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Our email list is divided into three categories: regions, industries and job functions. Regional email can help businesses target consumers or businesses in specific areas. Denmark Email Lists broken down by industry help optimize your advertising efforts. If you’re marketing to a niche buyer, then our email lists filtered by job function can be incredibly helpful.

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We pride ourselves on providing customers with high quality data. Our Denmark Email Database and mailing lists are updated semi-annually conforming to all requirements set by the Direct Marketing Association and comply with CAN-SPAM.

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Emailproleads provides Mobile Database to individuals or organizations for the sole purpose of promoting your business. In Digital Marketing. The mobile number database of Emailproleads helps to reach the highest level of business conversations.

Mobile number databases are a crucial marketing tool with many numbers from all over the globe. Since the arrival of smartphones, there has been an exponential rise in the number of buyers because technology has changed the way of marketing. Mobile number databases are essential for every retailer today in marketing and selling their goods and services. The world is now filled with mobiles that have internet connectivity across the globe.

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Now and again, we can see advertisements promoting the company. These ads result in the expansion of the company. It is possible to expand your marketing further using other services for Digital Marketing like Bulk SMS, Voice Calls, WhatsApp Marketing, etc.

Emailproleads checks every mobile number in the database using various strategies and techniques to ensure that buyers receive the most appropriate and relevant customer number and successfully meet their marketing goals and objectives.

This service assists you find your loyal customers keen to purchase your product. If you’d like to see your brand acknowledged by customers, using a database of mobile numbers is among the most effective ways to accomplish this.

What is the meaning of Phone Number Data?

A telephone number is a specific number that telecommunication firms assign to their customers, thus permitting them to communicate via an upgraded method of routing destination codes. Telecom companies give whole numbers within the limits of regional or national telephone numbering plans. With more than five billion users of mobile phones around the world, phone number information is now a gold mine for government and business operations.

What is the method of collecting the phone Number Data collected?

Having the number of current and potential customers and marketing professionals opens up a wealth of opportunities for lead generation and CRM. The presence of customer numbers is an excellent way to boost marketing campaigns as it allows marketers to interact with their target audience via rich multimedia and mobile messaging. Therefore, gathering phone number information is vital to any modern-day marketing strategy. The strategies consumers can use to collect data from phone numbers include:

* Adding contact forms on websites.
* Requests to be made for phone calls from customers.
* Use mobile keyword phrases for promotions to encourage prospective customers to contact you.
* Applying app updates prompts users to change their email details each time they sign in.
* Acquiring phone numbers that are already available information from third-party service companies with the information.

What are the main characteristics of the Phone Number Data?

One of the critical advantages of phone number data is that it is created to reveal the geographic location of mobile users because phone numbers contain particular strings specific to a region or country that show the user’s precise position. This is useful in targeted campaigns, mainly where marketers target a specific area that can target their marketing efforts.

To prevent duplicates and improve accessibility, the phone number information is typically stored in the E164 international format, which defines the essential characteristics of a recorded phone number. The specifications that are followed in this format are the number code for the country (CC) and an NDC, a country code (CC), a national destination code (NDC), and the subscriber number (SN).

What do you think of the phone Number Data used for?

The possibilities that can be made possible by the phone number information are endless. The availability of a phone number database means that companies worldwide can market their products directly to prospective customers without using third-party companies.

Because phone numbers are region – and country-specific and country-specific, data from phone numbers gives marketers a comprehensive view of the scope of marketing campaigns, which helps them decide on the best areas they should focus their time and resources on. Also, governments use the data from mobile numbers to study people’s mobility, geographic subdivisions, urban planning, help with development plans, and security concerns such as KYC.

How can an individual determine the validity of Phone Number Data?

In determining the quality of the phone number information, users should be aware of the fundamental quality aspects of analysis. These are:
Completeness. All info about phone numbers within the database must be correct.
Accuracy. This measure reflects how well the data identifies the individual described within the actual world.
Consistency. This indicates how well the data provider follows the rules to facilitate data retrieval.
Accessibility. The phone number database should be accessible where the data is organized to allow easy navigation and immediate commercial use.

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Where can I purchase Phone Number Data?

The Data Providers and Vendors listed in Datarade provide Phone Number Data products and examples. Most popular products for Phone Number Data and data sets available on our platform include China B2B phone number – Chinese businesses by Octobot, IPQS Phone Number Validation and Reputation through IPQualityScore (IPQS), and B2B Contact Direct Dial/Cell Phone Number Direct Dial and mobile numbers for cold calling Real-time verified contact email and Phone Number by Lead for business.

How do I get my phone Number Data?

You can find phone number data from Emailproleads.

What are data types similar that are similar to Phone Number Data?

Telephone Number Data is comparable with Address Data; Email Address Data, MAID Hashed Email Data, Identification Linkage Data, and Household-Level Identity Data. These categories of data are typically employed to aid in Identity Resolution and Data Onboarding.

Which are your most popular uses for Phone Number Data?

The top uses that involve Phone Number Data are Identity Resolution, Data Onboarding, and Direct Marketing.

Let’s say you’re running a business selling strategy that demands you to connect with the maximum number of people you can. If your job is laid off for you, it can often be challenging to determine what to do. First, you should create your list of prospective customers and then save your call data in an electronic database.

Denmark Telephone Number Lists

Though you might believe that working with lists of telephone numbers and storing them in databases is all you need to launch a cold calling campaign, it’s not the case. Since a telephone number database could contain thousands or millions of leads, along with important data points about each potential customer, It is essential to adhere to the best practices for a Database of telephone numbers. Methods to avoid becoming overwhelmed or losing important data.

To build a phone number database that delivers outcomes, you must start on the right starting point. It is possible to do this by purchasing lists of sales leads from a reliable, dependable company like ours. It’s equally important to have the right tools to allow your team to contact the most people possible.

In addition to high-quality telephone marketing lists, we provide advice on the best techniques for targeting databases and dialer software that can make lead generation more efficient and less expensive over time. Our customer service representatives are ready to assist you.

Denmark Telephone Number Database Best Practices

After you’ve established the basis for success by acquiring high-quality lead lists and implementing dialers that can boost how many calls your team receives by up to 400 percent, you’re ready to become familiar with best practices for your industry. By adhering to a list of phones and best database practices, you’ll dramatically improve the odds that your team will succeed in the short and long term.

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Here are the best techniques for telemarketing databases that you should consider a priority to observe.

Get Organized
A well-organized Denmark mobile phone directory includes contacts organized according to phone country, postal, area, city, and province. By narrowing your calls to only one of the criteria, it is possible to incorporate new business information into your list, then sort and retarget top leads.

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Create a strategy to manage your phone lists. Naturally, your organizational plan must be based on the purpose of your cold-calling campaign. Your business’s goals will affect the traits your most promising prospects have. Make a profile of the most appealing candidate based on the plans for your marketing campaign. Make sure you make your leads list to ensure that the candidates who best meet your ideal profile of a prospect are first on your list of leads. List.

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Determine Who Has Access to and edit your database
Your phone number list doesn’t only represent an investment in money but also a resource that your team can use to increase sales. Although your phone number list is essential because you bought it, it’s also advantageous due to the possibility that it can improve your bottom line. In this regard, you should think carefully about who has access to and control your database.

It is generally recommended to restrict the number of users who have access to your database to only those who use it to communicate with potential customers to achieve your campaign’s goals. If an individual is not active with your marketing campaign, then there’s no reason for them to gain access to your telephone number database.

It’s also advisable to restrict access to the database you have created; it’s best to allow editing privileges to people who require them. This generally means that you only give editing rights to agents that will be conducting cold calls. It will be necessary to modify the database to make changes to records and notes that could aid in subsequent calls.

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Create Your Database
Databases are knowledge centers that store information for sales personnel. They are vital to gain knowledge and share it with your sales staff. Even if it’s just to keep call notes, callback databases can help your sales team to achieve maximum value and benefit from lists of telemarketing calls.

As time passes, your phone number list will likely expand and include more contact numbers and information on your customers. When you get recommendations from your current prospects or purchase leads lists, or either, it’s essential to grow the size of your database to include as much data as you can to assist you in achieving your goals for the business in the near and far future and at every step in between.

