it might not be in the world inhabited primarily by fish).
Marr advocated a unique top-down research strategy in which one attempts to find the larger picture of a problem domain before tackling the subproblems. This approach is used systematically in computer science. It is sometimes called “structured programming”, and is the preferred strategy for designing computer systems. This strategy is what characterizes artificial intelligence approaches for understanding cognition. Marr went further and said that it is not necessary to worry about creating a system that exhibits the desired performance until at least a theory of that task has been developed (a Type I theoretical). He also suggested that domains such as vision should be explored first, before domains such as common-sense reasoning where there may not yet be a theory. Marr argued that one should not hypothesize an algorithm that is used by an organism before understanding the principles and goals of the behavior. purchase UK Phone Number email lists

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While few Cognitive Science researchers take as extreme a position as Marr’s in Cognitive Science, there are still differences in the way that Cognitive Science research is approached. People who care about generality and the search for general principles have different approaches to people who want to account for experimental variation. There are also differences in approaches that prioritize the sufficiency criteria and therefore construct programs that cover a specific domain of skill. This is different from those who only consider one or two options (e.g. If a phenomenon is recognized as a member of a previously remembered set, it is either a parallel search or a serial self terminating hunt. buy UK Phone Number targeted email list

Depending on the empirical phenomenon being studied, the extent to which one of these strategies is used will determine the success of the research. The study of early vision often involves the implementation and exploration of algorithms. This tradition also addresses problems related to language understanding and discourse processes. The study of learning, memory and problem solving, on the other hand, has been a long-standing tradition. UK Phone Number Database

Marr makes the distinction between a “computational theoretical” and an algorithm. However, Marr uses the analogy between mathematical theories such as Fourier Analysis and specific algorithms such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The examples Marr has used in his vision research do not seem to fit this analogy. A “theory” of computation (or a type I theory) is a theory that connects a function (such computing structure from shading or motion) to a story. Marr was interested in the question, “What is this computation for?” Or “What useful information does it provide about the world?” However, this does not allow for a principled distinction among levels. This is clearly a useful heuristic to encourage the theorists to search for independent motivations as well as broader functional units in formulating theories in a domain.
Both the high and low roads have been successful. If the empirical phenomenon of interest can only be attributed to a particular mechanism or process, it might be possible to empirically establish the nature of that process through a series experiments. However, if the phenomenon is a result of the interaction of multiple processes, it may be difficult to explain without a larger model that encompasses all of the relevant processes. Newell (1973c) has documented the pitfalls of trying to answer general questions using isolating effects or attributing phenomena specific features of the process. He argued that “You can’t play 20 questions with nature and win.” email marketing database UK Phone Number

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These pitfalls aside, it seems possible to study subprocesses in depth in certain cases without having to build large-scale models. The empirical validation of mini models has dominated Cognitive Science, also known as Information Processing Psychology.

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Analyzing cognitive processes into stages with “mental chronometry” (e.g. Posner (1978) is an excellent example. Bower & Clapper discuss the methodology for fine-grained cognitive process analysis. It appears that it is possible to study aspects such as short-term memory without having to develop large scale models (e.g. Sperling, 1967). Because the models are so small, it is not common for researchers to implement models using computer programs. buy UK Phone Number database for marketing

However, even in this instance, one should be careful when concluding that small-scale implementations are not worth the risk. Newell (1973b), is a great example of how attempting to design a computer program to account for short-term memory phenomena can lead to new hypotheses. Hypotheses that might not otherwise have been possible. The attempt to implement the model in an independent-motivated architecture resulted in a specific way to account for Sternberg’s (1969), short-term memory scanning results. This is the “decoding hypothesis”, which does not involve exhustive or self-terminating search, and also contains parallel and serial components. These are two options that were assumed to exhaust all possibilities. buy UK Phone Number targeted email list

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A model that meets the sufficiency condition is a model that generates token behaviors. This requires one to address the question of how and under which conditions the internal representations and rules are invoked during the generation of actions. These questions concern the control of this process. These questions are a key topic in computer science research, but they were rarely raised in cognitive psychology that wasn’t constrained by computational sufficiency. Tolman and other cognitive psychologists were criticised for their early work. Their theories focused on the organism’s representations (“mentalmaps”) but did not address how these representations could lead to action. Guthrie (1935), in a critique of the cognitivist approach, wrote: UK Phone Number Database

Tolman’s concern for the thoughts of the rat has not allowed him to predict his actions. The theory states that the rat is left in thought and that he will eventually reach the food-box at its end.