4. Keep Your Database
Although you want your database to expand with time, you do not want it to contain obsolete or ineffective details. To keep your database from overloading with useless information, it’s essential to maintain it regularly, including removing old records and updating your prospective customers with their contact details.

One of the most effective ways to ensure your database is to ensure that it doesn’t contain numbers listed on the Do Not Call list. If you make a call to an address that is listed on a Do Not List, you could result in your business spending lots of money, perhaps even millions. With the free tools available online, think about scrubbing all your data against the Do Not Call registry at least twice yearly.

If you’ve learned the basics of a telephone list and best practices for database management, you can contact

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Today, download the mobile phone/cell numbers directory of all cities and states based on the network or operator. The database of mobile numbers is an excellent resource for advertising and bulk SMS, targeting specific regions of people, electoral campaigns, or other campaigns. Before you use these numbers, verify the ” Do Not Disturb” status in conjunction with TRAI. If it is activated, it is not permitted to use these numbers to promote your business.

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It’s the quickest method of building an extensive list of phone numbers for your potential customers. Pay a fixed sum (per list, contact, country, or industry) and get every mobile number you paid for and have in your possession. You can then utilize them several times to reach out to customers to convince them to purchase their products or products. Doesn’t that sound great?

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Although it may seem like the fastest method of building a list of numbers, it’s not the case. There are a lot of risks associated with purchasing mobile marketing lists which won’t generate sales:

They’re not well-targeted. It’s impossible to be sure that every person on the bought phone lists will pay attention to the emails you’ve sent or your company worldwide.

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It will help if you trust someone completely. When you purchase a mobile phone list, you’ll need to be able to trust your seller about how active the numbers are. It’s possible that the majority of the phone numbers you’re buying are not current or relevant.

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What is marketing via email?
Email Marketing is the process of sending emails, mails or messages to a group of contacts, usually through a database. This may comprise potential customers or existing clients.  Denmark Phone Number database for sale

It’s a tool to facilitate digital communication that is extensively used and highly is highly recommended. Email marketing is a straightforward efficient and effective method, offering an opportunity to offer useful content and advantages to our clients.
What are the benefits of email marketing? buy  Denmark Phone Number  database database

We share information and other content that is useful to potential customers and customers.
Make sure that the brand is always within the mind of clients. database marketing database  Denmark Phone Number
enable and benefit the benefit the most the most loyal customers to benefit from the most loyal. Denmark Phone number database  
generate engagement
We collect information on the preferences of our clients.

What are the benefits of marketing via email?

Speedy: It’s an extremely fast and simple marketing system that is programmable and does not need any complex. It can be developed and programmed based on the statistics we previously gathered about the highest level of interaction between our target audience.
Effective: It’s direct and precise as you are honest with the information we receive.
Economical: it doesn’t require any other expense than the process of putting together the mail either by us or our staff. This is an enormous benefit as the cost of email marketing are considerably lower than other forms of marketing. There is no cost for advertising and printing costs.
Segmented: allows us to design and distribute the amount of emails required with respect to the segment or niche of customers that we wish to reach. Additionally, the databases will consist of individuals who have decided to be notified via email. These are potential customers who are interested in your product or services. Denmark Phone number database  
Dynamic: It’s variable and can be utilized at any time but I don’t recommend more than 2 every week. Also, try to alter the content or alternative information and provide some benefit like a discount coupon or other free content.
It is measurable: the amount of engagement it creates within our target audience is easily tracked and helps us improve our stats to take greater benefit of this tool. Additionally, we can evaluate the performance of certain campaigns, we can improve future campaigns to their maximum.
The ability to scale: Email marketing can be employed to reach both large and smaller audiences. database marketing database  Denmark Phone Number
In addition, unlike telephone marketing, your customers can take a look at your message when it is convenient for their needs.
Conversions and Upsells – If you’ve got an exciting new offer, customers are able to click on the links and then follow the call to move immediately. Marketing via email is efficient in all stages of the purchasing process. For instance, you could influence someone to buy your product, build relationships with customers following the purchase, and help them make the purchase of future products.
Time-saver The ability to create emails that are sent to your customers based on the actions they’ve taken on your website. You can also send an email with discounts in the event that a customer abandons a shopping cart online. This is all thanks to automation.
Real Time Marketing – With email marketing, you can interact with customers in real-time. Through the use of triggers that are automatic like website activity recently purchased items, abandoning your shopping cart You can get the right audience in the right place at the right moment and in the appropriate location, and with most appropriate message. Denmark Phone number database  

What are the drawbacks of marketing via email?

Not being listened to: If this type of marketing is misused and the client is unable to mark our email as Spam and we’ll leave their registration area. This is why it’s crucial and essential to begin this kind of marketing in stages , keeping this in mind.  Denmark Phone Number database for sale

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There is no immediate response from the viewer: though the read confirmation could be added to check if our customer opened our email but the truth is that it isn’t able to determine the reaction of the recipient is.  Denmark Phone Number database for sale
It’s not always quick however, the reality is that the customer most likely responds to the email and the response from the company isn’t automatic. Today in this time of instant communication There are many other channels like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp which are more instantaneous and permit us to stay in touch with the target audience in the event of an answer.

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Denmark Phone Number mailing lists

Spam – Business-related email also known as “spam” irritates consumers. If your messages aren’t targeted to the right individuals recipients, they may delete the email or opt out of receiving it. It is important to ensure that your email marketing is in compliance with privacy and protection of data laws, and is properly targeted to people who would like to receive it.
In case your emails are not delivered, or you aren’t keeping your marketing lists up-to-date and you’ll discover that your email addresses are incorrect, which means that your emails aren’t reaching the correct individuals. database marketing database  Denmark Phone Number
Issues with design Emails must be designed in a way that it appears like it does across various devices and email services. You might have to make a an issue of aesthetics and functional. Many people prefer to receive email messages with only text. Consider what your message might look like in this case. Denmark Phone number database  
Issues with size: In certain instances, files must be compact enough to be downloaded quickly. Emails with lots of images can delay the download, which can frustrate your recipients and depriving them of interest.
Skills and Resources: For an email marketing campaign to be effective it is essential to ensure you have the correct text, design and marketing checklist in the right place. If you’re not able to devote the time or the expertise to run your business, you might consider outsourcing a few of these aspects.
Whichever your market is, it’s likely your email marketing strategy is a part of your overall strategy for marketing.

However, with increasing numbers of people receiving info and engaging in social media posts , and with some users automatically deleting items from the “promotions” folder, is email marketing worth it today? Denmark Phone number database  

The simple answer is yes! Learn more about the reasons email marketing is a vital component of your marketing plan.
Is email marketing a form of marketing? Denmark Phone Number consumer  database database

In simple terms the term “email marketing” is any email message that is sent to potential customers in the hope of turning them into a purchase. As a marketer, it is best to think of marketing via email as a personal communications flow that creates an enduring relationship between your brand, you and the person you’re communicating with.
What is the effect of email marketing?

There are two primary types of marketing via email which are inbound and outbound. The input is usually utilized by B2C companies while the output is typically used by B2B firms. Denmark Phone number database  

This article will concentrate on inbound marketing, however the most important thing to be aware of concerning outbound marketing is it’s commonly used to send out email content marketing, which allows you to interact with other businesses to collaborate and backlinks.

If you are just starting out with marketing via email, you’ll first must get subscribers to your email. Therefore, you design emails marketing campaigns that target those who have been signed up to receive your emails.  Denmark Phone Number database for sale

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After doing some A/B testing for your marketing emails, you’ll be able to get acquainted with the best practices for your specific audience and be able create emails that are more appropriate to your needs. buy  Denmark Phone Number database for marketing

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But is email marketing really worth in a world where there are numerous other options? Let’s take a look at the benefits.
Benefits of marketing via email

Email marketing is one of the many options in a digital marketing plan however, it could be the most efficient. Some advantages of email marketing are:

Email offers an average return on investment of $44 per $1 invested.
Nearly all Americans go through their email at least once per day, and a lot of Gen Zers and Millennials are more likely to use the email-based advertising format over other kinds.
Customers can access email: They do not need to leave the house or have a computer to communicate with your marketing material.
A third of Americans have recently visited a company’s website or store after getting an email. It may seem like a small number but keep in mind that it’s likely that they wouldn’t have been there without an email. Denmark Phone Number consumer  database database

Email Marketing Best Practices and Strategies

If you’d like an email campaign that is successful, be successful, you have prepare yourself to be successful by following the email marketing guidelines regarding the best methods and strategies.
Be sure to ask before you send an email. Denmark Phone number database  

Did you receive an email and then, when you unsubscribed from it you had to verify “I never signed up to receive these messages?” It’s extremely frustrating and it feels like being a nuisance. Some users might wonder, “How did they get your email address?” What other data are they able to access? Why should you believe this business? “

If you’d like your email marketing campaign to succeed, you must ask permission prior to sending the first email.

Even if your email list isn’t huge Never ever purchase email lists. If you also request your customers to “enter your email address to get 20% off your first purchase” or something similar ensure that it is evident that you’ll sign to them for additional advertising or an email subscription.
Personalize your messages Denmark Phone Number consumer  database database

Personalize your emails for your subscribers. Forbes has compiled an excellent collection of data on the expectations for personalization, both in email as well as other elements of your business (like products you recommend for your site). A few highlights are:

70 percent of Millennials are fed up with companies that send out useless emails Denmark Phone number database  
71% of all customers are influenced by personalization before opening or even opening email messages from brands.
Certain marketers say personalization of emails has resulted in increases in Brands reports that their conversion rates have increased by as much as 202% when they use personalized calls to actions in emails.  Denmark Phone Number address lists

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With our automated email marketing, so you can monitor the behavior of your website and email of your contacts in order to design appropriate messages to them. This lets you filter your lists so that you can only send pertinent emails to specific categories of individuals. buy  Denmark Phone Number database for marketing

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Another method of ensuring that your message is customized is to use the use of an Email Drip Campaign, which will send emails only when it is triggered by certain circumstances.
Be aware of the frequency you send emails.  Denmark Phone Number  database database free

Many times, marketers use an invasive and unproductive digital blast marketing. The 10 rules of marketing via email can be “Remember that ‘timing is everything'” and with the reason that customers are eager to hear from you, but they do not wish to hear constantly from you.

Although it might seem contradictory it is true that less emails usually translate to greater engagement. In other words, less is always more!
Don’t waste anybody’s time. Denmark Phone number database  

Make your messages brief and direct. The amount of people who are using mobile devices is rising and more than half mail opens are now made on mobile devices. So, the best way to reach out is via simple, conversational, and relevant messages.
Check your numbers

If you’re not monitoring your KPIs for email marketing, you’ll never know the effectiveness of your email marketing plan was. It’s good to know that several email marketing programs and platforms provide reporting capabilities that will let you know what’s working and the ones that don’t.
Trends and history of email marketing

It’s difficult to imagine a life without email, however marketing via email has a long history which continues to grow.

The year was 1971 when Ray Tomlinson wrote the first email in 1971. What did the meaning of this monumental leap in communication? Tomlinson claims that it’s “something like QWERTYUIOP”.  Denmark Phone Number  database database free

Seven years after that, Gary Thuerk, marketing manager at Digital Equipment Corp, sent the first email blast in the promotion of DEC machines to users of 400 via Arpanet. The email was successful and generated $13 million worth of sales.

At the beginning of 2000, email spam was beginning to become an enormous problem. Therefore, in 2003 President George W. Bush signed the CAN-SPAM Act into law . It was part of a larger initiative to fight the flood of spam emails. Denmark Phone number database  

Marketers were aware that they must modify their marketing strategies via email in order to reach their customers.

And then came the year 2020. There was a lot that happened in the year but let’s discuss what we can call the Email Marketing Renaissance. Permission-based marketing, also referred to as inbound marketing, has transformed the way consumers and marketers interact with one another.

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Email plays a crucial role in the buyer’s journey inbound. If you keep in touch with prospects who are interested through the right type of email it can aid in building connections and move leads closer to conversion.  Denmark Phone Number address lists

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Looking Ahead: Trends in Email Marketing Automation

In addition to the increase already witnessed There are also some emerging trends to keep an eye for. buy  Denmark Phone Number database for marketing
Programs to reward email subscribers  Denmark Phone Number  database database free

Programs for loyalty will play a greater role in marketing via email automation. These programs let marketers analyze the data of their customers. This information allows marketers to understand the needs and wants of their customers as well as what they think about certain advertising campaigns.
Image Rich Email Denmark Phone number database  

To entice mobile users, images-rich emails will play a greater part in email marketing. Marketers can utilize images to create behind the scenes photos and sneak peeks into new product launches, as well as pictures that tell stories to grab an interest from your prospective client. Images should be appealing enough to make them shareable because social media will continue to be a major influencer in the lives of many of our customers.
Artificial Intelligence and email

We can expect AI to have a larger role in the field of marketing via email. Apart from its advantages for automation of marketing emails AI will also allow enhanced personalization, optimization segmentation, reporting and automation of content, which will result in more efficient and faster marketing campaigns.  Denmark Phone Number  database database free
How do you choose an email marketing company

Questions to ask prior to making a decision to invest in an automated email marketing platform:

Can my management of my email lists be more effective?

Does it contain templates for time-saving and analytics?

Have you got input and output possibilities? Denmark Phone number database  

Is it in compliance with the most current international regulations?

Does it work on mobile phones? Denmark Phone Number business  database database free download

Do you have the ability to manage my challenges with email marketing?

If you take a look at SharpSpring then the answer to these concerns will be “yes”.

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This revenue-growth platform comes with an excellent email marketing tool which will help you keep your company’s email marketing campaigns in top form.
Email marketing is among the most efficient tools we can utilize to implement our digital marketing strategy. It lets us keep in contact with our customers and leads as long we have a reliable database. However, this is just one of the advantages of email marketing, which you can benefit from in your company. If you’d like to learn about these benefits in detail, read on.
Is email marketing a form of marketing?

Many times, we are skeptics of marketing via email. The problem lies with certain companies who send thousands of unimportant messages to people who haven’t even provided permission to get these messages. It’s not marketing via email: it’s spam.  Denmark Phone Number address lists

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Marketing via email involves sending out emails to a certain database, with various goals including marketing a particular product or service, communicating with customers , or creating trust in our company. The key to allowing the effectiveness of email marketing and not be considered to be spam is to own your own database that is derived with the help of our customers and contacts in a consensual method. buy  Denmark Phone Number database for marketing

It is not advised to ever purchasing databases in order to send out mass mailings without individuals who have consented to us using their information. This is even more vital with recent changes to the Data Protection Law, which has been in force to all purposes in May 2018 , and that provides users with more access to their own personal information.
The benefits of email marketing

When we understand the distinction in email marketing and the spam industry, we’re going to be able to understand what the advantages of email marketing that we mentioned in the beginning.
1. This is an immediate, personal communication channel Denmark Phone number database  

Email lets us create an ongoing flow of communications between our clients in a simple and personal manner. With the majority of the platforms for managing marketing through email, including Mailchimp or Sendinblue it is possible to include the name of the recipient and provide contents that is based on their preferences. Through these segments, the customer believes that we are speaking to him only to him and helps to create a sense of closeness.
2. It is easy to measure Denmark Phone Number business  database database free download

Any activity implemented in the realm of digital marketing should be evaluated to determine if it’s effective, and email is no different. The metrics offered by different platforms are used to send emails provide us with valuable data to evaluate the impact our campaign has made. The most significant metrics may be open rates along with the quantity of clicks that people have made on the links, however they’re not the only metrics we should study.
3. The software allows users to make more conversions

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Another advantage to email marketing lies in its capability to increase conversion. If we’ve got a clearly defined strategy that is beneficial to the recipients, it’s probable that we will be able to convert more people than other tools. For instance, it’s thought that email marketing has the ability to convert three times more than social media.
4. It helps keep customers and enhance the image of your brand

One of the goals we could set in the course of the email campaign to promote to promote customer loyalty. If we send an email to customers who has purchased our services or products We will remind our customers that we’re here to fulfill their requirements. It may sound obvious, but we need to keep in mind that competition in every sector is extremely competitive and that customers won’t necessarily remember us even if they are satisfied with the previous purchase. Denmark Phone Number business  database database free download