Understanding control structures is not just about understanding how operations are ordered. Because we are used to seeing procedures as a series of instructions that continue along a fixed course until some conditional operation detects a specific condition, other organizations don’t immediately spring to our minds. This is only one type of organization for control. Control is passed in a linear order from operation to operation. When one operation is completed, it passes control on to the next. Computer science and artificial intelligence are interested in many different control schemes. These could change the way psychologists think about the possibilities for converting representations to action. buy UK Phone Number targeted email list

Here is a brief overview of some issues that can arise when one looks at the problem of controlling how processes behave in response to rules and representations. This is not a comprehensive review of all the control structures currently being studied in computer sciences. It’s merely meant to give an intuitive understanding of some of these distinctions and to suggest that cognitive science can learn a lot from this area. These are important considerations that cannot be raised without the commitment to the implementation of the process model on the computer. Control issues are a central area of computer science research. Therefore, the development of computational models of cognitive processes will depend on technical ideas from that field (and especially Artificial Intelligence). UK Phone Number Database

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The idea of feedback from the environment was one of the first breakthroughs in controlling nature. This restored a balance between the environment and the device. Although the device is the only one credited with achieving a goal, it also shares the responsibility for its actions. Sometimes the environment is passive. email marketing database UK Phone Number

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While initiative appears to be primarily generated by the device, other times it may be influenced by the environment and lead to the opposite outcome. Understanding control is fundamentally based on the notion that the device has the responsibility of initiating different actions. The most popular idea in computer programs is that control moves from point to point or from instruction to instruction in a predetermined manner. This sequence of instructions makes it easy to understand the flow of control. Branch instructions allow you to pass or send control to another location. Subroutines are possible when control passing is combined to primitive message passing facilities (for passing arguments). Subroutines are also possible to nest — subroutines may send control to lower subroutines and have the assurance that it will return. This is how the idea of a hierarchy for control emerges. Miller, Galanter, and Pribram (1960) saw the psychological importance of the idea of hierarchical subroutines; they called them test-operate-test-exit or TOTE units, and suggested that they should be viewed as the basic theoretical unit of psychology — to replace the ubiquitous reflex arc. This idea has had a significant impact on the way psychologists think about cognition. buy UK Phone Number database for marketing

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A hierarchical system is a powerful concept for many reasons. It is easier to see each routine as an independent subsystem, which makes it easier to modify, add to, or modify the entire system. Simon, 1969, has a classic discussion on the importance of hierarchical organization. The hierarchy can be viewed as defining a sub-goal in an overall goal-directed system. The act of giving control to a subroutine is to activate a subgoal. Control is then returned after that subgoal has been completed. This idea is so powerful that many years later, its flaws were almost forgotten. UK Phone Number Database

Allen Newell (Newell 1962) highlighted some of the rigidity inherent in such an organization as early as 1962. As long as each subroutine has a narrow “specialist”, such as a routine to search a list, then the normal restricted communication between routines and subroutines works well. You can simply pass the arguments and return address to the routine and give it command. When it finishes, it will return with the answer. It might be helpful to be able communicate each task in more flexible terms if the subroutine does not have to be so specific. It might be helpful to monitor the progress of the subroutine along the way. This will help prevent it from consuming unwarranted time and resources (e.g. Memory) for a relatively small task or a task that another process may be able to identify as impossible to complete. It would also be helpful if the subroutine could report its results in a more flexible way — especially if it could indicate “what went wrong” when it failed. These desiderata can be converted into a more efficient computational form. This is one of the major design issues in artificial intelligence programming languages. buy UK Phone Number targeted email list

There are two main distinctions that can be made between different control structures: (1) sending control (where initiative lies with an old locus), or capturing control (where initiative lies with a new locus); (2) directing a message to a specific recipient and broadcasting it all at once to all routines. In the case of the standard subroutine hierarchy, control is always sent by the routine that has it. A message containing parameters and a return adress is then directed to the particular routine being given control. When the subgoal is reached, control is returned along with a result message. When a task is required to be completed, a message is broadcast that describes the goal. The control is then captured by a module that responds to that goal message. This is the basis of what is often called a “blackboard”, which is the older Pandemonium system (see Lindsay & Norman 1977), and the newer Hearsay-II speach recognition systems (Erman Hayes-Roth Lesser & Reddy 1980). email marketing database UK Phone Number