Additionally that, if we can build a relationship with them emotionally and create confidence in our company and build trust with them, we’ll be creating an emotional bond that will yield many benefits. For instance, the client is a brand prescriber and suggests it to family members and acquaintances.
5. It’s an affordable tool. Denmark Phone number database  


If you’re wondering what it will cost to conduct the email-based marketing strategy, you’ll find the answer to be minimal, especially when you compare it to other strategies for marketing, such as sending mailers. In reality, many of the most widely used platforms to send emails permit users to send a specific amount of emails per month at no cost. This means that if your company is small and you don’t have many customers the service will not cost you any money. As your subscribers increase it is possible to sign up for monthly plans that allow you to send a number of messages per month to thousands of subscribers at a very low cost. But, be sure to remember to remind yourself that it is crucial to establish a clear plan of action and your own database.  Denmark Phone Number address lists

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6. The delivery process can be automated

When you are planning your campaigns One of the things you need to think about is the ideal time to send your emails. With the option of automating your shipments it is possible to programme them to ensure that they’re delivered at the time and day you find most interesting and you can dedicate your time to other things while your message is delivered to an inbox for your contact. buy  Denmark Phone Number targeted  database list

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7. Get more traffic to your website

Sending emails to your customers will assist in increasing traffic to your website provided you add links to it. If you can write appealing subject lines for your emails and the reader receives the email, it’s probable that they will click on the links you’ve provided and ultimately, will visit your blog or online store. Denmark Phone Number  database database free download
It is often believed that email is an outdated tool for marketing that dates back to a different time. Even though it is older than Snapchat or chatbots and even MySpace Email is crucial for a successful marketing plan.

Seth Godin, an American writer and businessman, wrote his publication “Permission Marketing” 20 years ago. However, his suggestions and predictions regarding the importance of email marketing remain relevant to the present. Marketing through email is a powerful tool that will be strong for the long term.

Let’s find out its potential by looking over the advantages of email marketing. These are applicable to both small-sized businesses as well as large corporations. Denmark Phone number database  
#1 User Preference

It’s crucial to note that over seven out of 10 people within the US prefer companies to interact with them via email. So, it’s only natural that businesses will begin investing more funds to create better email marketing campaigns.

It’s not surprising that the majority of marketers utilize email, and 21% are planning to begin emailing in over the course of 12 months.

Furthermore, the number of emails sent is expected to increase to 347.3 billion emails per day by 2023. Denmark Phone Number  database database free download
#2 Profitability

Today, companies can reach out to millions of customers with little or free of charge. In comparison to traditional methods of advertising such as direct mail campaigns or broadcast media, among others, one of major advantages of marketing via email is its efficiency in cost.

You don’t have to pay for advertising costs or other costs associated with printing or space for media.

In terms of ROI of email marketing the typical ratio of 42:1 is remarkable by itself. However, there are many aspects that could improve it.

For instance, businesses who test their emails regularly prior to sending out emails can enjoy the benefit of a 48-to-1 ROI. Things like confirmation of subscriptions, the use of GIFs or the frequency of between 5-8 emails per month could make this number higher, which means you’re in complete control of control over the ROI. Denmark Phone number database  

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However the ROI of social media isn’t that easy to gauge and, in fact, 44% of businesses don’t have any statistics about the ROI of social media.
#3 Sales increase Denmark Phone Number  database database free download

Marketing Week’s brand sister, Econsultancy, reports that email accounts for approximately PS29 billion in sales to retailers every year in the UK and you are able to significantly influence the number of sales you earn by segmenting and personalizing. .

Customers are more likely to react impulsively whenever they get an email informing them about a pertinent product.

It is possible to engage your readers by provoking their emotions and get them to buy by provoking the fear of not being able to purchase and other techniques for upselling such as sale flashes, shipping free as well as countdown timesters. They’re particularly efficient during holidays such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday Halloween, Christmas, and others.
#4 Measurable Results

One of the biggest benefits of marketing via email is the ability to analyze your performance as well as test and compare your emails incessantly until you achieve your desired outcome.

Based on the email provider, you can count on their information and increase your statistics by using third-party tools such as Google Analytics for deeper insights. Denmark Phone Number  database providers

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The most frequently tracked metrics are opens and clicks, bounces, and conversions. However, you can also track important figures such as ROI and revenue per subscriber and the lifetime value of subscribers. buy  Denmark Phone Number targeted  database list
#5 Availability

In the world of email marketing, you don’t generally have to invest money in order to start.

This is particularly important for entrepreneurs and small-sized businesses. A lot of email providers provide free plans and you can make use of this method to gather your first list of subscribers and experiment with some initial ideas. For instance, SendPulse allows you to send up to 15,000 emails to 500 customers per month. Denmark Phone Number  database database free download

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Additionally email lets you connect with people from any country without having to be restricted to a particular community or to a single language.

If your email list grows, you could earn money from sales or orders that are completed which you can then invest in email marketing campaigns.
#6 Additional traffic  Denmark Phone Number b2b database

Another advantage of marketing through email is that you can utilize it to boost the efficiency of different channels or platforms.
More marketing, so by distributing links in your emails, you can increase traffic to your site. Denmark Phone number database  

You can, for instance, make summaries of articles with briefs and link that encourage users to go to your site. This way you can boost the number of people visiting your site by promoting your product through email . This can be done simultaneously.
#7 Time saving

Tools for automation in marketing such as Automation 360 are a huge time-saver because they permit users to set up drip-triggered emails that depend on user action. This means that you don’t have to send each email individually.

For instance when a customer has abandoned their cart but hasn’t completed your purchase. You could immediately send an email to the person who abandoned their cart. Based on subsequent actions, you can send a reminder or purchase confirmation.

Automated emails provide 2x more open rates, 3x more click-through rates, and almost two times more open click-through rates. This is why automation is just one of the numerous benefits of marketing through email.

It is not only a way to save money and time, it also increases the number of clicks and opens.
#8 Relevant, personalized and relevant content  Denmark Phone Number b2b database

Personalization is not only a function, it is essential for effective campaign marketing via email. It’s among the most significant advantages of email marketing in comparison to other channels of marketing.

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The 2019 Evergage Personalization Trends Survey report found that 78% of marketers reported that they used personalization in emails as opposed to 58% using it on their websites as well as 42% of those in direct contact with customers or 35% when it comes to online ads.

In terms of the advantages of personalizing emails for marketing it is tempting to consider to provide the best customer experience, improve customer loyalty, and earn greater ROI.
#9 Experience across platforms

Mobile Internet use has been increasing worldwide over the last five years. For the year 2019, 63.4 percent of Internet users use their mobile phones to connect. Denmark Phone Number  database providers

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The users have more control over their consumption of emails when compared to other channels of communication like social media.

They choose which newsletters they want to join as well as when and where they should read, as well as the best way to read them whether through a smartphone, desktop or webmail. buy  Denmark Phone Number targeted  database list

It’s simple with email to stay on top of trends and offer users what they’d like to get to.

The majority of email providers allow users to enhance your emails for mobile devices, and produce mobile-friendly versions that automatically adjust to the screen size.  Denmark Phone Number b2b database
#10 Complete control over the content that recipients check

Social networks are social media platforms, and you cannot regulate what content will be displayed to users since the algorithmic algorithms used by each platform determine what posts are displayed to particular users. Denmark Phone number database  

But, one of the greatest benefits for email marketing is the fact that it’s always you who decides what content your subscribers receive regardless of whether you create automated campaigns or manually send them.

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There are a variety of emails you can use to send These are only some of them:

Furthermore, you are able to mix different kinds of content into one email to ensure that your recipients receive all messages you wish to communicate with them. For instance, you could add an invitation to an event to your newsletter, or even promote other products using transactionsal emails. Denmark Phone Number b2c database
Email marketing utilizes emails to establish connections with your customers. With the proper flow of communications you can deliver relevant information to turn prospects to customers.

Anyone who is who are interested in your product or service are welcome to join your mailing list, and via email marketing you will teach them everything they need to know in order to make a purchasing decision.

If you create your list of email addresses with the people you want to reach (people who will benefit from your services or products) You can be certain that email marketing will be an important source of revenue for your company.

Marketing through email has been around since before the advent of the World Wide Web, making it the top digital marketing tool. It’s been in use for a long time , and is still leading in terms of ROI.


What are the top 8 advantages of email marketing?

Before you invest in this channel for marketing you should be aware of its benefits. These are the 8 most important advantages which make marketing via email a great option for your online marketing. Denmark Phone Number b2c database

1. Low Cost

Let’s begin with the most important question cost: how much will it cost?

To create effective email campaigns for marketing all you require is a simple plan and the right software that lets you experiment with different methods.

There are numerous professional email marketing applications (MailChimp, Benchmark, Sendinblue, Mailerlite, among others). They offer a variety of plans based what size your email list (number of customers). Denmark Phone number database  

The plans are flexible. You can start with a basic plan to build your list of contacts, sell your products, and then upgrade to more sophisticated plans as your income online increases. Denmark Phone Number  database providers

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2. Complete control

You control all your communications. buy  Denmark Phone Number targeted  database list

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Design your assets (for instance email forms, web forms or websites for landing).

– Choose the type of campaigns you will run.

Segment users in order to focus efforts more effectively and provide better personalized service.

Make sure your messages are planned carefully so that they represent your brand’s identity and distinguish yourself from your competitors that are inboxed by customers.

3. Precision

If you’ve built your list on your own, make sure you invite people to sign up. This ensures that the people you’ve contacted would like to receive email from your business This means that you’re contacting people who are attracted by your product. This list is thought to be top-quality and will likely provide more profitable trading results.  Denmark Phone Number customers database

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It is possible to run A/B tests as well as track statistics and analyze the outcomes of your campaigns in real-time. Based on the data you’ve collected you can make minor modifications (for instance design, copywriting structure and workflow) and improve your digital marketing strategy.

4. Easy to use Denmark Phone number database  

Making an email marketing strategy is simple. You can create your own templates. They are a simple drag and drop, with no programming needed! If design isn’t your thing, you can make use of pre-designed templates to create your campaigns.


5. The preferred medium for marketing

Based on the DMA (Data Marketing Association) The majority of people would prefer to be contacted by companies via email over other methods.

The results of the survey are a good idea in that well-designed marketing campaigns are effective and not intrusive. Emails sit in your inbox, and subscribers decide when it is suitable to open and read it. If they do not would like to receive emails and opt out of receiving it, they can do so by a couple of clicks.

I’m leaving the link here to let you know the details of how to convert strangers into friends, and friends to customers, and know what permission marketing is is according to Seth Godin, the Marketing Guru, is the right (not an entitlement) to deliver relevant, targeted emails to those who desire to hear from you.
Email can be considered its own media.  Denmark Phone Number customers database

The digital marketing strategy can be divided into earned, paid and owned mediums. Email falls under that category, which is owned media (unless you’re talking about sponsored mail). This means that your business is in complete control of the online marketing channel.

In the end, as time passes your email database becomes your most valuable online marketing resource that is a huge list of people who would like to know more about your brand. Denmark Phone number database  

La efectividad en el e-mail marketingEntendiendo el marketing como el desarrollo de una relacion con el cliente que
eventualmente favorezca la venta del producto o servicio (Baggott, 2011), los
anunciantes evaluan cada medio de comunicacion empleado para determinar tanto su Denmark Phone Number  database providers

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efectividad en la comunicacion del mensaje deseado como en el fomento de las
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medios de comunicacion unidireccionales es habitual utilizar muestras de la poblacion
objetivo para este fin, si bien es muy dificil determinar la influencia concreta de cada
medio (Lodish et al., 1995). Los medios bidireccionales permiten determinar una serie
de objetivos intermedios directamente medibles con relativa precision, y que posibilitan
determinar la calidad de interaccion del consumidor con la comunicacion.  Denmark Phone Number customers database
En el caso del e-mail marketing, los objetivos intermedios mas estudiados han sido la
apertura del correo (p.ej. Andersson et al., 2014; Balakrishnan & Parekh, 2015; Bonfrer
& Dreze, 2009; San-Jose-Cabezudo & Camarero-Izquierdo, 2012), la utilizacion de
algun enlace del mismo para acceder a la web corporativa (p.ej. Bonfrer & Dreze, 2009;
Rettie & Chittenden, 2003; White, Zahay, Thorbjornsen, & Shavitt, 2008) y la
realizacion del objetivo final perseguido por el anunciante en la comunicacion -como
una compra online- (p.ej. Reichhart, Pescher, & Spann, 2013; Sigurdsson et al., 2013;

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Wu, Li, & Liu, 2016). Asi, la industria ha seleccionado variables clave que permiten Denmark Phone number database  
evaluarlos, como la tasa de apertura -porcentaje de correos abiertos del total de correos
enviados-, la tasa de clic o CTR -porcentaje de correos en los que el receptor ha
seguido un enlace sobre el total de correos enviados- o la tasa de conversion –
porcentaje de suscriptores que realizaron la accion perseguida tras recibir el correo. Factores de influencia en el e-mail marketing
Con el objetivo de determinar los factores que pueden tener influencia en cada una de  Denmark Phone Number business database
estas variables se han realizado investigaciones tanto a nivel academico como
corporativo. Algunas de las variables con mayor impacto, de acuerdo a los ejecutivos de
marketing, son: la linea de asunto, la frecuencia de envio, la longitud del e-mail, la
presencia de ilustraciones, el titular, el texto, la presencia del logo de la compania,
enlaces, elementos interactivos -como botones para cancelar la subscripcion-,
animaciones y elementos personalizados -por ejemplo, la inclusion del nombre del
receptor- (Ellis-Chadwick & Doherty, 2012), elementos especificos del contenido como
el tipo de incentivo ofrecido al cliente, o la segmentacion de la base de datos utilizada
para incrementar la relevancia de la comunicacion (Chittenden & Rettie, 2003). Dada la
elevada cantidad de potenciales factores de influencia, resulta necesario agruparlos en Denmark Phone number database  
categorias que permitan sistematizar su analisis.
En primer lugar, se considera el momento en el que el consumidor se enfrenta a su
bandeja de entrada de correo. En este escenario podemos encontrar algunas de las
variables mencionadas anteriormente; en concreto, los elementos directamente visibles
del correo, esto es, la informacion que en ese momento es accesible sin realizar ninguna
accion adicional. Estos elementos son relevantes puesto que son los unicos disponibles
para efectuar un primer juicio sobre la pertinencia de interactuar con el correo
(Micheaux, 2011). En la mayoria de clientes de e-mail, estos elementos se limitan al  Denmark Phone Number business database
remitente y la linea de asunto.
Una vez el consumidor ha decidido abrir el correo, se le revela el contenido del e-mail
en si; esto es, el cuerpo del correo que contiene el texto, las imagenes, los enlaces, etc.
Estos componentes no apreciables hasta que el correo ha sido abierto se consideran
elementos no directamente visibles en el contexto de esta investigacion, y han sido
tradicionalmente el conjunto mas estudiado en los analisis de efectividad (p.ej. Carmen
& Nicolae, 2010; Chang, Rizal, & Amin, 2013; Mogos & Acatrinei, 2015; San-Jose-
Cabezudo & Camarero-Izquierdo, 2012).
El momento en el que un correo ha sido enviado puede influir en su efectividad (Barnes,
2002; Ellis-Chadwick & Doherty, 2012), puesto que influye la disposicion animica o la
cantidad de tiempo disponible del usuario cuando evalua su relevancia. Asi, este puede
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tarde del fin de semana. Ademas de variables temporales basicas como el dia y la hora
de envio, el numero de e-mails enviados por el mismo remitente en los dias anteriores purchase  Denmark Phone Number  database lists
tambien pueden inclinar la actitud del usuario en una u otra direccion, y contribuir a que
este decida ignorar las comunicaciones de una determinada compania cuando considere
que son demasiado persistentes (Haq, 2009). Estos elementos compondran el conjunto
de variables temporales de esta tesis doctoral.
Finalmente, consideraciones contextuales como la personalizacion de la comunicacion o
la creacion de determinados segmentos -a los que se envian comunicaciones diferentes
adaptadas a sus caracteristicas particulares- tienden a incrementar la relevancia del
contenido y, por tanto, a aumentar las probabilidades de que el consumidor interactue
con los e-mails (Bawm & Nath, 2014). Un ejemplo de esto seria la creacion de  Denmark Phone Number business database
segmentos en la base de datos de un banco en funcion de la edad de los suscriptores: se
logra una comunicacion mas relevante si las hipotecas protagonizan las comunicaciones
para el segmento mas joven, y los productos de ahorro y planes de pensiones los envios
al segmento mas senior.
Por tanto, la presente investigacion utilizara estas cuatro categorias a la hora de
clasificar los diferentes factores de influencia en la efectividad del e-mail marketing:
elementos directamente visibles, no directamente visibles, temporales y contextuales. Denmark Phone number database  
1.2.3 Introduccion a la teoria de la jerarquia de efectos
Desde la creacion del marketing y el comienzo de la inversion en publicidad como
metodo para dar a conocer los beneficios de un determinado producto, una de las
principales prioridades de los anunciantes ha sido encontrar maneras de evaluar los
resultados de las campanas de medios. Multiples aproximaciones han tratado de dar
respuesta a este problema, si bien no existe un consenso en la comunidad cientifica
respecto a manera mas adecuada de medir la efectividad publicitaria (Moriarty, 1983).
El objetivo final de las campanas de publicidad es generar ventas para la compania
(Kotler & Keller, 2012). Las acciones de marketing no alcanzan este fin de manera
inmediata, sino que logran objetivos intermedios como incrementar la notoriedad de una