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Production systems are a special case of pattern-invoked procedures calls. Production systems also broadcast messages and have control recorded. When the production is finished, it broadcasts another message. The basic control cycle it uses is called “recognize and act” instead of the traditional “fetch-execute” cycle in conventional computing. Newell, Rosenbloom, and Laird describe the current research on production systems in this chapter. buy UK Phone Number database for marketing

Computer science is very clear about the distinction between whether processes can be invoked explicitly or indirectly by other events. This distinction is similar to that between a “interrupt” and a test (the former of which can occur in arbitrarily related to a process). This distinction is important in understanding control regimes. buy UK Phone Number database for marketing

These are the three most important questions to ask when designing new architectures: UK Phone Number Database

How to make communication between different modules or processes more flexible and efficient

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This policy consists of allowing the update operation of the tuple and in
perform compensating operations that set null values to attributes
of the foreign key of the tuples that refer to it; this action is carried out
to maintain referential integrity.
Since relational DBMS generally allow establishing that a
certain attribute of a relation does not allow null values, it can only be
apply the override policy if the foreign key attributes do ad-
miten. CPO mailing lists
Override application example
The best way to understand what annulment is is through an example. We have
the following relationships:
• SELLERS relationship:
• CUSTOMER relationship:
* {vendedorasig} reference SELLERS.
More specifically, cancellation in case of deletion consists of per-
allow the deletion of a tuple t that has a referenced key and, in addition,
else, modify all tuples that reference t, so that the
attributes of the corresponding foreign key take null values.
Similarly, cancellation in case of modification consists of
allow modification of attributes of the primary key of a tuple

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t that has a referenced key and additionally modify all tuples
referencing t, so that the attributes of the corresponding foreign key
slope take null values.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 30 The relational model and relational algebra
a) If we apply the annulment in case of deletion and, for example, we want to delete the seller
number 1, all the clients that had it assigned will be modified, and they will have a value
null lor in sellersig. We will have:
• SELLERS relationship:
• CUSTOMER relationship:
* {vendedorasig} reference SELLERS.
b) If we apply the override on modification, and now we want to change the number
of the seller 2 by 5, all the clients that had it assigned will be modified and will pass to
have a null value in sellersig. We will have:
• SELLERS relationship:
• CUSTOMER relationship:
* {vendedorasig} reference SELLERS.
4.3.4. Selection of the maintenance policy
of referential integrity email marketing database CPO
We have seen that in case of deletion or modification of a primary key,
differentiated by some foreign key, there are several key maintenance policies.
the referential integrity rule.

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The way to define these policies of
maintaining integrity with
the SQL language is explained in the unit
“The SQL language” of this course.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 31 The relational model and relational algebra CPO address lists
The designer can choose for each foreign key which policy will be applied in
case of deletion of the referenced primary key, and which in case of modification
tion of it. The designer must take into account the meaning of each key
concrete foreign to be able to choose appropriately.
4.4. Domain Integrity Rule
The domain integrity rule is related, as its name suggests,
with the notion of domain. This rule establishes two conditions.

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This condition implies that all non-null values contained in the base of
data for a given attribute must be from the domain declared for di-
cho attribute.
If in the relation EMPLOYEES (DNI, name, surname, ageemp) we have declared that domi-
nio(DNI) is the predefined domain of integers, so we will not be able to insert, for example,
For example, no employee whose DNI has the value “Luis”, which is not an integer.
Let us remember that domains can be of two types: predefined or defined.
two per user. Note that user-defined domains result in
so very useful, because they allow us to determine more specifically
what will be the values admitted by the attributes.
Suppose now that in the relation EMPLOYEES(DNI, name, surname, ageemp) we have
declared that domain(empage) is the domain defined by the user age. suppose
also that the age domain has been defined as the set of integers between
16 and 65. In this case, for example, it will not be possible to insert an employee with a value of 90
for ageemp.
The second condition of the domain integrity rule is more complex,
especially in the case of user-defined domains; the DBMS ac-
Current ones do not support it for these last domains. For these reasons only the
We will present superficially.
The first condition is that a non-null value of an attribute
A i must belong to the domain of the attribute A i; that is, it must belong
to domain(Ai).
This second condition serves to establish that the operators that