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marca entre consumidores que la desconocen, o la difusion de sus beneficios especificos
entre los que ya la conocen, objetivos que eventualmente acercan al consumidor al Denmark Phone Number  database Profile
momento de la compra y, por tanto, generan un incremento de ventas (Lavidge &
Steiner, 1961).
Utilizando como base el mismo principio, las teorias de jerarquia de efectos postulan
que las diferentes interacciones entre el consumidor y la marca hacen atravesar a este a
traves de una serie de estadios cada vez mas cercanos al objetivo final del anunciante,
generalmente la venta del producto (Rehman, Javed, Nawaz, Ahmed, & Hyder, 2014).
Es por ello que los modelos de jerarquia de efectos han sido utilizados recurrentemente
por la industria y la comunidad investigadora para abordar el analisis de la efectividad
de la publicidad (Bauman et al., 2008; Jagpal, 1981; Smith, Chen, & Yang, 2008). El modelo AIDA Denmark Phone number database  
El modelo AIDA (Atencion, Interes, Deseo, Accion), tal vez el mas popular de los
modelos que emplean la teoria de jerarquia de efectos, se remonta a finales de siglo
XIX, momento en el que Elias St. Elmo Lewis desarrolla una guia para vendedores en la
que identifica atencion, interes y deseo como las sucesivas etapas que atraviesa un
potencial comprador conforme se acerca a la adquisicion de un producto (Strong, 1925). Denmark Phone Number  database Profile
Posteriormente, el mismo Lewis anade una fase final -accion- que pretende reflejar el
momento de la compra (Strong, 1925).
A lo largo de las siguientes decadas, multiples autores anaden y eliminan etapas en un
intento de explicar de manera mas precisa el comportamiento del consumidor o
incorporar los sucesivos adelantos tecnologicos, generando variaciones como AICA,
AIDAS, AICCA o IADCA (Barry & Howard, 1990; Wijaya, 2015). Pese a su aparente
simplicidad, AIDA ha sobrevivido a las sucesivas transformaciones que los medios de
comunicacion han experimentado durante los siglos XX y XXI, y resulta una
herramienta adecuada para abordar el estudio de la efectividad en el marketing digital
(Ashcroft & Hoey, 2001). buy  Denmark Phone Number database online

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Existe un notable paralelismo entre las fases que atraviesa un consumidor en sus
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apertura del correo, utilizacion de los enlaces incluidos en el texto y realizacion de la
accion perseguida, y medibles a traves de las tasas de apertura, clic y conversion- y las
diferentes etapas del modelo AIDA. De hecho, los modelos propuestos hasta la fecha
para el estudio del e-mail marketing (Bawm & Nath, 2014; Rettie & Chittenden, 2003)

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tienen un caracter procesal similar a AIDA, debido a la naturaleza fundamentalmente
lineal inherente a las interacciones con este canal. Denmark Phone number database  
AIDA puede aplicarse al estudio del marketing digital sin modificaciones (Ashcroft &
Hoey, 2001) y de hecho grandes companias de la industria digital como Google lo
integran en la estructuracion de sus productos (Flores, 2014). As a result, the product
pertinente utilizar el modelo AIDA como un soporte sobre el que articular el estudio de
la efectividad del e-mail marketing.
1.2.4 Introduccion a las influencias culturales en el comportamiento del
La progresiva globalizacion y el crecimiento exponencial del numero de mercados a las
que las empresas pueden acceder gracias al comercio electronico han incrementado las
oportunidades de negocio, pero tambien la complejidad a la hora de comprender los
habitos y preferencias de los consumidores. Asi, la expansion geografica que la venta
online posibilita ha tenido como consecuencia un aumento de la variedad de perfiles de
comprador. Si bien medidas socioeconomicas tradicionales como el PIB y renta per Denmark Phone Number  database Profile
capita han permitido realizar segmentaciones por paises, la paulatina convergencia de la
riqueza en mercados desarrollados no permite utilizarlas a la hora de explicar Denmark Phone number database  
diferencias de comportamiento. En este punto, las diferencias culturales son la unica
variable disponible (De Mooij, 2003).
La cultura, entendida como la programacion mental que diferencia a individuos de
diferentes grupos o categorias (Hofstede, Hofstede, & Minkov, 2010), se refleja en las
comunicaciones de marketing (Baack & Singh, 2007). La integracion de las diferentes
culturas nacionales en la comunicacion promocional trasciende la mera traduccion y
adaptacion del contenido al estandar social, y puede llegar a afectar a la forma de definir
el caracter de la marca, o a la eleccion de los beneficios del producto que resulta mas
adecuado comunicar. Por ejemplo, en las culturas con un enfoque mas individualista la
comunicacion promocional va encaminada a persuadir, mientras que en las tienen una
componente mas colectivista el objetivo es crear una relacion de confianza (De Mooij &
Hofstede, 2010). Esta influencia tambien se extiende al ambito digital, en el que pese a
la globalizacion del comercio electronico, los habitos de compra y factores que
determinan el atractivo de una pagina web tambien se ven influidos por la cultura (Jin,
2010), asi como la percepcion del consumidor de los elementos visibles de la publicidad  Denmark Phone Number  database leads
online (Liu, Sinkovics, Pezderka, & Haghirian, 2012).
Si bien las grandes companias transnacionales obtienen un volumen de ventas suficiente
en cada mercado como para justificar un estudio detallado de sus consumidores, las
pequenas empresas que abastecen a multiples mercados no pueden financiar este tipo de
estudios. Asi, resulta necesario acudir a modelos simplificados que permitan integrar de
manera eficiente las complejidades culturales en el estudio del comportamiento del
consumidor. Durante el periodo 2000-2014, las teorias mas utilizadas para este
proposito por los investigadores han estado dominadas por los modelos de dimensiones
culture (Timokhina, Wagner, & Urkmez in 2015). Dimensiones culturales de Hofstede Denmark Phone number database  
De los multiples modelos de dimensiones culturales, el de Hofstede (2001) es el mas
utilizado por la comunidad cientifica a la hora de estudiar el impacto de las culturas
nacionales en el comportamiento del consumidor (Engelen & Brettel, 2011; Steenkamp,
2001; Timokhina et al., 2015; Zhang, Beatty, & Walsh, 2008) y, mas especificamente,
en la investigacion sobre comercio y negocios (Baack & Singh, 2007). Basado en
entrevistas realizadas a empleados de IBM en multiples paises en los anos sesenta y
setenta, el modelo original de Hofstede postula que las culturas de las diferentes
naciones varian a lo largo de cuatro dimensiones (Hofstede, 1980): distancia al poder,  Denmark Phone Number  database leadsindividualismo/colectivismo, masculinidad/femineidad, y aversion a la incertidumbre.
Posteriores publicaciones anaden dos nuevas dimensiones al modelo -orientacion al
largo plazo e indulgencia/restriccion (Hofstede et al., 2010).
La efectividad del modelo de Hofstede es notable, puesto que las diferentes
puntuaciones de los paises a lo largo de estas dimensiones explican la mayoria de las
variaciones de consumo y comportamiento del consumidor entre naciones (De Mooij,