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can be applied to the values depend on the domains of these
values; that is, a given operator can only be applied on
values that have domains that are suitable for it.
Policy Enforcement CPO mailing lists
It may happen that for a
certain foreign key, the
appropriate policy in case
erase is different from the
suitable in case of modification
tion. For example, it can be
need to apply the restriction
in case of deletion and update
cascading in case
of modification.
Remember that the concepts
predefined domain and domain
user-defined have been explained
in subsection 2.2 of this unit
further reading
To study in more detail
the second condition
of the integrity rule
of domain, you can consult
the following work:
CJ Date (2001).
Introduction to systems
of databases (7th ed.,
chap. 19). Prentice Hall.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 32 The relational model and relational algebra
We will analyze this second condition of the domain integrity rule with an example
concrete. If in the relation EMPLOYEES (DNI, name, surname, ageemp) it has been declared that
domain(DNI) is the predefined domain of integers, so it will not be allowed to query
all those employees whose DNI is equal to ‘Elena’ (DNI = ‘Elena’). The reason is not
it makes sense that the comparison operator = be applied between a DNI that has for domain
nio the integers, and the value ‘Elena’, which is a character string.
Thus, the fact that the operators that can be applied to the email marketing database CPO
values depend on the domain of these values allows to detect errors that are
they might commit when the database is queried or updated. The domi-
User-defined definitions are very useful, because they will allow us to determine
specify more specifically which operators can be applied
about values.

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Let’s look at another example with user-defined domains. Suppose that in the knowledge
gives relationship EMPLOYEES (DNI, name, surname, ageemp) it has been declared that domain (DNI)
is the domain defined by the user IDnumbers and that domain(ageemp) is the domain of-
user-defined age. Suppose that DNInumbers corresponds to the positive integers CPO database for sale
and what age corresponds to the integers that are between 16 and 65. In this case, it will be incorrect,
for example, query the employees who have the DNI value equal to the empage value.
The reason is that, although both the DNI and empage values are integers, their do-
minions are different; therefore, according to the meaning that the user gives them, it does not make sense
compare them.

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However, current relational DBMSs do not support the second con-
addition of the domain integrity rule for domains defined by the
Username. If you wanted to do it, it would be necessary for the designer to have some
way of specifying, for each operator that one wanted to use, for what
User-defined domain joins make sense to apply.
The SQL standard language does not currently include this possibility.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 33 The relational model and relational algebra
5. The relational algebra
As we have already commented in the section dedicated to the operations of the
relational, relational algebra is inspired by set theory to
specify queries in a relational database.
To specify a query in relational algebra, you must define one or more
more steps that serve to build, through algebra operations
relational, a new relation that contains the data that responds to the relation
results from the stored relationships. Languages based on the alge-
relational code are procedural, since the steps that make up the query
describe a procedure.
The vision that we will present is that of a theoretical language and, therefore, we will include-
We only describe its fundamental operations, and not the constructions that could be
add to a commercial language to facilitate issues such as the or-
presentation of the result, the calculation of aggregate data, etc.
Relational algebra operations have been classified according to different criteria. CPO quality email lists
theria; of all of them we indicate the following three:
1) Depending on whether or not they can be expressed in terms of other operations.
a) Primitive operations: are those operations from which we can
Let’s define the rest. These operations are union, difference, product.
Cartesian to, selection and projection.
b) Non-primitive operations: the rest of the operations of the relational algebra
that are not strictly necessary, because they can be expressed in terms of
we of the primitives; however, non-primitive operations allow

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formulate some queries more comfortably. There are different versions
relational algebra, depending on the non-primitive operations included. Nope-
We will study the non-primitive operations that are used most frequently.
sequence: the intersection and the combination.
2) According to the relationship number ones that have as operands:
a) Binary operations: they are those that have two relations as operands.
All operations except selection and projection are binary.
A remarkable feature of all the operations of relative algebra
The rationale is that both the operands and the result are relations. Is
property is called a relational closure.
Consult section 3
of this teaching unit.
Closure Implications
The fact that the result
of an algebra operation
relational be a new
relationship has implications
1. The result of an operation
tion can act as
operand of another operation.
2. The result of a email marketing database CPO
operation will meet all
the features that already
We know about the relationships:
non-ordering of tuples,
absence of repeated tuples,

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 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 34 The relational model and relational algebra
b) Unary operations: they are those that have a single relation as operand.
do. Selection and projection are unary.
3) According to whether or not they resemble the operations of set theory:
a) Set operations: they are those that resemble those of the theory of CPO database for sale
sets. These are the union, intersection, difference, and product.
b) Specifically relational operations: they are the rest of the operations;
that is, selection, projection, and combination.
As we have already mentioned, the relational algebra operations
result in a new relationship.


That is, if we do an operation
tion of algebra such as EMPLOYEES_ADM ∪ ∪ EMPLOYEES_PROD
to obtain the union of the relations EMPLOYEES_ADM and EMPLOYEES_PROD,
the result of the operation is a new relation that has the union of the tuples
of the starting relationships.
This new relationship must have a name. In principle, we consider that your
name is the same relational algebra expression that gets it; namely,
the same expression EMPLOYEES_ADM ∪ EMPLOYEES_PROD. Since this CPO quality email lists
name is long, sometimes it can be interesting to change it for one more
simple. This will make it easier for us to refer to the new relationship, and it will be especially
mind useful in cases where we want to use it as an operand of another
operation. We will use the helper operation rename for this purpose.
In the example, to give the name EMPLOYEES to the relation resulting from the
operation EMPLOYEES_ADM ∪ EMPLOYEES_PROD, we would do:
Each relational algebra operation gives default names to the attributes.
Butos of the scheme of the resulting relationship, as we will see later.
In some cases, it may be necessary to change these default names to
other names. For this reason, we will also allow renaming
the relation and its attributes using the rename operation.
The rename operation, which we will denote with the symbol :=, allows
assign a name R to the relation that results from an operation of the
relational algebra; it does it as follows:
R := E,
where E is the expression of a relational algebra operation.
algebra operations
relational classified according to
whether they are ensemble or specifically
relationships are studied in
subsections 5.1 and 5.2 of this unit.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 35 The relational model and relational algebra
Here is an example that we will use to illustrate the
relational algebra operations. Later we will see in detail the operations
Suppose we have a relational database with the four relations
following tions:
1) The relationship BUILDINGS_EMP, which contains data from different buildings of the
that a company has to carry out its activities.
2) The DESPACHOS relation, which contains data on each of the dispatches
that is in the previous buildings.
3) The relation EMPLOYEES_ADM, which contains the data of the employees of
the company that carry out administrative tasks.
4) The relation EMPLOYEES_PROD, which stores the data of the employees CPO consumer email database
of the company dealing with production tasks.
Next we describe the schemes of the previous relations and their ex-
stresses at a given time:

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Cartesian product
If we calculate the Cartesian product of BUILDINGS_EMP and OFFICES, we will obtain a
new relation containing all possible concatenations of EMP_BUILDINGS tuples
with DISPATCH tuples.
If you want to calculate the Cartesian product of two relations that have some CPO database for sale
common attribute name, it is only necessary to previously rename the attributes
suitable butos of one of the two relationships.
Next we define the attributes and the extension of the resulting relation
of a Cartesian product.
Cartesian product example
The Cartesian product of the relations OFFICES and BUILDINGS_EMP in the example can be
do as indicated (it is necessary to rename attributes previously):
BUILDINGS(buildingname, supmediadesp) := BUILDINGS_EMP(building, supmediadesp).
Then, the resulting relation R will be:
The Cartesian product is an operation that, from two relations,
obtains a new relation formed by all the tuples that result
of concatenating tuples from the first relation with tuples from the second.
The Cartesian product is a binary operation. Being T and S two rela-
tions that satisfy that their schemas do not have any name of
common attribute, the Cartesian product of T and S is denoted as T × S.
The schema attributes of the resulting relation of T × S are all
the attributes of T and all the attributes of S*.
The extension of the resulting relation of T × S is the set of all
the tuples of the form <v1, v2, …, v n , w1, w2, …, w m> for which
ple that <v1, v2, …, v n> belongs to the extension of T and that <w1, w2, …,
w m> belongs to the extension of S.
buildingname supmediadesp building number area
Navy 15 Navy 120 10 CPO quality email lists
Navy 15 Navy 230 20
Marine 15 Diagonal 120 10
Marina 15 Diagonal 440 10
Diagonal 10 Navy 120 10
* Remember that T and S do not have
no common attribute name.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 41 The relational model and relational algebra
It should be noted that the Cartesian product is an operation that is rarely
is used explicitly, because the result it gives is usually not useful for
resolve common queries.
Despite this, the Cartesian product is included in the relational algebra because
which is a primitive operation; from which another operation of the
algebra, the combination, which is used very often.
5.2. Specifically relational operations
The specifically relational operations are selection, projection
and the combination.
5.2.1. Selection
To obtain a relationship that has all the offices of the Marina building that have more
of 12 square meters, we can apply a selection to the DESPACHOS relationship with a
selection condition that is building = Marina and area > 12; DESPA- would be indicated
CHOS(building = Marina and area > 12).
In general, the selection condition C is made up of one or more clauses
from the way:

buildingname supmediadesp building number area
Diagonal 10 Marina 230 20
Diagonal 10 Diagonal 120 10
Diagonal 10 Diagonal 440 10
We can see the selection as an operation that serves to choose some
some tuples from a relation and remove the rest. More specifically, the
selection is an operation that, from a relation, obtains a CPO consumer email database
new relation formed by all the tuples of the starting relation
that meet a specified selection condition.

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Selection is a unary operation. Being C a condition of se-
lesson, the selection of T with the condition C is denoted as T(C).
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 42 The relational model and relational algebra
where Ai and Aj are attributes of the relation T, θ is a comparison operator*
and v is a value. Furthermore, it holds that: buy CPO database for marketing
• In clauses of the form Ai θ v, v is a value of the domain of Ai.
• In clauses of the form Ai, θ Aj , Ai and Aj have the same domain.
The clauses that form a selection condition are connected with the following:
following boolean operators: “and” (∧) and “or” (∨).
Next we define the attributes and the extension of the resulting relation
of a selection.
Selection Example
If we want to obtain a relation R with the dispatches of the database of the example that
are in the Marina building and that have an area of more than 12 square meters,
We will make the following selection:
R := OFFICES(building = Marina and area > 12).
The resulting relation R will be:
5.2.2. Projection
The schema attributes of the resulting relation of T(C) match
with the attributes of the schema of the relation T.
The extension of the resulting relation of T(C) is the set of tuples
that belong to the extension of T and that satisfy the condition of se-
lesson C. A tuple t satisfies a selection condition C if, after
substituting each attribute in C for its value in t, the condition C
evaluates to the true value.
Rbuilding number surface
Navy 230 20
We can consider the projection as an operation that serves to
choose some attributes of a relation and eliminate the rest. More concrete-
Simply put, projection is an operation that, starting from a relation,
obtains a new relation formed by all the (sub)tuples of the relation purchase CPO email lists
starting relationship that result from removing specified attributes.
* That is, =, ≠, <, ≤, >, or ≥.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 43 The relational model and relational algebra
To obtain a relationship that has only the first and last name attributes of the employees of
administration, we can make a projection in the relation EMPLOYEES_ADM on these
two attributes. It would be indicated as follows: EMPLOYEES_ADM [name, surname].
Next we will define the attributes and the extension of the resulting relationship.
much of a projection.
projection example
If we want to obtain a relation R with the name and surname of all the employees of
administration of the example database, we will make the following projection:
R := EMPLOYEES_ADM[first name, last name].
Then, the resulting relation R will be:
5.2.3. Combination
The projection is a unary operation. Being {Ai , Aj, …, A k} a subcon-
along with the attributes of the schema of the relation T, the projection of T
over {A i, Aj , …, Ak} is denoted as T[Ai , A j, …, Ak].
The schema attributes of the resulting relation of T[Ai, Aj, …, Ak]are the attributes {Ai, Aj, …, Ak}.
The extension of the relation resulting from T[Ai , Aj , …, Ak] is the set
to of all tuples of the form <t.Ai, t.A j, …, t.A k>, where it holds
that t is a tuple of the extension of T and where t.Ap denotes the value for
the Ap attribute of tuple t.
name last Name
John Garcia
Martha Rock
The combination is an operation that, starting from two relations, obtains
ne a new relation formed by all the tuples that result from con-
string tuples from the first relation with tuples from the second, and that
satisfy a specified join condition.
The join is a binary operation. Being T and S two relations CPO consumer email database
whose schemas have no common attribute name, and being
B a combination condition, the combination of T and S according to the con-
addition B is indicated T[B]S.
Elimination of tuples