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2003). Su vigencia tambien esta demostrada, pues pese al tiempo transcurrido desde el
estudio inicial, multiples reproducciones modernas demuestran que, si bien los valores
absolutos de los paises han experimentado modificaciones, sus posiciones relativas en
las escalas permanecen vigentes (De Mooij & Hofstede, 2011). buy  Denmark Phone Number database online

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El modelo de Hofstede resulta apropiado para teorizar sobre los diferentes
comportamientos entre naciones (Baack & Singh, 2007; Steenkamp, 2001) y las Denmark Phone Number quality  database lists
diferencias en la utilizacion de medios de comunicacion online (Hermeking, 2006). Por
tanto, resulta pertinente incorporarlo al estudio de la efectividad en el e-mail marketing,
puesto que posibilita el analisis de la presencia de patrones culturales en el estudio de la
importancia relativa de cada uno de los factores de influenciant Denmark Phone number database  
of variable effects that occur in the course of these doctoral dissertations.
Additionally context-related considerations like personalization of communications or
the creation of segments to which various messages are being sent  Denmark Phone Number  database leads
customized to their specific features – can increase the value of
Content and, consequently increases the chance that consumers will engage
by email (Bawm & Nath, 2014). One example is the creation of
The bank’s database contains segments is based on the ages of the subscribers:
get a more relevant message in the case that mortgages are the main focus of the communication
for the younger age group for the younger segment, as well as savings products and pension plans are shipments
to the highest-ranking to the most senior. Denmark Phone Number  database listing
Thus, this study will make use of the four categories mentioned above when
categorize the different elements that influence the effectiveness of email marketing:
Directly visible, not directly visible temporal and context-specific elements that are visible, non-directly visible, temporary and contextual.
1.2.3 An introduction to the theories of effects hierarchy
Since the invention of marketing, and the start of investing in advertising, it has been a process of
way to promote the benefits of a particular product, or one of the
the top goal for advertisers is to identify ways to measure
the results of campaigns in media. Many approaches have been attempted to present Denmark Phone number database  
There is a solution to this issue however, there is no consensus among scientists.
on the best method to assess the effectiveness of advertising (Moriarty 1983).).

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The main goal of advertisements is to generate sales for the business.
(Kotler & Keller, 2012). Marketing actions don’t reach this goal in a
They are immediate, however they accomplish interim goals, such as making an
the brand name to people who are not aware of it, or its diffusion of its particular advantages
of those who are already aware of the concept, goals that will eventually will bring consumers closer to the
the time of purchase and thus, result in an growth in sales (Lavidge and
Steiner, 1961).
Based on the same principles as a foundation theories on hierarchy of effects make the same postulate Denmark Phone Number  database listing
that the various interactions between consumers and the brand cause it to undergo
through a sequence of stages that bring the advertiser closer to his ultimate target,
generally , the selling of the product (Rehman, Javed, Nawaz, Ahmed, & Hyder in 2014).
This is why the models of effects hierarchy are frequently used.
from the research community to tackle the issue of analyzing the efficiency
of advertisement (Bauman and al. in 2008; Jagpal, 1981; Smith, Chen, & Yang in of advertising (Bauman et al., 2008; Smith, Chen,). AIDA model AIDA model
The AIDA (Attention to, Interest, Desire and Action) model is perhaps the most well-known of all
models that employ the theory of hierarchy of effects is from the latter part of the century.
XIX at which point Elias St. Elmo Lewis provides a sales guide throughout the Denmark Phone number database  
It identifies interest, focus and desire are the various phases that people go through.
prospective buyer in the process of the purchase of a potential buyer as he approaches the purchase of a (Strong potential buyer as he approaches the purchase of a product (Strong, 1925).). buy  Denmark Phone Number database online

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Then, Lewis himself adds a final section – action which is designed to reflect the
date of purchase (Strong time of purchase (Strong).
In the years that followed many authors added and eliminated stages within the following decades.
try to explain more clearly consumer behavior , or Denmark Phone Number quality  database lists
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AIDAS, AICCA or IADCA (Barry & Howard, 1990; Wijaya, 2015). However, despite his apparent
simple, AIDA has survived the numerous changes in media
communications have been experienced in both the 20th as well as 21st centuries. It is now a
an appropriate tool to tackle the research of effectiveness in the field of digital marketing
(Ashcroft & Hoey, 2001). AIDA in email marketing
There is an amazing parallel between the phases that a buyer experiences during their
interactions with marketing via e-mail – identified by the actions of
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different phases of different stages of AIDA different stages of the AIDA model. Actually models that are proposed up to now
to study the effects of e-mail marketing (Bawm and Nath 2014; Rettie & Chittenden 2003)
are characterized by a procedural aspect similar to AIDA due to the nature of it being fundamentally
linearity inherent to interactions with the channel.
AIDA is a tool that can be applied in the field of study on digital marketing with no modifications (Ashcroft and
Hoey 2001) and, in actuality, large companies operating in the digital sector like Google
Integrated into the design of their product (Flores included in the structuring of their products (Flores, 2014). Thus, it is apparent
It is important to utilize it is important to use the AIDA modeling as an basis for the research of
the effectiveness of the effectiveness of marketing via email.
1.2.4 Introduction to the influence of culture on behavior
Globalization is progressing and the exponential growth in the market to which
the companies have access to thanks to electronic commerce have boosted the number of companies that can access electronic commerce.
business opportunities however, there is also a lot of complex process of comprehending the Denmark Phone Number  database database
consumer preferences and habits. This is why the geographical expansion of the sale
The online platform has led to an increased number of profiles
buyer. However, traditional measures of socioeconomic status like GDP and income per
Capacity has enabled it to divide the world by country as well as it is a gradual process of convergence
Wealth in developed markets does not permit these markets to be used in explaining
behavioral differences. At the moment cultural differences are the only thing that can be said to exist.
available variable (De Mooij, 2003). Denmark Phone number database  
Cultural, as defined by mind-set that separates people from
various categories or groups (Hofstede, Hofstede, & Minkov in 2010) which are reflected in the
marketing communications (Baack and Singh 2007). The integration of various
Promoting communication based on national cultures is more than just translation
adapting the content to meet the social norm is a possibility, as it can alter the manner of the definition of
the personality of the brand or the decision to select benefits of the product that are the most important.
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Promotional communications are geared towards convincing, and in these they also have a
Collectivist component, the aim is to build a bond with faith (De Mooij &
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The attractiveness of a website are also influenced by the culture (Jin, Denmark Phone Number  database database
2010) Also, the perception of consumers about the advertising’s visible elements
online (Liu, Sinkovics, Pezderka, & Haghirian, 2012).
Even though the largest transnational corporations are able to make a substantial amount of sales
in every market to justify an in-depth investigation of its customers, in each market to justify a detailed study of its customers,
small businesses with multiple markets can’t be able to finance this type of
studies. This is why it is important to use simplified models that facilitate the integration of
effectively, the cultural complexities of studying the behaviour of the
consumer. Between 2000 and 2014 the most widely used theories on this Denmark Phone number database  
The research goals of researchers have been driven by high-dimensional models
cultural (Timokhina, Wagner, & Urkmez, 2015). Hofstede’s cultural aspects
Of the many models for cultural dimensions Hofstede’s (2001) is the one that stands out.
utilized by scientists in studying the impact of different cultures Denmark Phone Number  database database
on consumer behavior (Engelen & Brettel, 2011; Steenkamp,
2001 Timokhina and. (2015); Zhang, Beatty, and Walsh 2008) and specifically,
In research on business and trade (Baack & Singh, 2007). Based on
interviews with IBM employees from various countries during the 1960s as well as
Seventies, Hofstede’s first model posits that the different diverse cultures of the seventies
Nations differ across four dimensions (Hofstede 1980) Power distance,
individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, and uncertainty avoidance.
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leniency/restriction (Hofstede et al., 2010).
Hofstede’s model’s effectiveness is noteworthy, as the two models are different.
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the differences in consumption patterns and behaviour between countries (De Mooij,
2003). The validity of the study is also confirmed by the fact that despite the amount of years that have passed since
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Absolute values of nations have been modified as have their relative positions Denmark Phone Number  database
the scales still hold (De Hofstede and Mooij, 2011,).
Hofstede’s model is suitable to theorize about the many
interactions between countries (Baack and Singh 2007, Steenkamp 2001) and
variations in the use of the internet media (Hermeking 2006). By
Therefore, it is important to include it in the research on the effectiveness of email marketing,
as it permits the investigation of the existence of cultural patterns when studying
relative importance of each one of the influencing factors
1.3.1 Definition of research issue
The proper plan and execution of email marketing campaigns is essential.
crucial to get the best outcomes. businesses invest
significant resources to measure and analyzing the outcomes of its efforts, and trying to
identify patterns that allow them to find elements to enhance the effectiveness of
opening or opening or. In this regard marketing departments also carry out Denmark Phone number database  
Experiments, like A/B/n test, where before sending the targeted E-mail, the subject is tested
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users (Bonfrer & Dreze, 2009).
Thus, there is an interest that is significant in the field of business in the accumulation of information.
with respect to the efficacy of marketing through e-mails. The academic literature is not so sure. Denmark Phone Number quality  database lists
The current e-mail marketing options are limited and has focused on two distinct lines of
A fundamental study: The first studies the phenomena of spam known as email
email sent without prior consent from the person who received it (Cranor and
LaMacchia 1998) LaMacchia, 1998), and the second examines the factors that affect
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agreed to receive emails the information from a particular addressee (Tezinde, Smith, & Murphy 2002). The
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Its scope study concentrates on this second group. This way it is not only about that.
of spam, the messages of spam that are not Denmark Phone Number  database
are promotional in spite of being a consented activity, for example emails
transactions (such as confirming the purchase ) or sending the details of
shipping of product) or e-mails that are related with customer support (management of
complaints, service cancellation, surveys, etc. ).
The majority of current studies examine for the largest part the relationship between
independent and dependent variables , without having a specific theoretical basis,
While others utilize models that only connect only a few
factors (Bawm & Nath, 2014; Rettie & Chittenden, 2003). This is why it is valued
lack of a coherent theory of the elements that influence email.
marketing, due to the absence of an analysis that has the basis of a solid theoretical framework (Sigurdsson and co. 2013,).
Alongside these limitations, the vast majority of research conducted in the field
Effectiveness of e-mail marketing A study with a geographical element
Very localized which makes it difficult to translate the results (Table 1.). For instance, Denmark Phone Number  database
A context that allows electronic transactions between businesses and end-users (Business-
to-consumer (also known as B2C) The capacity to inform and entertain is recognized as a key element
significant in the attitudes towards marketing via e-mail in countries such as India (Haq 2009) or
Iran (Jamalzadeh, Behravan, & Masoudi, 2012). These studies are supplemented by Denmark Phone number database  
The results are similar to those are similar to those in Romania the results in Romania, where only informational elements are discovered
such as the ones preferred by users when they read the contents of the emails which are sent out by the
companies (Carmen & Nicolae, 2010). In business, however, they are not as relevant.
electronic communication between companies (Business-to-business, or B2B), in countries like Sweden
research shows that attitudes towards marketing by e-mails are not positive (Andersson,
Fredriksson, & Berndt, 2014). The study pattern is based on elements that are isolated and

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More or less homogeneous, geographically concentrated samples can also be Denmark Phone Number  lists
Replicated in pure quantitative methods for example, like the one in the case of Balakrishnan or Parekh,
(2015) The researchers have created an algorithm for predicting open rate (OR) that is based on
the historical data for this variable are based on different variables of the line
subject, by using a sample of users of North America to verify it.
Out of all research conducted to study the efficacy of email marketing, Denmark Phone number database  
Only four of them can be used in a study with different geographical settings, which allows
The conclusions can be generalized take the conclusions in a general way, as is evident in table 1. But, the nature of
These are restricted to studies of the effect of color e-mail marketing on marketing using color in e-mails.
The background for Newsletters’ background (Zviran, Te’eni & Gross 2006) The position of hyperlinks
(Kumar and Salo, 2018) and also the mention of the subscriber’s name within the subject line
(Sahni and Wheeler, (Sahni and Wheeler,) (Sahni and Wheeler, 2016) the research on the effectiveness of email marketing within geographical. This issue is common to many theories of marketing, all of which are based on  Denmark Phone Number  database id list

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has been developed and validated have been tested and validated only in Western markets, and hence require
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generalization (Steenkamp 2001).).
1.3.2 Expected contributions
With regard to all of the above, this research is a contribution from a point of the point of
theory, and the development of a conceptual framework capable connecting the different elements
of influence in marketing via e-mail of influence in e-mail marketing is based on theoretical bases of influence in e-mail marketing, and specifically of influence in e-mail marketing based on theoretical foundations, specifically
Advertising effectiveness analysis is a method of analyzing the effectiveness of advertising in various channels as well as an
Evaluation model for the differentiators in behavior of consumers Denmark Phone Number  lists
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However, research-based evidence confirms the validity of this model.
idea with a heterogeneous global sample will permit contrasting and broadening the
conclusions made, and being capable of adding additional factors of influence to are beneficial to
to provide a foundation to further research in other areas. Denmark Phone number database  
It should also be mentioned that there are some studies that examine the effect of moderating
Demographic factors like gender, age or buying power, can impact the effectiveness of the program.
Marketing via e-mail, however There isn’t any research which evaluates the relative significance of
Cultural aspects of various geographic regions. In light of the increasing
The trend of the digital age toward personalization, this study is relevant
from a practical perspective standpoint, as it would from a practical point of view, since it would
With global email marketing tools, you can allow for more efficient personalization of Denmark Phone Number  lists
by improving the most important factors through the enhancement of the most relevant aspects.
The simultaneous evaluation of several variables can allow to establish the
the relative importance of each one relative importance of each. The contribution can also be significant
from a practical point viewpoint, it can improve the performance from a practical point of view, since it will improve the results
companies with limited resources the implementation of e-mail marketing campaigns
This will enable prioritizing the optimalization of influencing variables in accordance with their
Potentially, this could contribute to the overall efficiency. Denmark Phone number database  
1.3.3 Research goals
The principal goal of this study is to determine the causes that impact the
Effectiveness of email marketing Verify the results obtained from studies
With a larger and more varied sample, determine the most pertinent factors
Not included in previous studies in this area in order to examine the effect on
These are the factors that affect the effectiveness of the channel. In the end, the importance of
all of these elements are influenced by the cultural background of the consumer.

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In order to achieve this goal to achieve this goal, the following goals are suggested: Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature regarding the efficacy of  Denmark Phone Number  database id list

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Marketing campaigns via e-mail and the influencers and other factors is related to
Consumer behavior in the online advertising market.
Create an approach that incorporates all the elements that affect the  Denmark Phone Number mailing lists
the behavior of consumers online and also those that impact
Effectiveness of emails as a marketing tool, clearly articulating its
using the various variables that are in order to determine the effectiveness.
* Design a measurement instrument and decide on an appropriate research methodological approach
that allow empirical validation of that permits empirical validation of the theory.
* Conduct data collection using a measuring instrument
The method was developed using a global sample. Denmark Phone number database  
* Compare the conclusions drawn against those drawn by research  Denmark Phone Number mailing lists
* Identify and explain the distinctions from a geographical viewpoint and
Cultural, which means that one can establish the segmentation of
customers based on the region they live in.
1.3.4 General thesis
One of the major goals of this study is to build an theoretical model
which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of email to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing. To do this, it is designed to be used
Based upon AIDA model. AIDA model, which identifies partial effectiveness and its relationship to
every stage of the model at each stage. Also, the variables that make up are used in each of the stages of the model.
the literature on the subject has been been identified as influential, as well as the basis of
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National cultures. Denmark Phone number database  
The most effective method to verify this model is using the results of a campaign
Marketing via email is a way of to test the various theories. One of the
The biggest challenge facing scientists is the problem of
gather data that will allow us to study this area in sufficient depth, so that we can
as detailed above. This is why the majority of studies are conducted in the same way as described above.
So far, we have used only a few samples from a geographic perspective or
demographic. This research is aimed at over come this obstacle the research will have to face
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diverse nations. This is because of the fact that different countries it is possible that it is essential
Utilize different methods of data collection to verify the model in the whole. buy  Denmark Phone Number  database database

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