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Note that the projection
implicitly remove all
the repeated tuples. The result-
do of a projection is a
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have repetitions of tuples.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 44 The relational model and relational algebra
To get a relationship that has the data of each one of the administrative employees,
together with the data of the offices where they work, we can make a comparison purchase CPO email lists
combination of the relations EMPLOYEES_ADM and OFFICES, where the condition of
combination indicate the following: buildingdesp = building and numberdesp = number. The condition
The merge function causes the result to only merge the data of one employee with
the data of an office if the office building and the office number of the employee are equal to
building and office number, respectively. That is, the condition makes the
an employee’s data is combined with the data of the office where she works, but not
with data from other offices.
The combination of the previous example would be indicated as follows:
EMPLOYEES_ADM[buildingdesp = building, numberdesp = number] OFFICES.
If you want to combine two relations that have some attribute name co-
common, it is only necessary to previously rename the repeated attributes of a
Of the two.
In general, the condition B of a combination T[B]S is formed by one or
more comparisons of the form
Ai θ Aj ,
where A i is an attribute of the relation T, Aj is an attribute of the relation S, θ is
a comparison operator ( =, ≠, <, ≤, >, ≥), and it is true that Ai and Aj have
the same domain. Comparisons of a join condition are
separated by commas.
Next we define the attributes and the extension of the resulting relation
of a combination.
Combination Example
Let us suppose that we want to find the data of the offices that have a ma-
greater than or equal to the average area of the offices in the building where they are located. The IF-
The following combination will provide us with the data of these dispatches together with the data of
your building (note that the attributes must first be renamed):
BUILDINGS(buildingname,srmediasp) := BUILDINGS_EMP(building,srmediasp),
The schema attributes of the resulting relation of T[B]S are all
two the attributes of T and all the attributes of S*.
The extension of the resulting relation of T[B]S is the set of tu-
plas that belong to the extension of the Cartesian product T × S and that
satisfy all the comparisons that form the combination condition. purchase CPO email lists
nation B. A tuple t satisfies a comparison if, after substituting
each attribute that appears in the comparison by its value in t, the comparison
ration is evaluated to the true value.
* Remember that T and S do not have
no common attribute name.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 45 The relational model and relational algebra
R := BUILDINGS[buildingname = building, supmediadesp ≤ surface] OFFICES.
Then, the resulting relation R will be:
Suppose now that in order to obtain the data of each one of the administrative employees,
tion, together with the data of the office where they work, we use the following combination:
R := EMPLOYEES_ADM[buildingdesp = building, numberdesp = number] OFFICES.
The resulting relation R will be:
The relation R combines the data of each employee with the data of her office.
The combination is sometimes called a θ-combination, and when
all comparisons of the join condition have the operator
“=”, is called an equijoin.
According to this, the combination of the last example is an equijoin.
Note that the result of an equijoin always includes one or CPO email database free
more pairs of attributes that have identical values in all tuples.
In the example above, the values of buildingoff match those of building, and the values of
despnumber match those of number.
Since one of each pair of attributes is superfluous, a
combination variant called natural combination, in order to
remove them.

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Example of natural combination
If we do:
buildingname supmediadesp building number area
Navy 15 Navy 230 20
Diagonal 10 Diagonal 120 10
Diagonal 10 Diagonal 440 10
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DNI name surname desp building desp number building surface area number
40,444,255 Juan Garcia Navy 120 Navy 120 10
33,567,711 Marta Roca Navy 120 Navy 120 10
The natural combination of two relations T and S is denoted as T * S
and basically consists of equijoining followed by elimination.
tion of superfluous attributes; In addition, it is considered by default that
the join condition matches all pairs of attributes that
they have the same name in T and in S.
Note that, unlike equicombination, natural combination
tural applies to relationships that have common attribute names.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 46 The relational model and relational algebra
the condition is considered to be building = building because building is the only attribute name
buto that appears both in the EDIFICIOS_EMP scheme and in the OFFICES scheme.
The result of this natural combination is:
Notice that one of the building name attributes has been removed.
Sometimes, before the natural combination it is necessary to apply the operation
rename function to match the names of the attributes that we in-
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Example of natural combination with redenomination
For example, if we want to obtain the data of each of the administration employees
together with the data of the office where they work but without repeating values of super-
fluos, we will make the following natural combination, which requires a previous redenomination:

DNI name surname building desp number desp area
40,444,255 Juan Garcia Marina 120 10
33,567,711 Marta Roca Marina 120 10
In many cases, to formulate a query in relational algebra it is
Several operations must be used, which are applied in a certain order.
To do so, there are two possibilities:
1) Use a single algebra expression that includes all the operations
tions with the necessary parentheses to indicate the order of application.
2) Decompose the expression into several steps where each step applies
a single operation and obtain an intermediate relationship that can be used
perform in the subsequent steps.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 47 The relational model and relational algebra
Example of using sequences of operations
To obtain the name and surname of the employees, both administrative and pro-
duction, it is necessary to make a union of EMPLOYEES_ADM and EMPLOYEES_PROD, and then
then make a projection on the first and last name attributes. The operation can be
express in the following ways: CPO email database free
a) A single expression can be used:
R := (EMPLOYEES_ADM ∪ EMPLOYEES_PROD) [first name, last name].
b) Or we can express it in two steps:
• R := EMPS[first name, last name]

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In cases where a query requires many operations to be performed, the result
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Other examples of queries formulated with sequences of operations
Let’s look at some examples of database queries formulated with sequences of operations.
relational algebra rations. buy CPO targeted email list
1) To get the building name and house number offices located in buildings in
where the average area of these offices is greater than 12, we can use the following
sequence of operations:
• A := BUILDINGS_EMP(supmediaoff > 12);
• B := OFFICES * A;
• R := B[building, number]2) Suppose now that you want to get the first and last name of all employees
(both administration and production) who are assigned to office 120 of the building
Marine job. In this case, we can use the following sequence:
• B := A(buildingdesp = Marina and numberdesp = 120);
• R := B[first name, last name].
3) If we want to consult the name of the building and the number of the offices that no
admin employee is assigned, we can use this sequence:
• A := OFFICES [building, number];
• B := EMPLOYEES_ADM[despbuilding,despnumber];
• R := A – B.
4) To obtain the DNI, the name and surname of all the administration employees who
have office, together with the surface of your office, we can do the following:
• A[DNI, name, surname, building, number] := EMPLOYEES_ADM[DNI, name, surname, building,
officedesp, numberdesp];
• B := A * OFFICES;
• R := B[DNI, name, surname, area].
5.4. Extensions: outer joins
To finish the subject of relational algebra, we will analyze some extensions
useful combination.
The combinations that have been described obtain the tuples of the Cartesian-
not of two relations that satisfy a join condition.
It should be noted that tuples that have a null value for any of the attributes
butts contained in the join condition are always lost, because in
In these cases the join condition always evaluates to false.
In some cases, it may be interesting to make combinations of the data from two re-
relationships without loss of data from the starting relationships. Then,
outer joins are used. buy CPO targeted email list
DNI emp empname emp surname desp building desp number area
33,567,711 Marta Roca Marina 120 10
55,898,425 Carlos Buendia Diagonal 120 10
77,232,144 Elena Pla Marina 230 20
Outer joins between two relations T and S consist of va-
Combination variants that preserve all tuples in the result
of T, of S or of both relations. They can be of the following types:
1) The left outer join between two relations T and S, which
we denote as T[C]IS, keeps in the result all the tuples of the
T relationship.
2) The right outer join between two relations T and S, which
we denote as T[C] DS, keeps in the result all the tuples of
the s relationship.
3) Finally, the full outer join between two relations T
and S, which we denote as T[C]pS, preserves in the result all tu-
plas of T and all tuples of S.
The combinations have
explained in subsection 5.3.3
of this teaching unit.
 FUOC • 71Z799014MO 49 The relational model and relational algebra
These extensions also apply to the case of the natural combination between
two relations, T * S, namely:
a) The left outer natural join between two relations T and S, which
denoted as T *I S, preserves all tuples of relation T in the result.
b) The right outer natural join between two relations T and S, which is
denoted as T *D S, keeps in the result all the tuples of the relation S.
c) Finally, the full outer natural join between two relations T and S,
denoted as T *P S , preserves in the result all tuples of T and all
the tuples of S.
The tuples of a relation T that are preserved in the result R of a combination
external nation with another relation S, even though they do not satisfy the condition
combination, have null values in the R result for all attributes
which come from the relation S.CPO email database free